Step aside Phantom and Sith fags, best prequel coming through

>Vader as a Jedi
>Adventures of Anakin and Obi-Wan
>Christopher Lee
>Hero doesn't win
>Kino visuals
>Kino score
>Based dialogue reminiscent of simpler times
>Most like Empire out of all star wars movies

Prove me wrong

Attached: Attack-of-the-Clones.png (683x1024, 276K)

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Would've been pretty good if they cut out most of the melodrama romance and c-span politics

Unironically this

I agree with OP, Sith is as garbage as TPM.

Dooku effortlessly kicking the shit out of everyone but Yoda was great. Shame they had him die like a bitch in III.

one day it's going to be remastered to a really nice extent and not look like babbys first green screen mobie and look good

I mean, I can d-dream

>Most like Empire out of all star wars movies
But, Empire is more like Empire....

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It would have been faaaar better if they actually had Anakin and Obi-Wan together. They were supposed to be "Good friends"
But the movie starts with them hating each other, then they split, then it ends with a braindead fight.

Change the plot so Anakin, Obi Wan, and Padme are all together the entire time.
You can also add a scene where Obi Wan sees Padme and Anakin falling in love but lets it happen, making him more complicit in Anakin's fall

Dooku was a shit character in execution and good one on paper.
What did he want?
What was his motivation?
Why did he leave the Jedi?

Fucked if we knew. He was just supposed to be the bad guy and we were supposed to just accept it as that.
He never really did anything bad

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>>Kino visuals
LITERALLY playstation tier. Seriously, go back and look at e.g. the scenes with Watto. The're distractingly bad.

George needed someone to bounce ideas off of, not shitty yes men. George is a genius, but even then, a genius can make mistakes

Instead of devoting so much time to the old republic George should've just made the prequels like one long Godfather II flashback with Jedis and Siths

Snoke must've been an home age to Dooku

>shitty name
>unknown motivation
>killed like a bitch before he did anything interesting

Lee pretty much made the character. His backstory is basically glossed over entirely, and his goals are extremely unclear. But the performance is so good I don't even give a shit, dude rocks the cape and curved lightsaber.

Genius is a strong word.
I think he's a creative man but is ultimately lazy, like all "idea men" are.
He was full of ideas and "What if X" but never really had the guts and wherewithal to delve deep and develop it.

The OT worked because it was a gangbang of various creative influences.
Look at how many fucking rewrites ESB went through.
We still don't have a clear idea about who wrote what for that movie.

The PT was all George all the time. And he wrote all three movies in three weekends.
And let things like typos dictate what happened.

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Another quality thread brought to you by the Walt Disney Corporation (tm)
The Mouse is in the House!! (c)

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I think he's a genius when it comes to world building and general story outline. I agree that he does need other creatives in with him, or did, to fully realize his vision. Shame we can't get it now that kikemouse owns Star Wars

Would've been even better if they cut out most of the PlayStation 2 quality cgi and the entire Droid factory scene

>Terrible opening
>Horrible dialogue w/ Padme and Anakin
> Horrible banter
> Dull Plot w/ Obiwan and Jango Fett
>Yoda carrying a cane and then suddenly flying around
> Political jargon read by Jar Jar Binks
>CGI computer game for final battle in Geonosis

What made Empire and a New Hope so good was they didn't spend so much time focusing on the Empire's polotics, they were an evil dictatorship and the rebels wanted to restore denocracy, that was about it. Han and Leias romance wasn't forced and actually developed with the main plot, it wasn't focused on nearly as much as Anakin and Padme, and to be honest George Lucas doesn't look like someone who has any idea how to do a decent romance story and shouldn't have written so much about one as he did in the prequels.

But he's right. Having a live-action guy fight a CGI character would be a nightmare. You'd have to shoot the guy reacting to a thing that doesn't exist, which is hard to do convincingly, and then if he's doing any interesting stunts there has to be a stunt guy that you have to shoot with the associated wire getups. And then you have to cut the live-action together so the stunt guy isn't obvious, cut it so it flows properly and isn't all jerky whenever there's a cut, and finally send it to VFX to edit out the wire rigs and stuff and then choreograph and insert a CGI character to make it all look believable, like it's actually interacting with the live-action and getting hit and stuff.

Way way way easier and faster to just animate two CGI characters and maybe do some close-up cuts for emotional reactions.

That said, the technology wasn't there in 2002.

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>I think he's a genius when it comes to world building and general story outline
I can not agree with either.
World building is about implying there is such a bigger more complex world than what we see directly.
Can you name a single reference in the PT to any thing that doesn't show up directly in the films?
And story outline, Jesus Christ, all three films are total messes when it comes to plot.
Like in AotC, why are all three protags together at the end? Random chance that Tatooine and Geonosis are close

The political dynamics was pretty barebones in the first trilogy, but it made sense. The Empire was the dominant force and it was the mainstream in the culture. Luke wanted to be a pilot for the rebels. In TFA and TLJ, it makes no sense how they got into power and how the outer ring took control.

When are faggots like you just going to accept SW died in 1983? Fucking basement dwellers....

I think that in the Sequel movies, they want us to think that this is a fringe war. Like, the First Order are relative outsiders and that there is a core of regular Republic worlds.
TLJ kept going on about how their allies will come and BTFO the First Order.
But the fact that after two movies we haven't seen a single shred of evidence that there is actually a "New Republic" out there, it's all just shit.

Once again, for all the legitimate reasons we can shit on TFA, TLJ doubles down on them

>Once again, for all the legitimate reasons we can shit on TFA, TLJ doubles down on them

This amazed me and you are so right. TLJ doubles and triples down on every single thing that was bad about TFA, while then separately and deliberately shitting all over anything that was possibly intriguing about TFA. With a healthy load of piss saved to go all over the OT.

OP here, I forgot to include this to my argument: I was 12 when it came out and I could have filled gallons of cum with the amount of times I jerked my willy to Natalie Portman

it's unironically my favorite

>coruscant chase
>jango fett
>conspiracy and political confusion
>tatooine scenes

>Han and Leias romance wasn't forced and actually developed with the main plot

Those are all shit tho

They aren't tho


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One of the few movies where "looks like a video game" is literally true

>And let things like typos dictate what happened.

The fact that Sifo-Dias = Sid dias will never not piss me off. like wtf

What are you talking about? They relationship was super developed!!! Believe it!!

dexter jettster was stupid but the plotline of obi wan tracking a bounty hunter down through the galaxy is cool as fuck

The Coruscant chase was a shittier remake of Blade Runner
Jango Fett was sad pathetic fan wankery (MEMBER BOBA???)
The conspiracy and political side made no fucking sense. Who the fuck was Sifo Dyas? Why do we care? Why did the Republic hate ANY sort of military?
You can just can see George rubbing his beard
>Hmmm.. I have to make them take the evil clones
>I know! I'll make them never have any military ever
Tatooine was utter shit because right then and there Padme should have gone running off to any sort of authority and reported Anakin as a fucking maniac.
Who kills children?

The reason he has no real character is that Jar Jar was supposed to be a sith.

It was cool, but Anakin and Padme should have been there.
Like Anakin is still a Padwan, right?
And Padme is a ballbuster so she's like "If you're going to assign a Jedi escort give me... The Jedi investigating my assassination". Because she wants to be in the action too.

So all three are going around together. We get to see Anakin and Obi Wan as "Good friends". And Padme and Anakin can fall in love.

Splitting up Anakin and Obi Wan in all the fucking PT movies was such a stupid decision

Which authority you dumbass. Who the heck care about what happened in Tatooine?

And I'm not going to bother with the rest because it's pretty "muh".

>Hello Jedi Council? It's me, the Senator from Naboo, yes, one of your bosses. Your Padawan just came to me with his lightsaber covered with so much blood. He just killed so many people. Women and children too. In anger. I think that's like "Black zone" or whatever you call it. I think I mollified him, but I don't feel safe. Please come help me.

I dunno I think part of what makes it cool is that Obi-wan was doing it solo, though it still would have been cool if they did it together. Ideally the other movies would have had ample time for Obi Wan + Anakin shenanigans where they actually felt like good friends without giving that plotline to all both of them. If the order of events was different it could have made for a cool movie if Obi-Wan had to make a call to go chase after Jango (probably easy to write an excuse for this) while Anakin stays and starts to get corrupted by Sheev with the movie focusing more on those two things

The PT was really hampered by TPM being useless.
If TPM started out with AotC and then had a midwar movie, and then had an end war movie, it'd have given more room to grow.

Yeah, but I think the trilogy could have still started with Anakin as a complete newcomer although he shouldn't have been as young as he was. I guess it would be kind of like ripping off ANH to have Anakin in the same situation that Luke was at first but it would have felt more fitting if he was introduced in that way. I don't really like the angle they went at it with Anakin as an annoying kid with muh tragic childhood and scummy jew slave owner but I also don't know if the trilogy would feel right if it just started off with Anakin already as a pretty "badass" and "confident" Jedi

AOTC had the very best stuff out of all the non-OT movies

It also had some of the worst stuff

Regardless, leagues above JJ/Rian jew wars

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>AOTC had the very best stuff out of all the non-OT movies
Kamino was pretty good but I can't think of anything else redeemable

Yeah, like the Jedi are going to do something with the war breaking out.

Besides, the jedi have no authority over Tatooine.

Good parts of AotC:
>Detective Obi as a concept
>Obi-Wan vs Jango landing pad fight (literally the best fight in the entire prequels since it's the only one that actually feels like a real fight)
>Hershlag bondage corset
Bad things:
>Everything else

>Besides, the jedi have no authority over Tatooine.
They have total authority over their own members.
And they don't even know is breaking out.

Detective Obi Wan would have been great if they stole the sets from Blade Runner and did something like that.
Obi Wan going to a fucking Nickels ruined it

It break out at the same day Anakin killed the tuskens.

Also, Yoda already felt that something happened with Anakin in Tatooine and done nothing about it.

What's with "looks like a video game" thing? I mean, sure you could say things like Two Towers was pretty good. For 2002, I thought it was pretty decent. Are you guys just really young when you say this?

I have a soft spot for Dex just because despite not even physically existing in the same space, he and Obi-Wan have better chemistry and more believable friendship in that one scene than Obi-Wan and Anakin have across 3 films.

>he and Obi-Wan have better chemistry and more believable friendship in that one scene than Obi-Wan and Anakin have across 3 films
Not sure if trolling or serious

I've said things similar to "I hate sand" to girls before. Anakin is just as autistic as I am so it really stirred my noggin.

Anakin's sand rant is even worse in context
Padme was talking about other lovers
Then he starts talkin about sand

He's worse than autistic

If you can't understand the politics, you are a brainlet.

They were talking about their pasts and the scene was about how different their upbringing is.

What democracy?

Leia was a princess and a senator. There were some governors, but that was it.

No evidence of Leia actually being elected to be a senator.

The senate could have just been a bunch of royals not subject to any vote by commoners.

Yeah, I get it. Everyone did
You aren't changing how awkward and shitty it was.

It was like this
Except Padme actually fell in love with him

If you get it, then what the purpose of this post ?

It wasn't like this and why wouldn't Padme fell in love with someone as handsome as him who devetoted himself to her?

without the politics (showing the shift from republic to empire) you autists would have been screeching about how they never showed any of palpatine's rise to power

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The ending shots were pretty /kino/

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How'd I do

A *very* close second to III.
II and III are the only 10/10's in the saga.

III>II>IV>V>I>VI>power gap>VII>RO>power gap>dogshit>VIII

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You forgot II and RO

Clones is between JEDI and HOPE. And Rogue 1 is between EMPIRE and JEDI btw

>You've seen through my ruse...

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