
Attached: Sara Gilbert-Laurie metcalf-Roseanne Revival.jpg (600x400, 106K)

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quit shilling your clickbait, ASSFUCKER

>that one girl says it feels like it's bringing back her childhood

>23 years old
>roseanne ended in 1997

why is a child watching roseanne?

>What is VHS

She's probably never seen it in her life tho.

I was born in 89, and I watched Roseanne with my parents. Then there were reruns on UPN 44

Oh another article work literal who's Twitter posts.

There's a huge difference between being 8 when it ended and being 2 when it ended.
She's appropriating 90s childhoods. Not even being ironic here, she is desperate to fit in and have grown up in a "cool" decade instead of admitting that her first real memories started at 1999/2000.

>Here’s my problem: I get that she is a Trump supporter. That’s all well and good. But why do you have to bring that nonsense to a comedy sitcom? I hear enough of that crap in my daily life. I don’t need it when trying to escape it with comedy TV.

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Possible she watched reruns as a child. I watched older shows at my grandparents when I was a kid and I would associate them with my childhood.

I was born in 93 and I watched it all the time. There were reruns on nick at night from like 2003-2009 That's probably how she saw it.

Their hypocrisy is fucking astounding

>article is mostly twitter quotes


I guess having one show where a Trump supporter isn't portrayed as a villain is simply too much to handle.

Yes! We DID it 'pedes!!!

To be fair I totally buy it and fits the character. Being a dyke that she is Jackie totally would wear the vagina hat.

Yet when Will and Grace did it it was hilarious!

Modern journalists get paid for linking to twitter posts written for free by other people, and here's why that's a good thing.

Oh God, my head hurts now.

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Roseanne did extremely well in syndication.

>You need to remember that 70% of this country hates Trump.

I don't even know why I'm surprised at reading this.

Too much politics. Don't care if it's left or right. I don't want to see it in a comedy. Also the whole biracial and gender confused kid is ridiculous. Way overdone, pushing all these issues into this show

Found the Oreo tranny

Fuck of reddit faggot. Quit shilling this fat washed up bitchs show

Lel, desu I wouldn't want my political ideology being shipped by celebs anyway.

I live in san fagcisco and heard two separate people complaining about the Trump support on this show on the train home.
I haven't even seen it but I'm sold.

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I thought it was great and im looking forward to the next episode. Dan was unbelievably based in it, and the sjw bullshit will at least be played for some good ol laughs

>yfw Trump's approval rating is 10 points higher than the day he won the electionn

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Why was a black network showing reruns of Roseanne?

Roseanne isn't even pro-Trump, she's just vehemently anti-Hillary. She would have voted for Bernie if he won the primary and knew that if she voted for Jill Stein her protest vote is a wasted vote

Why do you fuckers lie like this?

Which made-up poll is this?

Buzzfeed, CNN and Vice News are 70% of the country?

Reminds me of an article about 80s movie I read earlier this week written by a woman born in 1978.

It's a very queer thing isn't it? It's like they live in a bubble crafted with extreme care.

damn this is awesome

My wife was born in 87 and she loved Roseanne as a child. No idea why. I assume she saw it in syndicated re-runs.

The juiciest or ironies.

There were probably a bunch of reruns. Full House ended in 95 but there were a bunch of reruns of that throughout the 2000s

I watched reruns of 1950s/60/s and 70s show on Nick At Nite as a kid

>Roseanne herself is no longer the bastion of progressive values
>her daughter Darlene (Sara Gilbert) and her gender non-conforming 9-year old son

>there were many viewers who felt that Roseanne was treading dangerous ground in trying to normalise Trump
>normalize the president of the United States

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>attempt to normalize Trump

I really don't understand what they mean by that. I mean, millions of people voted for him and he is the president of America. How much longer do they want to deny this?

This reminds me when I watching Great News and they had a panel show with an Obama denier on it, some guy who just denied Barack Obama even existed.

>500,000 citizens march on DC
>Trump says nothing and goes golfing
>Roseanne returns
>Trump makes a tweet about it
Is this "American politics"?

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It's worth a smuggie.

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why did they bring this back, every one is like a hundred

Trump just tweeted that the 2nd Amendment isn't getting repealed.

These images are awful and never funny

Because they won't do shit, no ones done shit.
Of course it isn't, lest the government forget a ton of Americans are armed.

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Buckley-tier paragraphs on shitty images aren't Sup Forums, kiddo


This was years ago, they also aired an hour of The Simpsons, an hour of Friends, and an hour of one of the Star Trek series

what went wrong?

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Being a liberal dyke

Dirty lesbo licking carpet for decades. disgusting

UPN only had 2 hours of original programing
The rest was all syndicated shows and re-runs
I'm always amazed at how people on a TV board have no idea how TV works

>Okay, that might not have been the real Trump. Our first tip-off is that there weren't any spelling mistakes...
>This is American TV at it's best!
American (((journalism))).

I fucking LOVE Trump and how he increased the donations to Israel to 3.2 billion!
Fucking BASED!!!
Shadilom, fellow pedes.
Israel #1

It's also true that the Roseanne Conner character, like the actress, voted for Donald Trump and his Make America Great Again agenda — but her POV is counteracted by her daughter Darlene (Sara Gilbert) and her gender non-conforming 9-year old son Mark (Ames McNamara).
Doesn't sound based, it sounds degenerate.

She's 43 years old bro, she lives in a state where it's sunny all the time. the sun takes it's toll. I still would 100% though even though she is like 20 years older than me and you know you would.

this is archie bunker 2.0

she knows her character is an annoying, so she's going to be the "sympathetic trump fan" who is actually an insulting strawman, implying that anyone who disagrees with hollywoods pedophile morality is stupid

>stockpile guns and ammunition to defend yourself and any dictator trying to mess with your freedom
>be protected by a constitutional right that states you literally have guns for that reason
>a dictator takes office, running a government thats slowly stripping you of your rights one by one
>Do absolutley fucking nothing except sit on your ass and whine about it while polishing your unused guns and continuing to stockpile ammo for literally no reason

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I sure wouldn't want to be the faggot that has to go house-to-house, confiscating peoples' guns.

Is this literally bait? Or are you that deluded? He's not even close to the dictator that I'd hoped he'd be. But claim that he's taking our rights away is complete bullshit. He conceal carries his own gun and wants to make it so that we all can. "Dictators" don't usually want an armed populace, for obvious reasons. Think before you ever post again.

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jesus christ I'm sick of hearing about politics, will it ever end?

Too much to ask from a librul.


Nope, the left is salty as shit.

The commies are trying to take over and destroy this country. This is going to be a long fight

Before I die, i'd like to see at least one organized, competent attempt at a coup of the american government by its citizens.
I don't mean like Texas telling the rest of the country to fuck off back in the 1800's, I mean a real, honest to god march and seizure of the white house and congress by a large group of people.

Would they be called terrorists? Domestic terrorists?
Would the country send the national guard or military after them?
I've always been curious.

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>slowly stripping you of your rights one by one
Such as...?

lmao the absolute state of it all

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I remember when Roseanne was new and it was great then and it holds up well compared to all the other shit from the same era. I can't wait for this because Roseanne is the type of authentic voice that used to get broadcast on television before media became so corporate and politically correct.

Detaining American citizens without due process.
Unlawful search and seizure by flying military drones over the homeland, illegal wiretaps, basically anything you do online is recorded. There is literally no more privacy.
Detaining and permanently keeping electronic devices of American citizens coming back home from overseas. They'll literally keep your laptop and phones at the airport and theres nothing you can do about it.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. I don't mean to sound snarky, but I can keep going if you'd like.

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>t. Marc 'Krazer' Kerns

Don't forget that the government doesn't believe the 6th amendment exists anymore
Its supposed to guarantee the right to hear the criminal charges levied against us, and to confront the witnesses who have testified against us. But the government basically says
>We've got secret evidence and secret witnesses that say you're guilty. No, we don't have to show anything to you, because fuck you.

yeah well at least i have muh guns

>he thinks we ever had privacy

Yeah, tons of US citizens are put in prison without a trial every single day. I heard it on Infowars and read about it in a poorly cropped image macro from Russia Today on Sup Forums

I agree, the fact that we didn’t do a damn thing to Obama when he stripped away white people’s rights one-by-one shows how blackpilled we are. Thankfully, we narrowly got Trump in there to restore our rights.

>brainlet who just got in to politics in the last two years

>illegal immigrants
>American citizens

I literally sarcastically said 'oh really' when I read this.

I wonder how this poster felt about this episode of this show

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So like Obama, but a bit better?


The whole “prison industrial complex” is a leftist argument, retard.

>a dictator takes office, running a government thats slowly stripping you of your rights one by one

Is this baitu?

>30% of the country likes Trump so 100% of the country should hate Trump
>13% of the country is black...


Can someone explain the pink hat with the pointy tips?
I keep seeing it on liberals

Yeah, and Russia Today and Sup Forums never ruse using "leftist arguments," amirite?

And those people still have trials you mongrel American. you're half black, is that why you're so assblasted?

Something about grabbing pussies, and pussies are cats. And pink because that's the colour of women. I don't know man, it's all so tiresome.

It's a literal pussy hat

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no you don't

pussy hat. having a literal vagina hat would be horrendous so they go for the 'pussy' cat ears.

>basically anything you do online is recorded. There is literally no more privacy.
God I fucking hate you blind faggots thinking that any of what happened with the datamining is new.
>sign up to a service where the provider can freely sell your data to the highest bidder
>wow I’m okay with this!
>suddenly realize it’s being sold to people you don’t like
>wtf I’m not okay with this!!!
Nu-Liberals need to jump off a bridge at this point because of their massive stupidity.

He’s going to ban vidya tho so it’s 3 steps back with this cunt

my favorite part about this is you can pause it at anytime