I'll start with an obvious one: Soylent Green
ITT: Movie foods that became real
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Fuck off Literally nothing wrong with soy based protein you fucking idiot. Listen to actual scientists and not alt-right youtubers.
I want to uppercut his stupid mouth shut.
Dude was just pointing out that people are literally eating a product named after a food made from people. The name is so engrained in our culture/media that people who have never seen the movie nor read the book know what it’s referring too, yet people eat/drink that shit.
Christ man, get Sup Forums out of your head.
t. Underagefag whose never watched a Hestonkino
I don't think Sup Forums would be an appropriate place to discuss food from movies, /ck/ maybe but not Sup Forums.
pic related is another one, but i heard their shrimp is terrible.
>t. soybean lobbyist
do you have stocks in the soy bean industry or something?
Orange Mocha Frappachino!
either soy emasculates them or emasculated men are drawn to soy, the soyboy stereotype works either way
I once tried soylent out of curiosity. I was on it for probably about ten days and I found myself with a lot of acne on my face. I stopped and the acne went away. I figure I'm allergic to soy. It's a shame too because it was filling and dead simple to prepare.
Living in London at the time when some of his shows aired was the best.
I really fucking misses his popcorn icecream.
>Dude was just pointing out that people are literally eating a product named after a food made from people. The name is so engrained in our culture/media that people who have never seen the movie nor read the book know what it’s referring too, yet people eat/drink that shit.
S fictional food in a sci-fi story, and anyway who cares what it's named after. Do you think soy is actually made from humans? Are you that retarded?
>monster prom
a bunch of fat women with tattoos I bet
This 2bh, it's literally irrelevant what soy does it's just a hilarious insult that seems to tie up perfectly with emasculated men
Noodles from blade runner.
You have to give that guy credit. Not many 92 year olds have the energy to work every day as 3 Michelin star chef.
What is the name of the restaurant from Cloud Atlas? That needs to be a thing.
You are far worse than whatever boogeyman you are sperging over
Well, I'm grasping at straws here, but Duff beer actually got made. I don't know. List some unique movie foods that didnt already exist in reality (Ninja turtles/ice cream pizza for example is a bit of a stretch, I mean pizza is already a thing.) and we'll see what we can come up with. I've eaten plenty of candy and ice creams shaped as licensed characters if that counts.
which scientists should we listen to though? There are plenty of studies that show soy increases esstrogen production, same way how say broccoli or red meat increases testosterone production. It's not some alt right conspiracy that certain food products have an effect on our hormone levels. Obviously not to a large effect, but still somewhat significant if you make it a steady part of your diet.
Well, real chefs have to actually cook and work hard. That guy is just cutting up raw fish and places it on top of rice.
The soyboy is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, swindler, parasite, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Soyboy and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
>studies that show soy increases esstrogen production
post them then retard because you dont know what phytoestrogens are
so he doesn't really go anywhere unless it's protected by a firewall
how? explain yourself Sup Forumsshit
>listen to jews funded scientist
if soylent's so good for you why is it banned in every country except America? (i.e. the only country that doesn't give a shit what their population is eating)
Literally what is the appeal of Soylent? Do people just not enjoy the sensation of having a full stomach and not feeling like they're starving to death?
not him but it's because you're obsessed, even Sup Forums can discuss movies and take a joke.
which film?
Just use google and pick one. Are you by any chance a vegan? Because those are the only kind of people who I have noticed are forced to rationalize their use of soy in such an aggressive manner. Look, soy is obviously not as bad for you as the memes are making fun of it, you won't just turn into a woman over night, but it definitely, with 100% scientific proof DOES increase your estrogen levels.
>S fictional food in a sci-fi story, and anyway who cares what it's named after. Do you think soy is actually made from humans? Are you that retarded?
Are you a dumbass or just a regular ass? Of course Soylent isn’t made from people. But the company intentionally named its product after something made from people. It’s macabre as hell, and I find it weird that this is something people go out of their way to drink.
>For men and boys, the phytoestrogens in soy do not appear to have any effect on hormone levels and have not been shown to affect sexual development or fertility. Research studies show that men consuming soy have less prostate cancer and better prostate cancer survival.
Conflating totally unrelated remarks into attacks on your fragile ego. Case in point, this thread.
is soylent just an american thing? i have never seen one in europe
It's banned because of studies that show it can cause genetic abnormalities in males
t. soyboy
Is this always the same Indian guy posting these?
Oh noes the autistc shoopposter from Sup Forums has found Sup Forums
I don't know about other countries, but if you live in America it's almost impossible to not eat soy. The right turned it into a meme (even though the term "soyboy" has been around for at least a decade) because soy-based companies have popped up in the last few years marketing meat alternatives to vegetarians and vegans made from soybeans, but all the processed meat in America still has soy in it.
What pisses me off about this picture is not the obvious gape mouth, hiding his baldness, urbanite gentrifier character of the person; it is the fact that i cannot be sure if it is a paid advertisement or if the opinions of this man have grown to resemble advertisements entirely. I worked in a trendy food truck in d.c. for a while and retards would make social media posts advertising us. What happened to humanity? When did shill become a default setting?
America is the only place it can be legally sold, they tried to expand to Canada but it was banned for causing adverse health effects.
By chance are you black or mexican
Gentrification is a good thing
>male human warrior
No just a former member of the crustpunk scene forgive me, and desu gentrication is exactly what these soyboys do, i mentioned it to illustrate the moral hypocrisy at their core.
In the book it wasn't made from people
all Wonka candies stem from the gene wilder movie
It's not made from people, it's made up of the discarded masculinity of the "men" who drink it.
>which scientists should we listen to though
Basically none of them if people bothered reading the studies they would realize that most of them are complete shit with extremely small sample groups and conclusions that could be coincidental. With food good rule of the thumb is to see if other people survived eating it and how you are handling it. Most of meat vs vegans stuff is bullshit, what is confirmed detrimental is too much added sugar and overeating everything else should be guided by your own situation, goals and worldview.
It's both I suppose. The guy is a moderately big youtuber and he once did a short vlog where he showed the inside of his fridge, which was full of soylent. Apparently soylent reached out to him afterwards and for a while his youtube about page read "proudly sponsored by soylent"
It is good for some people, for many others it displaces. Anyway it also sucks on a cultural level.
>oh wow a neighboorhood with atypical multigenerational architecture
>low rent creates a diversity of businesses
>small businesses and alternative entertainment venues
>and i can score molly and percocets
Oh i know lets destroy all that and put up condos that all look the same and a whole foods and a soylent truck and generally expand lifeless monoculture *open mouth smiles!*
I get my facts from the only reliable source out there desu
So its a good thing unless youre a degenerate ethnic hoodrat? Wtf i love gentrificarion now!
That shit was a thing prior to the movie. That's why they're taking the piss out of it.
>when people have reduced themselves to "product ambassadors"
why is Sup Forums so obsessed with soy?
did mommy make you eat it while she fucked strange men or something?
Go back to
Wow so edgy!
>complains about reddit gentrifying his shady sex offender message board
>doesn't see why this is a problem in meatspace too
>memes in racist
That's pretty cool when you think about it desu
>Literally nothing wrong with soy based protein
>Soyboy mad at Sup Forums when its really /fit/
Yeah its good for me as a middle class guy if I can scrape together enough money to buy a property in the area while its still a shithole that I can desperately cling to in the hopes the gentrification continues and i see a substantial return.
Bad for everyone already living there. Means nothing to the upper class.
Sup Forumstards BTFO
When the fuck did it become 2008 again?
M8 stop saying "soyboys" and just say white people. Make it more obvious, because that's all that bullshit term means
>Whole foods
Are we really going to start shitting on better food options because it costs more than getting all your groceries at 7/11?
>soyboy memes are just memes from 2008
Why can't the left meme?
>willingly outing yourself as a redditor
Stupid darkie
The right didn't coin the term soyboy
>i-im not a soyfaggot a-all white people are like me!
No a white person can or cannot be a soyboy. There are a ton of black soyboys and black gentrifiers. It does not get reported on a lot for some reason but the black middle class are absolutely pounding their lowerclass counterparts in urban development...
Also you are ignoring my sentiment entirely; whole foods represents the facile monoculture which these mouthbreathing manchildren thrive in. There is nothing better about organic food. The term is literally nonsense. Cry more faggot.
Is that Frankie boyle ??
>reading comprehension at nigger levels
Let me spell it out: gentrification is in urban development what reddit is on the internet.
It did coin funny memes, though.
hmm, memes do make themselves
why is this guy's face so punchable?
pajeet how can i btfo you? many have tried but you always come back.. what's your secret?
Name one.
Gentrification is cancer because its fundamentally powered by corporations marketing their location to numales with the tag "wow it's in the hood so quirky so ethnic xddd"
To be fair, most people don't even know that it is based off a book. Even people who haven't watched the movie know about the twist, similar to how most people haven't actually watched citizen kane yet know about rosebud desu
Those country balls.
>There are black gentrifiers
Fucking LMAO
who calls blacks, or Mexicans moving in to neighborhoods, shitting up the place gentrification? Nobody, they call it white flight. Stop doing meth you retarded "crust punk"
I created the first polandball and I voted Dem the last 5 elections
Gentrification improves. Reddit migration diminishes and tarnishes.
No way impostor, my dad made the first polandball and he was a staunch republican.
What is the core of being a soyboy? It's not being effeminate, separate insults already exist. It's not being liberal, separate insults already exist. Is it being a walking corporate billboard?
No believe it or not there are middle class blacks buying up cheap property and flipping it and lobbying to keep their poor black brothers out. People like you are so retarded; the media pushes the narrative that only white people gentrify amd instead of thinking critically and refuting that narrative with evidence you swallow it whole and resort to mental gymnastics (well its actually a good thing!)
Reddit improves. Gentrification tarnishes and diminishes.
All of what you said + adhering to particular fashion trends, obsession with childlike hobbiez and having a willingness to advertise it all to the world.
Yes essentially. It is being completely enthralled by the globalist spectacle.
>black dude or his father scrapes his way out of the hood
>knows what 98% of niggers are like
>doesnt want any thing to do with the life he left behind
I live in an ethnic ghetto myself and let me tell you i would not want 98% of my city as a neighbour