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kino top 3

>as rated by IMDB users

planet earth is kino

>CGI Earth 1 & 2

Richard and Martin should be higher

rick and morty is better than the sopranos???


Low IQ list, Rick and Mordechai should be at the very top, everything else is good though.

>game of thrones
>breaking bad
>the wire
>rick and morty

Sopranos and Rome are better than all of these.

>planet earth 2 above planet earth 1

>thinks morty is a nickname for martin

How stupid are you?

you are dumb just for looking at popularity contests

and you're dumber for posting in my thread

haha #rekt

4. GoT
7. Rick & Morty
If you like one of these you need to get the fuck outta here.

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Yeah because we all value your dumbass opinion. Go back to your Reddit hivemind you fucking dolt.

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Imagine getting this triggered a stranger on the internet doesn't like what you like lmao


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I don't like either of those shows but that user is a faggot

>17 replies
>14 posters


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>when you set yourself up to be BTFO

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>I-I don't like either of those show lol ... b-but

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but what user? you forgot to finish your post!

Seems about right. Kinda surprising Blue Planet 2 isn't right up there too.

What a shit list. No Sopranos? No Twilight Zone? Game of Turds being that high after these last three abysmal seasons? Reddit and Morty is not even top 5 cartoons.


gods not real morty

Check this

Honestly not bad until you get to number 7, idk what people see in that show.

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I'm not sure about you but this is literally my face when I read some idiots opinion on the internet and tell him to fuck off.
Completely cool and composed.

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>Better than The Wire

um no sweetie.

Seinfeld is overrated, however i'm still upset by this


>/got/ tourist getting assmad

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Letting teenagers vote on things was a mistake