Name ONE good prequel

Name ONE good prequel.

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Temple of Doom

Why is she sad?

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Puppet Master 3

The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Revenge of the Sith
The Godfather part II
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

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Planet of the Apes.


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Tyrone is late

Better Call Saul

Godfather II, better than the first one actually.

Rogue One

I thought the hobbit movies were pretty good.

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Army of Darkness.

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Red Dragon

your dubs lie to you

Genuinely angry you baited me into a reply

Better Call Saul

Traveling in time to a period before the events of the original does not make it a prequel.

lol no you didn't

Nice try cocksucker, can't fool me with your dumbass cinema headcannon.

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The Fly
The Thing
The Departed
12 Monkeys

>came here to say this

El Dragon Rojo isn’t nearly as good as El Silencio de los Corderos but it’s still a really good movie.

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Chuck's Fuck & Suck

First Contact

It absolutely does.

X Men First Class

hamburger hill

Yes. This is the best XMen movie. All subsequent XMen movies suck cock by choice.

>implying my girl would ever burn the toll

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World War I

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Hannibal, session 1.

i can name three:

star wars

>walk away with a hundred grand in gold
>the other movies happen

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

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