Will they let him have his trilogy? Or will they slowly wait for people to forget, and silently cancel it?
Will they let him have his trilogy? Or will they slowly wait for people to forget, and silently cancel it?
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>Or will they slowly wait for people to forget, and silently cancel it?
I mean if they wanna make money then thats the most sensible thing to do. Doesnt matter how much TLJ pulled in, it divided opinion. Not something the mouse is keen on.
He let KK eat his foreskin for 4 more years of youth, of course hell get whatever he wants
Depends how badly the next two SW films do.
Disney's current strategy is to attack SW fans online for hating TLJ. That may backfire. If it does- Rian is toast, and so are J.J. and K.K.
tlj was a disaster, soylo will be a worse one, star wars will move to disneyflix after 9
he can't write one movie, how will he write and direct three?
>Disney's current strategy is to attack SW fans online for hating TLJ
Where can I get hired to do this kind of job? How do I become a paid shill?
> literal who
> Direct new SW trilogy
how many cocks did he suck to get the role?
He'll direct the first one, it will disappoint everyone.
He'll get replaced for the sequel, it will release, disappoint everyone.
Third movie gets cancelled. Screencap this.
this. i spend my days shitposting anyway, might as well get paid for it.
Highest grossing movie of 2017
This is all that Disney cares about.
hes so bad, he should just direct some netflix light action comedy
Because of COURSE you want to drive away your core audience, the loyal fanbase that drives ticket sales and merchandise sales. That's always a sound business plan.
What are you talking about? Star Wars nerds will eat it up no matter what we need to expand our audiences
I don't give a fuck about his dumb trilogy unless he's really going to make that Reylo makeout spinoff.
>48% audience score
>biggest second weekend drop ever
>biggest movie to sequel drop ever
>toy sales literally dead
But I still think they'll give him his trilogy, Disney still has to make those 4 billion back and they need content for that to happen. If they are desperate enough to hire DABID and Terrio, they may as well keep trying to dig their way up giving this guy more movies
im enjoying the movie only for the trauma its causing to you star wars cucks haha
its the second biggest earning Star Wars movie ever though.
>they won't give him the trilogy because some kids on Sup Forums are mad at him
just kennedy's ancient clit
>This is all that Disney cares about.
LMAO i'm sure they're just loving the never ending hate train, next stop soylo.
>Star Wars nerds will eat it up no matter what we need to expand our audiences
biggest drop in cinema history user
>its the second biggest earning Star Wars movie ever though.
Adjusted by inflation it made less than TPM despite being a Jar Jar vs first movie with Luke in 40 years though. One of the biggest disasters in the history of filmmaking
this movie lives in your head for free faggots
But why would they adjust for inflation to a movie from 1977 ? You adjust for inflation to measure population performance not earning power.
>But why would they adjust for inflation to a movie from 1977 ?
To get the real perfomance of the movie instead of how much ticket prices have increased. Adjusted for inflation TLJ is a fucking disaster, especially coming from the 2 billion TFA made a few years before
don't take the reylo/disney mom bait user.
>One of the biggest disasters in the history of filmmaking
that means every single StarWars movie after ANH is a financial flop.
Think before you post retard chan
Every night beforre i go to sleep i take the time to make a prayer to god and beg him to take away Rian Johnson's trilogy and bring Disney to ruin.
Do the same guys, god is there and he listens.
>take away Rian Johnson's trilogy and bring Disney to ruin.
kek rian already brought disney to ruin, no star wars will ever make a billion again.
this part is important
>god is there and he listens
He does actually
women rule now user
he sucked clits or he let them strap him up
because store chains over stocked. TFA was cultural event just like TPM and ANH
they are doing better than the MCU toy lineup, the entire industry is in a slump
This, nobody gives a fuck about toys anymore, collectors were interested in collecting original trilogy toys, prequel toys didn't sell well either. These days kids consume media, after the age of 6, kids lose interest in playing with toys as well. Most of what's being consumed are books and comics which are selling pretty well.
It's not just toys, Star Wars videogames are already flopping, merchandising sales are going down and not up with these new movies, etc. These new characters are shit and the old ones are already milked dry. Shills trying to force that reylo shit is the most desperate viral marketing campaign I've ever seen
JJ must be cursing Rian every night he goes to bed. JJ wrote an outline and handed it to Rian for him to dump it in the toilet and now he is parachuted in to rescue this shitshow.
>Star Wars videogames are already flopping
nah its just the toys like user here said Battlefront II is doing Call Of Duty numbers and is amongst the most popular things on Twitch.
Kids these days don't buy and want the things kids 30-40 years ago did.
>lost China Market
>shit toy sales
>Battlefront II is doing Call Of Duty numbers and is amongst the most popular things on Twitch.
Oh right this is Sup Forums
This, kids don't give much of a fuck about star wars and no one gives a fuck about the new characters.
Battle front 2 was a flop
give one source that they're doing better than MCU toys. I've seen kids with the MCU apparel and toys.
>Y....yes kids don't care about Rey, Finn and Kylo Ren
>they care only about Luke just like me!
stop projecting, take your pills.
did i say that? kids don't care about star wars in general, they like marvel a lot more.
All you’ll be able to afford is soy-based foods
from the article you posted
>The game was expected to sell 10 million copies but sold 9 million.
You motherfuckers are either this dumb, or are simply desperate.
How many games sell 9 million copies except COD and Battlefield ?
No one cares about nu wars
>expected to sell 10 million
>sold only 9
Remember it was 10 million plus their lootbox bullshit. So they not only didn't hit the sales target, they don't get to pad it out with lootbox money either.
>How many games sell 9 million copies except COD and Battlefield ?
it was supposed to sell 12 million and even that was a big step down from the 14 million battle front sold
Disney only cares if you bought a ticket. Not random people calling their movie shit on a message board.
10 was the revised target.
It was 15 million.
Then 12 million. (Post fiasco)
Then 10 million.
And they still failed to hit it.
>You motherfuckers are either this dumb, or are simply desperate.
just dumb. They are not even kids, its mostly grown men with ODD sperging out on the board.
Fuck off shill
The money isn't in the tickets moron. The money is in the merch, theme parks etc. The movie ended with 1.3 billion. It cost 200 million to make. If we include marketing, we can assume it is in the ballpark of 500 million. That leaves 800 million, which is split 50/50 with cinemas. That means TLJ made 400 mil in profit for Disney. Is this a lot of money? Sure. But this amount is eclipsed by the money Star Wars makes outside of the movies. Disney would have to make 10 The Last Jedis to break even on their 4 billion dollar investment. You must be a literal retard if you think Disney only cares if you bought a ticket. Wrong. Disney is more protective of the branding of the product.
this, the movies are basically commercials for the larger biz surrounding the brand. They don't care who dies and who lives, the characters live in other formats anyway.
I think this might actually depend on how well the movie sells on home video/stream.
shoulda got Zemeckis
>just dumb.
the only reason they haven't fucked him off is because they're hoping some people who didn't watch that piece of shit will buy the blu-ray
Interesting thought
Fucking hell you reminded me. They bought this specifically for merchandising; that's how Disney really makes its money. You know the most profitable film they've made for merchandising? Cars. Because the toys are cheap to produce but sold at a huge markup.
And so they buy Star Wars, so they now have sole control over SW memorabilia. Then they UTTERLY FUCK UP the casting. Young boys do not pkay with female figurines. Young girls do not buy action figures or watch sci fi shit. A female lead was the worst decision they could have made. Then all the SJW shit they got involved in - which is especially odd as Disney usually avoids politics, but this time hired some of the biggest, most outspoken tumblr tier pieces of shits i've ever seen.
How could they fuck up merchandising this hard?
They left Kathleen Kennedy with to much control. I think the idea was that because she was George's secretary and the whole deal with Feige worked so well, she would know what to do.
Instead she created the current mess
You don't have to pay to bitch about a movie on Sup Forums. You were implying with your post that Disney somehow gets money just from people talking about the movie here, which is just ridiculous and the point I was trying to refute. I don't think the people in this thread that are crapping on this movie are going out and buying toys and shit.
they could have done the young female jedi thing just fine is she didn't have to be practically perfect in every way and beat the bad guy with no training and yeah you're right about the fucking retarded sjw shit.
iirc BvS dropped 69% which is higher than TLJ
That may very well be the drop wasn't percentage measurement it was a money measurement
BVS didn't make the initial numyers that TLJ made
>JJ wrote an outline for the sequel
Im surprised at MCU toys flopping . I guess because no one really likes the characters (marvel is all C Listers besides Spider-Man )
And the core audience is manchildren who may buy some toys instead of actual children who get lots of toys
>Porn spin off
what is google
With a tranny and a gyno goblin? No thanks
BvS didn't drop 150 million, that's a record
>>The game was expected to sell 10 million copies but sold 9 million.
The game was expected to sell over 20 million, the 10 million shit was after the advanced damage control and still failed to reach that. A disaster almost as big as TLJ itself
>g-gyno g-goblin
t. manlet who will never learn his lesson
rian should do fine with his own disconnected trilogy. he cant fuck up any established story or characters, should be his own sci fi that happens to have star wars brand space magic so disney can have its money
>A disaster almost as big as TLJ itself
disney and ea were made for each other
rian doesn't understand the first thing about star wars, it won't happen anyway.
Shills on Sup Forums were already saying that some of the fuck ups in TLJ are explained in the tie in novelizations and we should buy them to "understand" TLJ, I shit you not
Jesus fuck serious? I havent been on this board much since i started college last year but is this what shills are doing now? Telling people to read tie in books to understand movies is weak as fuck and reddit-tier. Hell even redditors arent that dumb
>You fucking idiots ARE STILL TALKING ABOUT IT
/tv gets consistently btfo with paid shills starting any TLJ threads. The mouse doesn't care whether negative or reylo as long as it gets attention.
It will milk this film and the franchise untill the very last drop, no survivvors.
>JJ wrote an outline
No, he didn't. They've all be unanimous from day that Rian has free hands to write his story. JJ, Kennedy & Johnson. Not until the backlash started did they change their tune. And they didn't actually. Ridley said that, and she's an imbecile.
JJ never even had the time to write any fucking outline. They barely finished the script in time for production, cause they scraped Ardnt's work. And Johnson was hired during the production of TFA and even asked JJ to change stuff to better fit his movie. Which is hilarious, cause most of the shit doesn't fit.
It's JJ. Remember when he claimed Lost had an outline?
>Im surprised at MCU toys flopping .
I'm not, just like I'm not surprised at the weak numbers they pull in home video sales compared to their box office. Those movies are fun to watch once but they are really mediocre and have low rewatchability or cultural impact. One character like Harley Quinn with one movie that was painful to sit through is more popular than Captain America and that's because generic just don't sell. Same with Rey, Poe and the other "we're based on market analysis for demographic pandering" nu Star Wars characters
He barely had anything to do with Lost besides directing the pilot. He doesn't deserve the grief or praise for Lost.
>The mouse doesn't care whether negative or reylo
Disney pushing for a straight white couple ? A bad guy and good girl ?
Sound pretty awesome to me, tired of the PC shit.
Reylo kills the reddit soy, dont mind them
>reeee disney is pushing a straight white power couple
>reeeeee disney is pushing SJW propaganda down my head
Witch one is it yo ? Is dare i say....Sup Forums schizophrenic ?
A month ago I thought that I would do his trilogy.
But today with KK gone and with bad news about sales, Rian's future looks very dark.
yeah I saw that shit, reylos are fucking pathetic.
>Reylo kills the reddit soy
>not straight up tumblr soy
Now I've read it all
with how much attention he is getting from us he isn't going anywhere.
In time his shit will be praised, this is just how it works around here.
He will be heralded as some kind of post modernism star wars revisionist genius.
Not only that, their current narrative is that anyone who doesn't like the TLJ is from reddit