Shape of Water

Why wasn’t she interested in any human guys?

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little white dicks couldn't satisfy her

Le falls for the outcast meme

Katawa Shoujo wasn't invented yet so she had no appeal.

she was a fish person herself, the ending confirmed it. And they practically shouted it out when the black women says they found her chained by the amazon river.

>implying any white men wanted her rat-faced ass

Her life (as shown to us) didn't offer many opportunities to meet men it would seem, aside from some old faggot and Michael Shannon's dirty dick

>not liking the Sally Hawkins, Anna Kendrick, Cristin Miloti type

She was a fish too, del Taco say it

>Why wasn’t she interested in any human guys?
jew agenda propaganda

Kendrick is mouse. She a cute

But we want the in-universe explanation user

Same reason why you aren't interested in women

this anne frank lookalike white imao

she was masturbating in the beginning. she had to be doing it to something. could have been a guy.

It makes the story a lot less compelling if she was supposed to be a fish all along.

what do her feet look like?

This stupid comment made me giggle

U dont want to see. They are like troll feet.

Are you implying the jews are hiding a race of fish men and are planning on releasing them to the public?

Reptile man would be too obvious, don't you think?

I thought it was the monster they got from the Amazon?

she was an amphibian.

shes a jew (shape shifting lizard) so obviously she was attracted to her own mind.

Because she's an outcast herself. She's not conventionally attractive, she's shy, lacks any self confidence, and she's mute, making any communication difficult. As a result men haven't taken a lot of interest in her.
Do you retards even pay attention to the movie?

She was an evolved but sleeper fish person who was awaken by the orginal fishman god.

All dat scale porn she be watching

Once you go fish. A nigger gets big lips.

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>she's shy, lacks any self confidence
And that's bad in men eyes because...

She was found in a river too

Also her whole masturbating in water thing

And the fact that she had gill scars on both sides of her neck (I thought this was a production error at first since they never show both sides at once, so I didn't connect the dots myself) which were later "healed" and turned into gills

this, its always the jews

Webbed toes

Someone post her ass

She's not into beta weebs

OP she was quite happy alone, and all the men in her life were either fucking assholes or gay.

Being mute makes it hard to communicate with basically anyone but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the men that haven't taken an interest. Goes both ways.

Everyone clearly either didn't like the fact she was mute or fetishised it, fish boy didn't care either way.

It's quite clear she doesn't lack in self confidence to me, to be quite honest.


>fucking assholes or gay.
same thing.

This is perfectly fine.

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Post wall mute with no career