Generations react to election 2016

why is it always the qts who are redpilled?

also, CTR revealed

Cause they don't need MUH MALE PRIVILEDGE to justify being failures in life, since being pretty made life easy mode for them anyway

they're attracted to the beauty of the truth and justice, u fag

liberals have self esteem issues and get off on being depreciated in a masochistic way. They're fucked in the head. Normal well adjusted people tend to be way more conservative in my experiences

she has always been my react waifu

also, if commiefornie is that fucking divided, then we might still have a chance

I'm not watching this cancer.

Is that even human

its actually not that bad. only the women and fags are shilling for clinton the rest are neutral

maddie top waifu

it's actually surprisingly good, 50/50 support

white males going for trump, old women going for hillary, very predictable, but unbiased

God damn, women that go over the feminism crap and think stuff logical and look into the facts are so fucking sexy.

This fucking faggot right there

You look at the presidential candidates and wonder how it came to these 2 crooked clowns but then you see how most americans are, like in this video for example, and realize that hillary and trump are perfect for them.

Why on earth would we possibly give a fuck what kids think about politics? They literally don't know anything.

I thought it would be horrible but its actually pretty good, i am just 4 min in and the Trump is slaying pretty hard

>3:20 he should have dropped the mike right there
That was my first though to.

Maddie is top waifu, that Brown haired girl isn't bad either

I'm a few minutes into this and so far the only ones that have any real issue with Trump are aging, emotional lesbians and children.

>What are your thoughts on a female president?
>i think its frightening, i mean woman are weaker than men
there is hope

that's rich coming from fucking romania

I watched these shows all the time out of some masochistic spite for myself and I can tell you this man is by far the most intelligent and funny person on any of there show
and he's voting TRUMP

kek I thought he said that the first time I heard it too, but that would've been too real

>I think it's fine, I mean women aren't weaker than men

Giving women the right to vote was the biggest mistake in the history of the US.


>Not posting Lia

Lol, paki at the end told people to not listen to media and do research, if people did Trump would probably win in a landslide.

>Your vote counts just as much as a vote of these retarded women voting because of muh vagina
>that blonde short haired dyke

>posting a dumb instagram whore

remove kebab remove labib

Painfully true and rather sad.
The elite have been very successful in creating a nation of unquestioning fuckwits

>giving attention whores attention
always the fucking leaves

lia is a dumb cum slut

What the fuck guys, I just tried to start a thread about a vote live trump vs hillary that is happening on facebook page "Demyos" but it says that it's spam, Sup Forums wtf!...

As if that would be so bad.

is she still a virgin Sup Forums ?

Definitely a feminazi.

shes a devout christian so of course

classic american beauty desu

So is she the real queen of Sup Forums? What about that other girl in the video, she's pretty cute.

Stop it with the grandmas, pic related is the bomb.

Based Rocky

you really want that advertising ban don't you

She is pretty ugly

shes been in them for years

Don't watch that often. She's red-pilled too, so why not?

The Grandmas are bitter cat ladies wanting infinite brown cocks for slave labor and can't stand the fact that men are better than them and their useless vaginas.

>All these cunty liberal boomer women

suck my ass

sad thing is all the liberals in the comments.
>"im glad i live in canada"
>"americans are stupid world is laughing at them"
>"i didn't want to judge the cast but now i have to because they don't agree with my views wah"

liberals think it's terrible to laugh about politcally incorrect things but the only thing they're fine with is America being the butt of the jokes. It's funny when you realize a lot of these are the same tumbrinas who self-diagnose as depressed, maybe because all they think about is what others think. Their stupidity is leaking out into politics. As above so below fags.


Based old man and Maddy

haha this is great


>all those bitter ugly women who expired a long time ago voting for hillary because she's a woman

Democracy was a mistake.

> I can't say it changed much for me because I'm low income

every time

It honestly gives me hope. If the (((fines))) are showing Hillary's supported by basically nasty women, in fucking California, Trump's got a good chance.

>I'm glad I live in Canada

I am so fucking tired of smug Canadians shitting on Americans.

I know the Shlomo Brothers intended this to be pro-Hillary slant, but even still it just makes me want to gas 80% of our population.

>QT's are proper ayan children raised in nuclear families with good values
It's what makes them so attractive.

Degenerate ho's walking down the street in fishnet with their ass in the air twerking everywhere doesn't make a girl QT.

I always take that opportunity to let them know Trudeau legalized sex with Animals.

that dude seems lost

This video has restored a bit my faith in americans. They far not as dumb as I thought,

That evil CTR creature lmao

shes just always comes off as very nice

What a disgusting ""human"" being

it's all-right, kek approves

that ogre has a hard time being eloquent

also that wasn't as one-sided as I expected it to be
from the (((((((((((FEINBROTHERS))))))))))))))

you know he gets paid for this

>kids have minds of their own
>they could turn on you any second
>could turn on you any second

Compared to that hilldyke. That older black gentleman, who is voting for Hillary, seems like an interesting person to talk to and much more of a conversationalist than the other hilldawgs.

i want to punch the obese brown faggot


Don't fall for their low tactics. Show them we are the ones with class. When the time comes we shall hang them with the cleanest of ropes.

the youngest kids and the women and the ctr
the oldest men, the middle aged men
whose opinion is likely to be more well thought out

>mfw Madame Clinton wins the election

this gives me a lot of hope.

everyone i like on this show is supporting Trump and everyone who hates him fits into exactly the stereotype I would imagine would
aka the SJW entitled people which makes up a very small minority of people...

Trump Landslide is really happening isn't it?

I didn't know people could remain so bulliable well into their adulthood. What the fuck.


I wish they wouldve put the real best girl in this episode though

Me on the right

how is Sup Forums right again???


I wanna be balls deep in that Asian girl

wtf I hate rope now.


fucking bastard fbi hackjers cliton jewish RUNID MYT LIFE AND I CANT GET HAPY

>watching jewtube
>giving clicks to a jewtube channel run by jews who tried to copyright the word 'react'
jesus christ nigger at least give us a mirror link

Unless sub-human, hang yourself instead.

Who is she Sup Forums?

some people are just punchable by nature

back to Sup Forums underage scum

why are ppl so fucking gullible and always give those kikes clicks?

>belly crater

Based old white man in the blue polo

10/10 would grab pussy

Most honest part of the entire video

>It get implemented and everyone is paying higher premiums

Poor person: I can't say it changed much for me because I'm low income

That's because it didn't. It's an awful law. Entitlement programs don't work. Repeal it.

He's right, America is a the joke of the world right now. Everybody is thinking what the fuck these guys are even doing right now, a fucking tv-celeb vs. a crooked old hag who can't even get her emails sorted properly.

The mixed? kid is so fucking annoying

the fat fucking faggot?
it makes my fascism rise so fucking bad

why does it matter that she's a woman
why does it matter obama was black
why does it matter faggots are faggots
