It's disgusting how people leave movie theaters these days. Can this be stopped?

It's disgusting how people leave movie theaters these days. Can this be stopped?

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shit son, that's fucking easy tier for kids shows.

There's a special place in hell for the spic moms and her goblino children (there's always at least 4 or 5 in tow with different skin tones looking like the fucking Rainbow Brigade) who make an ungodly mess in the theaters.

Should be a mandatory minimum 180 days hard labor in the popcorn mines

>not smart or skilled enough to get a better job
>get mad when you have to clean up popcorn

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Clean it up, wagecuck.

Check these

Clean the jizz off your bloated stomach you literal parasite.

Just get out of the US, user.

No, user. Niggers.


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Ban niggers.

In my kinoplex the designated shooter takes care of those people.
Someone still has to clean, though ;_;

>not pouring ur drink on the ground to make it extra sticky

Dude they LITERALLY get paid to clean. I'mma make them work for that $9hr

is the turtle sucking the tears into his nose?

wagies should be thankful that they are given something to do

As an animated amphibian, he is able to autonomously absorb wagie tears from suction holes embedded into his skin.


That is no way to speak to a paying customer. I'd like to see your manager.

Get better education and you'll never end up clearing mess.

The majority of people ITT posting things like "wagie" and "clean it up" are unemployed, likely have never worked a job in their lives, and are living at home with their mothers.

>americans will justify literally shitting and pissing on the streets as long as there are humans willing to be employed to clean it up

>NEETs are unemployed
Wow look at the brain on this one, I'm surprised you could conjure up such a clever response after a grueling day of labor for Mr. Shekelstein.

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You have an obsession, seek help.

I am the manager bucko