Gord legitimately reminds me of myself. I'm a grown 24 year old man but completely retarded and childish...

Gord legitimately reminds me of myself. I'm a grown 24 year old man but completely retarded and childish. with delusional dreams about becoming a musician

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Cool story bro

except he is batshit insane and does crazy shit while you're a little bitch

Same, tho I'm 19, I am wise enough to know better but I just am forever drifting backwards. idk if it's ADD, self-defeating depression or both

man, you have no idea how bad it gets.

Aha! I see you too are a watcher of Red Letter Media. Hail and well met! ;)

this. if you don't sort your shit out by 20 the fall down into the abyss between 21-25 is a hell that you can't climb out of

Red Letter Media sent me here!

haha I get it!

>with delusional dreams about becoming a musician
Post your shit dude.

does it get better?
t. 23 year old

This but unironically

I'm achieving my wizard powers in a few months. And I've reached the point where the meme has lost all it's meaning... Deep down, somewhere inside of me, I actually believe I'll get powers. Unironically.
It doesn't get better. It gets so much worse.

I'm 28 and just watched this for the first time in probably 15 years, and I legitimately hated myself by the end of it.
>oh well
>easy come easy go

Do you have family and friends your age, or even antiquates? It gets much worse when they all start to get in longterm relationships, married, and start families while you haven't made any progress since your teens.


do you work at a cheese sandwich factory or is it worse?

>you have no idea how bad it gets
>a hell that you can't climb out of
25 here, can confirm. Feel like I'm just about done. I couldn't begin to imagine how bad it would get when I was younger, so the good news is that I still have new depths to experience that I literally can't imagine yet.

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No but closest thing was working nights at a Krispy Kreme in a ghetto part of town. Drank daily and heavily. Was able to climb out by moving, getting away from food service, and going back to school. After a year in law school my family treated me like a responsible "Freddy" but I identity with Gord so goddamn much.

it depends really on how bad you are. even if you aren't that fucked up just stalling creeps up on you. Like I realised how far gone I was when I hung out with old high school friends and they were talking about proposing to their gfs when I've never even had a job. stuff like that is a dagger to the heart

I remember thinking when I was 20 how fucking depressed I was and hated my life. Now I look back on 20 and it seems like sunshine and rainbows

same. feel like I'm going to spend the rest of my life steeped in toxic nostalgia and regret.

>be 24
>still live with parents
>have been failing my studies since I left high school
>diagnosed with autism
>even my autistic ex didn't want me
>spend all day painting Warhammer figurines and playing vidya
>never had a real job
It's never going to get any better is it

>It's never going to get any better is it
Probably not but don't kill yourself because ya never know.

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If you're not a musician by the age of 24 you never will be.
t.bedroom musician aged 36

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Why not get a job?

30 here and I never gave up on music. Went fucking heavy got involved in bands/recording and played lots of shows and wrote music for some shit video games and crappy CBC documentaries. Was poor as fuck drank too much and went though total hell. most of my friends are dead also I changed my sex and got married. I look back now and I do not know if I would change . . . it was fucking full of failure and pain with a lot of great moments" I even worked as a stripper at one point.

I joined the military and am now going to boot camp in a month So I can get a house a retire one day and not have to off myself when I break down. Still going to do music, just not going to kill myself trying to make it

It does if you work on it

I was at rock bottom when I was 16, it's when I started trying to fix my shit, by 19 I was already starting to see improvements but I was still neck deep in shit, now I'm 25 and I am so close to normalhood I can taste it, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel

Not true man. I have seen people in there 40s start careers in music pretty late. You can not limit your self to becoming a rock star/performer/Dj what ever

-do live sound
-video game audio

Also do not expect to be living well. I know people that have sold their souls and just ended up bankrupt and friendless even though they were working their ass off at it from the age of 12 .

Successful musicians these days are in the middle class.

I know a couple really well known Canadian artists and they have no money and can barely brake even by the end of a tour after the cost of everything.

not diagnosed but I'm fairly sure i have aspergers. have a hard time with very basic tasks

it sounds painful but at least you moved ahead.

No. It only gets worse, far worse.
t. 32 year old.

Depends on how autistic you are. I was a fucking loser who drifted through life until 24. The decision is up to you to change your circumstance. Went back to uni last year, got a part time job as a short order cook to support myself. Studying law, taking it seriously, got a gf.

26 in September, won't be finished my education until 29 or possibly 30 but who gives a fuck. It's never too late you industrial cock inhaling faggot.

This is legitimately the scariest post on this site

you'll be alright as long as you don't trade your soul away

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26 year old here, we're all gonna make it.

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I would give anything to go back to 20 or even better back to high school graduation.

Living the dream.

At least you have a dream. I literally don't know what to do with my life.

That really is depressing. Even if I could have my pick of any education or job in the world I honestly wouldn't know what to choose.

>with delusional dreams about becoming a musician
Nobody's stopping you from making music, bro, you might not get rich & famous but you can become a musician whenever you want.

23 here, pretty much fucked my own shit up from age 15 through 20 but I'm sobered up, working full time and doing ok now. Am I still due for a JUSTing in the next year?

>no ambition
>girl who supposedly loves me always says shes busy when i wanna hang out
>hate myself
>will never be happy because of a bunch of things

>girl who supposedly loves me always says shes busy when i wanna hang out
Buddy, what gives you the idea that she supposedly loves you?

>done things together
>shes actually said she does
>asked me to marry her
im not completely retarded.

she uses him for sex

>actually knows any girls besides his mother or sister if he has one
sorry chad i have no sympathy for you

I failed out of engineering. I don't know if it was a mistake not trying harder or if it was a mistake choosing something I wasn't very interested in. I'm temping but lucked into a position nobody knows how to do, so I get full time hours. I realised I just want to live for the weekends and free time after work.

I'm 31 and haven't been happy in a decade. atleast I'm in therapy, somewhat sober and don't constantly think about jumping in front of a train anymore.
Things do get better, they just never get good enough. And making music is fun, keep at it, even if you're never gonna "make it".

>went to lib arts college
>got involved in film club
>made a few shorts
>people really seemed to like them
>obviously head and shoulders above everyone else's material in terms of quality
>still faced a constant uphill struggle to get anyone to help me make more
>watched as the film club grew and everyone else in it formed a tight knit community who supported each other's projects
>they just didn't really like me or want me around
>tuition gets too expensive
>drop out and move back in with parents
>tell myself i'm gonna write another script, save up money for a budget and make something real
>parents make me pay tuition for online classes to finish my degree, or else i have to start paying rent
>tuition payments for classes i don't give a shit about eat into my savings
>work longer hours to compensate
>too exhausted to write when i get home after my 9-hour shifts
>submit some previous stuff to film festivals, get rejected
>watch my acquaintances from film club making increasingly polished projects with real production budget, get actual support to fund their shorts and features
>watch my dreams recede further and further away from me

>went to lib arts college

Hey if it makes you feel better you are doing pretty well off as hard as it is. My Room mate is from lib arts college and just plans on drinking him self do death and working as a barista. like he pisses blood and drinks 24 beers a day and can not feel half his mouth cause he can not pay to see a dentist, also HE has like 40,000 student dept to pay off that he mostly just spent on beer and coke. I have seen way to much of this. I hope you do well man.

Nice blog post faggot

25 here, sorted my shit out with help of gf. you are gonna make it user.

>with help of gf you are gonna make it user

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If you ever had the possibility of getting a gf you were never in the abyss


too true

>does it get better?

You are literally me from last year. In January I lost my job, hit the drugs till my money ran out and eventually went homeless for a while. Living with my mum for the time being but I feel like I lost all progress and personal development I'd made over years. Turning 24 next month. Considering becoming an hero. Keep your head on user, you can avoid the JUSTing. Do it for me.

25 here, can confirm. If only because you realize how meaningless everything is. I find myself asking "who gives a fucking shit" about almost everything now.

26 yr old, I'm graduating this spring with BS in biz admin. Already have work lined up. I have a dream of writing a series of books which I'll get into after I gain another decade of life experience.

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You're not very wise at all

>you realize how meaningless everything is
>"who gives a fucking shit"
This 100%. I went from being very idealistic and optimistic to this. My childhood was idyllic which may have contributed to my eventual disenchantment. The world isn't what I thought it was.

>The world is great and so is life
>The world is full of suffering and evil but good people can work to make things better
>Hmm, it seems like nobody cares about any of these existential/encompassing problems
>I can work alone and motivate others to acknowledge these problems as well
>It seems like most people are exclusively individualistic and only care about personal comfort and security
>Consumption/materialism has replaced every existential cause/higher purpose, has made "serving something greater than oneself" impossible on a societal scale
>Most people will do literally anything to preserve their material comfort and nothing else matters
>We are all being manipulated for profit, we are all enslaved by one million invisible systems and few seem to notice, those who notice don't really care
>"Alright well fuck it then who cares."

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Same here. Although I didn't have the best childhood I was still very optimistic about my prospects and the world in my late teens. Then in my 20's it began to dawn on me what a fucked up place the world is. Of course I could have it much worse than I do, but I still don't enjoy life.

>what a fucked up place the world is
This too. I am very jealous of people who have the wherewithal to tune it all out and trudge ahead.

Did anyone else jack it to the horse scene?

this lol

Yeah pretty much.

A wize mage once said


r9k was basically entirely like this a few years ago

plus i just want a girl that wants to blow me forever
that hit me hard