Chaos is a ladder

>Chaos is a ladder

Why didn't CIA get the fuck out of there?

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Dabid wanted CIA to become the dum dum to be killed this season, duh

Because they made him retarded on the show.

Faked his death with a Faceless or D&D are hacks (think we know which one it is).

>bunch of click-bait articles arose with headlines like "Understand The Meaning Of Bran's Chaos Is A Ladder"
>tfw Sup Forums had already memed it into the ground years before

>Faked his death with a Faceless
if only that was true i would watch the final seasons but fuck this shit show

>Talking to normie friends after this ep came out
>They didn't remember Littlefinger saying that

It basically means if you sow chaos, you can use the ensuing strife to climb the social/power ladder, right?

Uh... no? You moron?

He wanted to save Sansa from Bran

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can't believe they played The Climb by Miley Cyrus during the end credits of that episode

lol no?

the fuck are you two talking about? What do YOU think it means?

what the fuck are you talking about? thats a pretty good way to describe it

*sigh* user, user...
It means: In a crazy world, your best option is to be the craziest one. Crazy, of course, is just a facade. For easier understanding: In the world of the strong, you must be the strongest. That's why things like morals, religion, love aren't real. Only power matters. Only the climb.

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>this is what used to be Sup Forums's favorite boyfu
Such a fate awaits Finn Wolfhard.

>It basically means if you sow chaos, you can use the ensuing strife to climb the social/power ladder, right?
Pretty much, you have to be smart and ruthless though

Except Finn Wolfhard is already older than Bran after he got ugly

That’d be Millie Bobby Brown and the Will kid.

delet this shit post

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why was morrissey in GoT?

Why shit post? Why not shitpost?

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