What film is better?

What film is better?

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Secret Garden by far

In what way? ALP was a good adaptation and had its emotional moments.

A Little Princess is alfonso cuaron motherfuckers

the secret garden 1975 tv series.

Does the secret garden one has a cute cunny?

Only seen Gravity and Children of Men. Figure I've seen his best.

Yes but not as cute as A Little Princess.


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Little Princess 97%
Secret Garden 85%

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The way you worded it, I could answer any film. If you'd said "Which film is better" I would have to choose between those two, but since you made a critical error I'm going to name Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes.

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I watched The Secret Garden when I was 8 and liked it. Is it actually a good film or was it only enjoyable because I was a retarded 8 year old?


No these movies were well even with adult audiences. You'll probably enjoy it more now.

yeah that website is SOOO reliable....retard

alright lads, I'm about to marathon The Secret Garden, what am I in for?

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Depression and sadness. Are you sure you want to do this?

You really should have picked the kino.

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Never watched little princess and only remember vague memories of Secret Garden from grade 4. We read the book and watched the movie, it was max comfy from what I remember.

already seen it, shes super cute but the movie sucks

Better times.

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You are wrong but I respect your opinion. It's better than anything family these days.

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Well A Little Princess completely butchers the Ramayana including casting white people as Rama and Sita so it's Troy: FoaC levels of trash.

Shitty (((diverse))) agenda.

>Rama playing a flute
Kill me now

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You couldn't make those films now.

To be fair when that movie was made the audience was white. An Indian story told to white people by white people.

Why? Because girls shouldn't be called princesses anymore?

the MC would be black or mulatto, see Annie