Here's Christina Hendricks, Sofia Vergara, and Nicki Minaj

Here's Christina Hendricks, Sofia Vergara, and Nicki Minaj

What comic book character, whether DC or marvel, could they play?

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I don’t know but I’d fuck the ever living shit out of Nicki Minaj and racemix like my life depended on it

I don't know if i would breed with her, but it would definitely be hard to pull out

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>comic book
Grow up

Poison Ivy
Star Sapphire

>He says on Sup Forums

remove that surgically crafted nigger she doesnt belong with these top mommys


Her fappening pics gave me feels tbqh

>looks adorable and genuine in her private pics to her bf
>stage persona is being the biggest slag possible

Yeah poison ivy seems to be a definite

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Superheroes are for children

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No shit dude

superheroes make money. not sure if you noticed.

Black canary
Cat woman
Power girl

Fappening pics of nicki?

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he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about

I think Sofia or nicki could do a decent catwoman

>not pumping out so many children from your house sow that you're just happy to be watching something that isn't Paw Patrol

dont exist

It would be hard to put in, if you know what I mean

>get paid millions for having facial symmetry and globs of fat

What a gay fucking earth

Yeah the only one leaks I could think of are from Hendricks, and the titty shot is still unclear if it's actually hers, though I have seen the arguments for it

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Power Girl

Female Furies for The New Gods. Jonathan Banks for Granny Goodness.

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I think I get what your saying

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Did you see her tits? I stayed away from the fappening pics. I wouldn't want my privacy invaded so I'm not going to do it to anyone else. Unfortunately I was forced to see JLaw's butthole because it was posted everywhere. And VJ's brown nips.

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Minus the faggot racism he does have a point. Find a better black example.

I think her pics came out a year or so before the happening, don't really remember. But there was one pic of a closeup of some tits that people assume are hers

I hope you like butt implants.

Dirty man

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i don't know i have no blood left in my brain

>tits that people assume are hers
I'm glad I didn't even waste my time. Why would people even think they're hers? They could belong to anyone.

You have no idea.