Most underrated movie of all time.
Most underrated movie of all time
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greatest ending to a film of all time
fuck you
I assume there's also a poster that says OBSERVE? Clever.
Did you just post this for a film that's not out yet
Its from 2009
>Has Ray Liotta
>Actual funny jokes
>Roastie gets btfo'd
>Nell is a qt
Shame Paul Blart did better in the box office
general rule of thumb: if it has seth rogen in it its shit.
weird, I i just watched this again last night
It was too cruel for critics to enjoy so they shit on it. Easily one of the best comedies since 2000.
One of the few movies Seth Rogen actually acts in and doesn't just play a shlubby stoner guy.
Also hurt that it came out in the same month as Paul Blart
i wish there was a separate board for capeshit so underage would go away
except everything jody hill makes is great so you can put your thumb up your gaping anus
To be honest this is the only film I like with Seth rogen in it, and I fucking HATE that dude
I wish he made more stuff like it
No fucking way how did the movie execs fuck up releasing like that? Why wouldn’t they release slightly different to not compete with another mall cop movie. How often do 2 mall cop movies release simultaneously?
>sometimes I drink from a volcano
OP watched this on HBO too, I'm assuming
Actually i just randomly thought about it
I made a thread on this last night
No one has watched the most underrated movie of all time
I liked Superbad. Bill Hader was by far the superior cop though. Glad he's making Barry now, and that it's as good as it should be. Don't wanna jinx him but screencap this: I reckon Hader's about to take off in a big way. When you listen to him interviewed he comes across as a talented but easy going, down to earth guy as well.
Interview here:
i saw it
it's not the most underrated of all time