Absolutely terrible.
I get the forced diversity, but what the hell is up with the cross dressing kid?
>the cross dressing kid
That was my favorite part.
because 10% of the cast has to be trannies to represent the 0.0001% of the US population that are trannies
I can't wait for the day we can gas you sick faggots
I'm going to buy my boyfriend a red plaid skirt and buttfuck him in it while we laugh at a printout of your post=)
hey that kid isn't a tranny he's just a fucking weirdo
Woah. Is top left that bitch from BBT? I used to find her character kinda hot in this show. What the fuck is wrong with me? I legitimately feel ill.
>woah is that actress from the original roseanne on this new roseanne?
Are you always this fucking stupid?
t. future aids patient
>original roseanne
Didn't mention that, go fuck yourself.
>we are sick people lol
The point is that you're surprised an actress from the old run is in the new one and your only connection to her is knowing she was on fucking bbt. I desperately hope your dad murders you in your sleep tonight. I want him to wake you up and tell you "son I'm going to kill you now" and for him to strangle you and I want your last thoughts to be this moment when you acted like a huge fucking moron.
>mentally ill
How do you know the kid is crossdressing and isn't just a tomboy?
>old run
There you go again. Didn't read the rest of that bullshit, good typings though faggot.
Based Dan was btfoing the little cross dresser all episode. Are you dense?
didn't they win the lotto in season 9? what happened to that?
also what happened to the prince or duke that jackie was dating? he was played by the guy who played ernest in those movies, i know the actor is dead.
HOW are there TWO Beckys? HOW?
Why is there a nigger?
>what the hell is up with the cross dressing kid
>le creatura
>el goblinos
>el jewos
I was born before the 90's so I have the ability to distinguish genders.
>we are upending nearly all of society for this infinitesimally small fraction of the population
Debbie from Shameless isn't even trying anymore. She is basically Walmarting her way through Hollywood.
prob DJ's wife's daughter
If he was truly going to btfo the cd he wouldn't allow it in his house in the first place.
That kid is pure white
Don't blame castizos and hapas for your degenerate ways you irish scum
>didn't they win the lotto in season 9?
That didn't actually happen. In the season finale it's revealed that the Connors winning the lottery was something that Roseanne wrote in the fictional story of her family.
>literally the my wife's black son meme
why god?
Represents the modern family desu.
>a printout
To be more diverse. In reality, the kid who went cross-dressing was also the same person who sneaks out at night and goes to the bar. Being gay or a trannie back then was something you did on the side to unwind after a stressful 7-4 work week.
How do they get around there being two Becky's and Dan being alive?
It was all a dream :^)
0% of that sentence made any sense.
Dont hate. Following her Instagram, I know she will be getting nude for roles soon. Well, what little roles shes offered.
>mfw I take female hormones, crossdress and regularly take huge black dicks in my tight ass and have never been happier
>mfw in the end he realizes he wants to be a boy and the show is panned for not being progressive and all of you got mad over nothing
was on board until the black dicks ew
soon the only tight thing in your life is going to be the rope around your neck
Pulling fake statistics out of your ass huh?
my fucking dick
Try it bitch.
In the last episode, Roseanne revealed that the entire last season was some fictional bullshit story she wrote for a book that helped her deal with the depression from Dan's death. So all that shit is not canon.
But Dan being dead is also canon so current Roseanne's timeline is all kinds of fucked anyhow.
That really is something Roseanne would do
It'd be the Hitler cookies all over again
But then Rosanne gets rebooted again and wants to be feminine again.
The second actress that played Becky is playing a new character in the reboot who asks the Becky character, played by the original actress, to be her surrogate.
>"Roseanne's creator"
>Roseanne's creator is just herself
What a terribly written headline.
>he wants to be a boy
The real ones aren't much better faggot.
Old becky is Becky.
New Beck is Andrea.
Becky & Andrea are lesbian partners.
Let that sink in when you consider they both use to be Becky.
It's tied to the episode where DJ didn't want to kiss the black girl. It's cuz DJ liked chocolate. And I am willing to bet the girl he refused to kiss is the girl's mom.
I haven't seen the reboot, but I read somewhere that they were gonna explain this as Dan faking his death then years later reveal he's alive and Roseanne takes him back.
Look. All I saw was 2 minutes of Dan being based as all fuck and I just want to see the whole thing. I don't feel like giving Iger any more shekels than he already has from screwing all my friends in Kissimmee, help a goy out. plz?
>lesbian partners
>black kid
The fuck kind of Rosanne is this?
faggots dont count
I hate this timeline
I could never get into Rosanne, was supposed to be a comedy sitcom but it had waaaaaay too much dark serious shit in it, half the time it felt like a serious drama
>screwing all my friends in Kissimmee
What happened there?
hello femboy
Roseanne has always been progressive. Roseanne's mom was revealed to be a lesbian. Roseanne's boss at the diner was gay, and there was her friend Nancy.
>The fuck kind of Rosanne is this?
>mfw Dan punched a hole in the wall
after the attempted murder in school yes just wait big changes are coming
Sitcoms almost feel like proto-friend simulators, where each episode is like a weekly visit to a friend's house. You spend long enough watching a show, and you even start to become intimately familiar with the layout of their house. I got that way with the Simpsons, Full House, and Roseanne.
I've never gone to a friend's house and not known what an entire wall looks like in the room we're in
That's why it was good.
i can tell you right now im gonna bust alot of fat nuts to this show and im not gonna be proud of a single one of em
DJ looks like Mario Lopez
Russian I understand, but what the fucks going on in Lithuania?
you realize she her show was progressive as fuck right
for some reason everyone forgets they had major gay/lesbian characters before that was acceptable on tv
perception changes when the shit is forced down your throat
No need to be ashamed, user. Roseanne Bar is hawt.
you still around?
what hormones are you on? if you don't mind me asking
what was your experience with antiandrogens?
>Show ended 21 years ago
Half the people here weren't even born when it aired
>Roseanne Bar
I'm kicking it oldschool right now with spiro + estrodial but in a few months I wanna try to switch to something that will minimize boob growth. Benefits so far are thinner body hair that grows back way slower and results in way less razorburn and ingrown hairs, and better fat-redistribution. You should check out /femgen/ for more info.
When do you guys plan to pack it in?
23? 25?
Yeah, I'm too big and masculine to pull off the femboy thing sadly. I would look like a big ol' fruity drag queen. But I've never felt as manly as I look, I'm one of those stealth gays that surprises people when they find out. My appreciation of femboys has me considering taking antiandrogens to reduce my copious body hair and help me get more slender so I've been asking lots of people who take them.
>before that was acceptable
It was always acceptable on tv. Stop playing the victim.
I'm either going to transition to being a woman at ~30 years old, become a David Bowie-Esque androgynous weirdo, or start taking tesosterone and become a lumberjack.
You can be an effeminate manly guy. Get your eyebrows done, wear tasteful makeup - something like pic related. You could also just be a drag queen. It's really fun and you'll make a lot of friends. It's how a lot of masculine men express their femininity. Also don't take an AA unless you're also gonna take estrogen - not getting any hormones at all puts you at risk of depression and osteoporosis
Roseanne has always been pro lgbt, you faggots never watched the original series or else you wouldn't be surprised
except it wasnt, im not a victim, and im straight
dont get defensive and start calling names just because youre wrong
>always acceptable
>He's never seen All In The Family
it's like you're a child or something
oh wait
>a print out
is that a girl or a boy?
the show said its a boy that likes to dress feminine
Yeah for the late 80s and 90s this was show was pretty fucking progressive. There's even an episode revolving around Rosanne and Jackie going to a Bikini Kill concert.
If trannies are such a small part of the population, why does Sup Forums complain about them so much?
>three threads on Roseanne now that the episodes over
>literally none before it aired
u faggots are so easy to trigger
How in the hell is this fine piece of ass 43 years old???
How many foreskins and penguin pineal glands does she consume every night?
>Also don't take an AA unless you're also gonna take estrogen
I'm still doing a bit of reading and getting some opinions before I finally decide on what I'm gonna take. I'm encouraged by the changes I've gotten by altering my diet and exercise I've made the past 2 years but I still look like a damned werewolf when I take my clothes off and shaving all that is a bitch. Losing some more mass and body hair is my goal in the short term. Thanks for your advice cutiepie
>lesbian parents
...Old Becky and new Becky aren't lesbians, dumbasses. Old Becky is going to be a surrogate for New Becky's child. Roseanne and Dan are against it because it's going to be new Becky's husband sperm, but old Becky's eggs, so he'll technically be their biological grandchild.
She looks like typical white trash
you're right
she looks 39 and a half