Aliens are allergic to water

>aliens are allergic to water
Lmao why do you faggots like this Shyamalan tier trash?

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You meant fire?

No, Kane drinks water and almost explodes.

The acting and script were awful.

That wasn't why Kane was dying, moron. He was having organ failure because his body was still mutating as if it were in the Shimmer.

Commit suicide.

Can someone explain the tattoo

>He was having organ failure because his body was still mutating as if it were in the Shimmer.
The brainlet interpretation

I hate this film. It' 1/10 for me.

Was it phosphoric grenade?



Hipster markings.


>dude lets stand watch in the guard post instead of the watch tower lmao

all the interracial sex scenes were pretty kino

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Every living thing was mutating and mixing with other living things.
Portman mixed with the other girl who was initially having that tattoo.
That’s why at the end Oscar asks if she’s really her. They both have mutated so they’re not completely what they used to be.
In Oscars case, he might even be completely new.

So what was your interpretation and why?

t. negro

Why would the military give them rifles with no optics or no nvg mounted helmets?

with out the interracial propaganda and that fat woman who got killed by the bear it would have actually been a pretty good movie.

It burned like thermite but I think it was a phosphorus grenade.
Some people have said that it burned like that because the alien "refracted" the flames into itself, which makes no sense because they were only refracting dna.

Was the tattoo on her first or pool guy

I think he was dying from being outside of the Shimmer. He wasn't mutating because he was an alien construct of Kane, not the original.

it wasn't allergic to the fire, it was mimicking it.

I think that makes a fair bit of sense, but when was it explained or implied?


Then why did he stop dying after?
I think he was dying because he was mutating outside the shimmer. But after the alien died, he stopped mutating.

>explained or implied
Well, that's not that kind of movie, where we get consistent internal logic.

It's reddit shilling their garbage everywhere.

Was it the other girl who had the tattoo first or the body and THEN they all started getting the tattoo?

I didn’t notice that the body had the tattoo as well. But really why does it matter?
People were just mixing dna. And the tattoo was only there to show that without actually applying heavy modifications on the actresses.

...So why are you asserting it to be true, retard?

Why was the dumb as fuck bulldyke paramedic there? She was practically retarded. And why was some piece of shit psychologist in charge of humanity's last hope?

>they were only refracting dna.
t. brainlet
The shimmer refracts everything, they even say it in the movie. Crystal trees wouldn't be able to form if it was only refracting DNA.

Are you clinically retarded to the point where you don't know what "I think" means?

Then why didn't it refract her clothing into it's biological build? It's shit and you know it.

Sand is partially made up of organic matter, some of which might be crystalline microorganisms. If we accept plantimal hybrids, we should be okay with trees that are organic and crystalline

>It's shit and you know it.
Then why are you in every thread? You love this movie too much.

Just because there are bad things in the movie doesn't mean I can't enjoy the good things.
The world isn't black and white, I'm extremely active and I'm on every thread of all kinds of movies.

>natalie portman getting humped by the vagina outline alien while her dead husband watches
>This is after several awkward flashbacks of the black science man fucking her
Should have been called Cuckhilation.

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Yeah she really stuck out like a sore thumb, considering no one had come back alive except Oscar Isaac no one on the team should be surprised at it being a near suicide mission. Just seemed like one of those shitty belligerent characters inserted solely to move the story along

>We want the 'Arrival' crowd
Ah yes, another 'deep' movie about a retarded soft scifi scenario.


It's not mean't to be taken as a literal alien, it's a reflection of Portman's character. I'm not going to pretend like the metaphors are done well, but it doesn't take a genius to realize the entire movie is about her character and inner conflict.

Imagine a movie about the aliens' home planet. Would be truly lovecraftian

its a movie for patrician intellectuals, not plebeian brainlets

Arrival was much better than this