Is this the most uneven film ever made?

Is this the most uneven film ever made?
There are moments (mostly sublime bits of editing or aspects of environments) that are 10/10 alongside moments of amateur filmschool shit (the lighting of Palpatine in his office below the Senate when he's bantering with Yoda, or some of the bad dialogue in general, for example).

I've never seen a movie that's a bigger rollercoaster of quality, it's truly strange.

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And yet people still say this one is a perfectly rewatchable movie.

I'm with you; the good sections of the movie are pretty good, but then it suddenly shoots down to crappy before you know it. The weird pacing of the movie really makes this stand out.

7/10 dialogue
7/10 writing
7/10 performances
8/10 costume/set design
8/10 action
8/10 heroes journey

idk seems pretty consistent to me user, one of the more consistent SW movies imho

shitting on the creator won't make your nuwars sjw pile of garbage look any better, disney damage control shills

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No, it's actually the best out of all dtar wars movies.

Yeah, it's good parts make it worse than the OT but miles ahead of the other prequels and sequels. The problem is that George did absolutely jack shit in the previous prequels so the Clone War, the birth of the twins, Anakin's fall all had to be in one movie.
Disney would be promoting the prequels because they don't want their hot new brand to look tainted. Remember, they make bank off DVD sales.

>7/10 dialogue
>7/10 writing

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>it's good parts make it worse than the OT
What a joke. The opening scene alone is better than most scenes in OT.

dialogue is kino you shill cuckfuck

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The general plot is interesting, and for every from my point of view there's a plagueis.

>the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some may deem to be... unnatural.
>>you were my brother anakin, you were supposed to bring balance to the force not leave it in darkness
> I am the senate
>so this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause

better dialogue than most quip shit and half the other star wars movies really

Till this day, I can't understand what people problem with this.

>I'm disabled

>Till this day, I can't understand what people problem with this.

Underrated post.

>till this day
i can understand why you can't.

>they make bank

>set design.
yeah all two of them were definitely a 7.

Do you mean space scenes, or all scenes? Because if you mean all scenes you're delusional. The opening scene is good because of the music and tension, but that goes after like one minute to bring us slapstick antics.
With modern effects and less slapstick I'd say yeah, it's better than the OT space scenes.

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Better than RO, TFA, and TLJ combined.

Wait, what?

What about that statement is false? Star Wars makes money, and disney owns Star Wars. Why would they want people to dislike their property?
Oh I see, you're a nigger.

you know cgi still needs to be designed user

>Oh you think PT is better? You must suffer from problem!!
This is why you deserved ST which shat all over muh OT.

yeah i know.
>hi ewan, would you prefer the set blue or green, whichever can help immerse you into the role better.
Lucas is the reason filmmaking is shallow as fuck now.

at least you can shit on the ot, st can't shit on the pt more than the pt has already shit on itself.

>weeeeeeeeeee we killed off another fucking white male icon weeeeeeeeeee

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plebbit was a mistake

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im a fan of uneven films i guess, tlj and rots are shit but they are still my favorite sw films.

Return of the Sith is unironically the best film of the series. I can see why people get nostalgic and say the OT is better, but objectively speaking EIII is the best.

We're all thinking it, I'm just sayin it.

Oh look nobody said anything about nu-wars and he's already getting defensive. TPM and AOTC were shit, get over it.

>that webm

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This but le unironically

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It seems like you don’t have a firm grasp on the English language so I’m not surprised it works for you

Anything with Palpatine in the forefront is good user.

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>TPM and AOTC were shit
Do redditards really think this?

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Sums it up well, it's a pretty obvious 7 or 7.5/10 movie. Entertaining but has its flaws.

A few parts were ghost directed by Spielberg fyi.

>Do redditards really think this?
yes, RLM told them so

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Also, they're fucking terrible movies, so anybody aping RLM is correct.

>so beautiful
>so in love
>so in love
>so love

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It’s pretty garbage throughout most of the movie. The final moments between anakin and obi wan are good and that’s pretty much just because of Ewan’s performance. The rest is just cgi filled nonsense like all of the prequels


I feel like this one is pretty fine. People overreact to Jar-jar or the politics aspect.


Worse then TPM but moments like the arena sequence are pretty damn fun and feel like Star Wars should.

id' say over all its good, it's last jedi that is the most uneven divisive film.

No wonder she lost the will to live


Truest ranking (search your feelings you know it to be true):

ESB = ANH >> ROTJ > TFA >>>> TPM > ROTS >>>AOTC >>>>>>>>>>>> TLJ

TLJ is the most even of the series, it is consistently bad with characters making you dislike them and doing stupid shit that makes no logical sense throughout.

TPM felt the most "SW" to me imo. It's also the only prequel movie filmed on 35mm.... it would be nice to get a 4k scan without the weird grain reduction technique applied to it.

Personally I think all 3 movies were crap overall. TPM had a flicker of the old magic found in the OT. AotC & RotS are too droll and cheap looking.

>tlj worse film.
>tfa better than rots
>tpm better than rots...the fuck?
this meme needs euthanize itself along with its's practitioners.

Only women hating nazis dislike the sequels.

Don't be a nazi.

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This is why I think TPM is the best prequel, also because it's the least attached to the OT story so I can just pretend like it's an unrelated SW story, whereas AOTC and ROTS drag Vader through the mud.

Couples, especially ones that haven’t seen each other in a while, definitely say cringey shit like that.

>tpm doesn't drag vader through the mud.

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The actors couldn't act because there were barely any sets or even real actors.

Hard to act when your sets are green screens and a bunch of the charecters are CGI.


ST can't do it because the PT characters are dead and their stories are finished.

Enjoy your "muh childhood is ruined!!". It's what you manchildren deserves.

You think ROTS and TLJ are good movies? You're bonkers. This retardation needs to be euthanized from our society.

He's a child doing fuck all that matters, I can at least pretend he's ANOTHER child named Ani.

I think TFA is a better made movie than ROTS but I'd rather rewatch ROTS 100 times before i rewatched TFA. It's just more interesting...its flaws almost give it a level of charm.

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tlj didn't ruin my childhood at all though.

They built more miniatures for ROTS than all other Star Wars movies combined at that point.

They're both bad movies, but this for sure. RotS has so much more interesting or downright goofy things going on. It's like an entertaining B movie scaled up a hundred times with a huge budget.

TFA is competent film making from a technical perspective hampered by awful bland characters and a BORING story.

That's a perfectly reasonable opinion. It's fine enjoying shitty movies--I love tons of really, really bad horror movies...but pretending that ROTS doesn't put the pennies on the Darth Vader character's eyes after a long triple movie character assassination with big league fucking up of every could've-been-good PT plot point is what boggles my mind with so much of this prequel apologism.

>Darth fucking Vader built C3PO
TPM was the beginning of the end.

Good for you. Maybe you aren't a manchild.

When did i say they were good films you misconstruing shitstain.

I support this unironically. The heights that ROTS hits far surpass any of its faults.


Im sure that helped hayden alot..

You people are literally get triggered over the silliest things. Truly a bunch of children.

It sure did since he given us the best acting along with Ian in ROTS.




No, it's fucking great.

how is that any different than the majority of TLJ complaints.

>unironically using "manchild"

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You claimed they didn't have good sets when they clearly put alot of effort into physical sets.

I still can't fathom why this needed to be a thing.
>Hey, guys. The plot demands that I show my natural affinity for being tech-savvy, and my single mom needed a little help around the house, so I built a Ford Escort out of spare parts.

I rewatched both of them recently after not watching them for some time and while ROTS was a flawed masterpiece, ROTJ had one of the best scenes of the series (Throne Room) but man, does that middle fucking drag.

>hayden best acting.

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It's just one more thing for the burn pile. Think about it. You're a kid -- who has all the imagination a typical 6-year-old possesses, except you have the ability to build your own robot. Why the fuck would you build C3PO?

How are the new Disney Star Wars toys?

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You want to show me that you can use green text plus posting a pic? Good for you?


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To hep his mom with the house? He literaly said this in the movie.

Beside, he doesn't have access to all parts and he was just lucky enough to find unsed droid he can rebuilt.

The throne room is horribly underrated, really brought closure to the whole trilogy.

The opening sequence in Jaba's palace and sand yacht are great too, as long as you skip the 2 minutes of alien diva singing. That scene alone is worse than anything in the prequels.

Wrong movie, dumbass

I think this movie benefits from the sheer emotional weight of what's happening with the fall of the Republic, the Jedi, and Anakin, the tragic end to Anakin's and Padme's love, the duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin, etc.

So even if the dialogue and performances are still bad, the weight of the plot helps cover them.

The scene where Padme and Anakin's Force Bond is demonstrated is really great. Props to Lucas for that.

C3PO not only was built by the most powerful Sith Lord in the galaxy, but just so happened to
>Wind up on the same planet he was built and lived for several years on
>Wind up in the possession of the same family he lived with for several years (why did Owen Lars not recognize him?)
>Wind up with the son of the most powerful Sith Lord and the person who would go on to save the galaxy
C3PO and R2D2 should never have been in the prequels in any significant capacity, let alone in the way Lucas utilized them.

Nigger, did you watch the movie? Anakin slaves for Watto. Motherfucker is like an Armenian Mercedes dealer, rare import salvage lot and 12 Radio Shacks combined. Why would you build an exact copy of a mass-produced droid with barely any articulation to "help your mom" when you could have some hovering shit with knives or something with tank trends that you created on your own?

That mouth needs a cock in it.

Really? I find the scenes with Luke and Obi Wan talking to one another, and then him with with Vader and Leia to be really integral to the story, "I can't kill my father", such a powerful line in subtle ways; and Luke revealing to Leia they're brother and sister with the un-on-the nose typical dialogue you get in movies during such a moment. It wasn't filled with action but full of important character building substance, I felt. You could really feel the tension between the characters, especially when Luke begs his father to come with him, and you can brilliantly see the struggle in Vader between the Light and Dark side as he confronts his son, even with a helmet on. To me, that's brilliant acting and writing and it really added to the story and makes up the final Throne Room scene so much more powerful because of it.

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Fuck off AOTC is waaay better than TPM

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Are you an idiot or something? Anakin was a slave and he own nothing nor he allowed to built something as dangerous as you described. Not to mention he was A CHILD, why the heck would he entrain the idea of building a killer machine?

>arguing about star wars logic
You're both idiots.

I'm more referring to the endor and ewok scenes. Those scenes are all well and good, butt here pace is too slow for too long, without any kind of significant tension. I don't think it breaks the movie, but again, it really fucking drags.

>Anakin was a slave and he own nothing nor he allowed to built something as dangerous as you described.
Like a pod racer, right?
>Not to mention he was A CHILD, why the heck would he entrain the idea of building a killer machine?
I was being flippant, but if you don't think boys think about making death machines constantly, you're earlier functionally retarded, or George Lucas.

And what exactly is the problem with all of these?

I'm not talking about the feasibility of any of the technology, this is just one of many decisions that don't make any sense.

The Endor scenes are fine, with the Rebels vs Empire, and serve an important role in establishing the Rebels infiltrating and getting to the generator, only for it to be revealed by palpatine to Luke it's all a trap.

The Ewoks and the kidnapping scene, yeah it goes on too long, and the Ewoks are annoying, but you gotta have some comedy bits in there to lighten the mood.

>Like a pod racer, right?
Watto used him to participate in pod racing which is why he had to built something that doesn't got him killed.

>if you don't think boys think about making death machines constantly
If you think kids are constantly thinking of building something that kills people, then there is something literally wrong with you.