Where the fuck did everything go so wrong for de niro?

where the fuck did everything go so wrong for de niro?

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He's doing better than you at least he's got a family

That's not a real family
id rather have nothing

>mutt troglodytes and a subhuman wife
pick one

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middle one looks like eric andre

He believed the Left/Jews. Not a good move.

>this is your brain on Sup Forums
Stay safe out there kids. Don't start LARPing as a nazi online.

Yes let's re-meme about the same 5 year old picture that's been posted here 100's of times with the same replies. This is living.

>if you don't agree you're a NAZI
this is your brain on autism

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>id rather have nothing
Good news then

all modern italians have a little bit of nigger blood in them, he's just going back to black

through memes our collective consciousness will live on as radio waves in the echoes or eternity

What you're referring to is north african blood in sicilians
and deniro is only 25% italian

Come on fuckos lets go for a ride


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"He IS a mutt"

She spends all his money and makes him take shitty roles.
That's fucking funny.

You're probably an ugly fat faggot that hates brown people because they make you insecure.

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keep projecting, you'll make it someday man


>Ugly people get ugly kids
A daring synthesis

Scott Eastwood looks like wojak with facial hair

lmao, so hes right?