They'd never get away with calling him the "soup nazi" today. Too many real nazis would get offended

they'd never get away with calling him the "soup nazi" today. Too many real nazis would get offended.

Attached: 104531669-soupnazi-1.530x298.jpg (530x298, 22K)

He did nothing wrong.

if you think I'm joking, just look at the hissy fit they threw over wolfenstein

it was jews who originally got offended because it trivializes the holocaust


Think again, dubs nazi


Video games don’t make people violent!!!

Except for Wolfenstein, which makes people violent against those poor oppressed marginalized neo-Nazis!!!

People crying over Far Cry 5 is also pretty laughable

>comedy show about Jews in NYC made by Jews in NYC create character to be laughed at called a Nazi

Holy shit can you imagine the Sup Forums meltdown?

way to completely miss the point

As always, Sup Forums gives me great ideas on what to have for my next meal.

>ywn have amazing soup from that place

Who are “they”?

imaginary people he sees in his hallucinations

Sup Forums crying over Wolfenstein

To be fair it was all filmed in a studio in LA

>people commenting on how fucking stupid its advertising was means they're all Sup Forums

jews actually got mad the first time

>Too many real nazis would get offended.
and, unironically, that's a good thing

Attached: and thats a good thing.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

They could call him soup Jew, but nah. That would cause too many tears from the Saltflakes

Yeah, I'm sure jews would get real offended by a jew joke in a show made by two jews.

Sup Forums detected

The joke doesn't even work like that

Attached: image.jpg (1186x1186, 1.17M)

not that user but i'm curious about the advertising thing. what about it did people comment was stupid?

That's you think but check these mulagadubsys

>what about it did people comment was stupid?
The phrase "Make America Nazi Free Again"

Well the Jews sure did get offended when one of the Seinfeld Jews was on stage calling a nigger a nigger. They kvetched worse than when Klinghoffer took a flying wheelchair ride into shark’s mouth.

Not him, but their social media PR was using hashtags like #MakeAmericaNaziFreeAgain (a play-on of the American President's slogan), and generally playing off of the current, absolutely ridiculous political climate.

Kramer isn't jewish, you retard. Also, Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David came to his defence throughout the whole ordeal.

Jokes that went over my head as a kid;

>The soup nazi is from Argentina

that's a good one

it's almost like they were trying to trigger trumpies

It worked, I hadn't seen so much ass hurt since the Castlevania netflix series

It was a joke about his strictness.

go back to Sup Forumseddit

I'm sure, but the point is, it made people mad, and I'd argue they had a right to be mad. Both sides are in a ridiculous pissing contest where a single thought is enough to warrant branding you either a communist or a nazi.

Its made worse in the case of the game, considering they made it very obvious in their marketing that diversity was a big player this time around, and yet in the game itself, these diverse characters were actually horribly obnoxious, racist stereotypes of 60's and 70's blaxploitation.
TNO was really good for the record. TNC is not, especially in story telling.

Well that backfired considering what a flop the game is