what are some films about undercover deceit?
What are some films about undercover deceit?
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If you can't tell that thing has a dick and balls, you're fucking up
he needs a chin job
If she is fine that no one gives a shit or no one is giving "her" special attention for a makeover, that's fine with me.
Nobody paying attention to ""her"" is what's gonna be her next biggest problem
No one gives a shit because it's a million dollar lawsuit if they don't refer to them by their proper pronouns
He needs to go back in time and block his puberty
so does he wear the neck thing in public the entire time to hide the adams apple?
>no one gives a shit
Keep telling yourself that.
sweet chin music
What a waste of a good chin
ITT: shes still getting more pussy then all you soyboys
dis nigger aint foolin no one
If the professional trannychasers are anything to go by "she"'s getting banged by another soyboy
Why do you care so much?
fucking mentally ill pussy isn't an achievment at all
I’m ok with trans people when they can pass but when they’re like OP and still clearly a guy they just look creepy and make me uncomfortable.
Behind Enemy Lines
So, you're still a virgin then?
>We contacted your previous employer, and your manager stated that you turned down the advances of at least two transgender co-workers without giving adequate reasoning as to why. Care to explain?
>professional trannychasers
but there's only one of those
when did robert englund start roiding
it obviously cares a lot or it wouldn't be posting about it
You get a professional to take that? Or did you set the timer and run over to that spot?
It only dawned on my pretty recently that that was what eunuchs were in ancient times. Pretty some lower status cutie servant in the court so they prevented their puberty to try to keep their youthful beauty as long as they could and have basically a feminized fucktoy (like, eunachs are described like these sexless servants but I think quite the contrary). The weather would have fucked up a lot of peoples' looks pretty quickly back then but if you were living in the courts out of the sun...
>I’m ok with trans people when they can pass
kill yourself
>but if you were living in the courts out of the sun...
>erection intensifies
kill yourself tumblr
>everybody's terrified of interacting with me because I can get them fired at the drop of a hat
>it's great, I love it
I would wreck him.
What Persona game is this?
t. ugly tranny
AGDQ, its pretty experimetal/long form entertainment but the deceit narrative has really been picking up these past few years
>no one gives a shit
honestly, yes, nobody gives a shit about that thing. but dont mistake it for tolerance.
he's got good taste in female clothes
>Gender roles are socially constructed
>Now allow me to go against the dress code and wear makeup like a immature teenager , or else you are discriminating against my gender identity
>Sup Forums will actually defend this hack
>work at Papa John's
>most staff use back door to come and go
>including this middle age gay autist
>always shows up in uniform
>be this week
>gay autist shows up in a dress
>struts through front door to make his way all the way to the back of the store
>changes into uniform not very discreetly
>does this every day now
>clearly for the attention, otherwise why suddenly use front door and stop showing up already in uniform
>everybody exchanges looks and shakes heads but keep working cuz whatever
She's cute, would flirt with her at the coffee machine
>You are not allowed to wear makeup as a goth or punk cis-male since it looks immature and ridicoulus
>Being pre-op trans miraculously makes you look good in makeup
How is this example of "tolerance"?
This is what's pissing me off. His"look" is what I'd go for in a chick but this faggot has to ruin it now.
what's his endgame?
because these scum should be wiped from existence
It really is great that nobody cares about each other in our society. Truly we've reached the golden age of not caring about fellow human beings
She passes pretty well tb h
>inb4 she
So what's Christian's shtick? Is he so closeted gay he pretends to be a straight guy who loves to fuck trannies OR he's so high test manly the idea of fucking the ultimate sissy gets him no homo?
all trannies are human garbage user
I asked my gym and they said I could bring a workout buddy! You wouldn't have to pay! How about it, user!?