what's the worst remake of all time and why is it evil dead?
What's the worst remake of all time and why is it evil dead?
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it's better than the first evil dead
Not even close.
Won't hold a candle to 90's Godzilla or Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes.
Unironically this. People don't realize that the original Evil Dead was actually meant to be a proper horror movie, not a tongue-in-cheek pseudo-comedy like the sequel. And in terms of a proper horror movie it sucked. 2013 Evil Dead actually had some creepy/effective moments in it, so by default that makes it a superior horror movie.
>it's scarier so it's better
this fuckin' pleb over here
Well, it's also better in terms of cinematography, music and acting, so there's that too.
It's all fucking subjective you retard. Film quality is not objective in the slightest.
It didn't suck at all as horror movie though?
I didn't think it was that bad.
In my opinion it did. Not scary in the slightest and not even much atmosphere.
then why are we even talking about it?
Eh, at least Planet of the Apes had Tim Roth act the shit out of his role.
>not even much atmosphere.
u wot m8
Have you watched it more than once?
I think it's heavily atmospheric, that's it's strongest aspect. Has to be put into context of time, it pretty much created the cabin in the woods trope.
First Evil Dead is better than the remake if only because it gave birth to Evil Dead 2, the objectively best installment in the franchise.
>Film quality is not objective
Nightmare on Elm street
I think it's the best freddy movie
Tell me how it's objective, then.
you don't get to samefag your post
It really wasn't all that bad
The remake was actually great. The last few minutes stick out especially.
The original is still the classic and great but I really liked the remake too for it’s earnest approach to the concept
I loved it.
It sucked. I saw the shit in theaters and was laughing at how retarded it was. I distinctly remember the 2013 moment because I came in some chick's mouth that night.
I think he's talking about the 1981 one
Evil Dead is one of the better remakes, especially since it didn't prevent the main series continuation through Ash vs Evil Dead.
>Ash vs Evil Dead.
which is even worse then the remake
maybe you just don't like Evil Dead, man. Shit, what do you expect from stories about whacky demons possessing people and Three Stooges references?
I love the original trilogy
sounds more like you love nostalgia, because at least the show is pretty faithful to the tone of ED 2 and AoD. Sure, the episodes each have way smaller budgets than those movies and Bruce Campbell has aged into Punished Campbell, but at least it's still got gory demon battles and slapstick horror humor.
>sounds more like you love nostalgia
I first saw the old trilogy in 2015
holy fuck I'm getting old. Well no wonder you hate the new series, you haven't been waiting for a continuation since the early 90's like me. I was pretty sure it was never going to happen, I'm appreciative of what we've gotten. Having played all the vidya continuations (most of which sucked balls), it could have been a lot worse.
This film was fine. It also wasn't a reboot. It wasn't even alternate universe. There were plans for crossover films and shit.
Its well done, entertaining, amusing in some parts, the chainsaw bit was great, and the practical effects were top tier.
Original evil dead was incredibly well done horror for its budget
Goofiness was only introduced in the half sequel/half remake ED2
>vidya continuations
Evil Dead: Regeneration was GOAT
Fuck off, I love the remake. I've seen it three times already, proper horror kino and not some Paranormal Activity/Lake Mungo bullshit.
But sequel is unlikely, director stopped talking about it completely.
This wasn't though
yeah, that's the best one. Fistful of Boomstick wasn't very good, and the PS1 game Hail to the King was a clunky and confusing Resident Evil clone.
>Hail to the King was a clunky and confusing Resident Evil clone
the first level is great but it goes shit after that
The sad thing is that on the scale of remakes The Evil Dead remake is actually pretty good considering. It's not as good as the original (in the originals own no-budget way) but on a fucking scale it's pretty tight and that's kinda sad.
Either pic related or the Robocop remake. Both were totally unnecessary and failed to do any justice to the source materials.
the new Blair Witch is one of the worst films I've ever seen.
I really liked the ED remake, and I'm one of those weirdos who prefers ED1 to 2 or Army of Darkness.
Blair Witch isn't a remake, tho. It's a direct sequel to the original. Still pretty shitty, all that said. IGN tricked me into watching it with a positive review.
the remake was good wtf you talking about
Fuck you kid. It was kino
Slow down. That movie's got some actual horror in it than most movies today couldn't hope to rub out.
Robocop remake wasn't too bad.
you haven't seen Nightmare (on elmstreet) then?
Still hoping for a sequel
Fun Fact: that movie was originally going to kick off an Evil Dead Cinematic Universe, followed by a sequel to that movie, a sequel to Army of Darkness, then a third film where Ash and the girl unite. This was scrapped in favor of Ash vs Evil Dead
I loved it and Nigga you dumb.
Strongly disagree. It's not bad, but it's as scary as SAW movies. Not like ED were ever scary, but 2013 is even less so.
Agree on godzilla, but I don't think it's a remake. Just nips selling their shit to hollywood.
Don't remember Planet of the apes at all.
>Marky Mark
I need to watch it.
Total Recall was pretty bad and Robocop was just awful. Yeah, gotta be one of these.
it's authentic evil dead atmosphere and aesthatics
scary, funny, badass and goofy at the same time
It's actually an example of a great remake, that honor its predecessor.
While I think the remake is the best thing to happen to the franchise after the original, I wouldn't say it's better because the original had a much more ominous, and sinister feel to it, even though the acting sucked and it was low budget as fuck, but the remake certainly does a good job at replicating it. The technical effects in it are amazing.
>90's Godzilla is a decent "kaiju" movie though even if it's a fucking awful Godzilla film. So as a "remake", yes it's probably the worst, but as a monster movie on it's own it's enjoyable.
>Burton's PotA is kind of the same way, but it's MUCH closer to a proper remake. It's bad but it has it's moments.
>2013 Evil Dead is great because it wasn't necessarily a direct remake, but more of the same story told with different people with hints and references to the original characters.
>Total Recall remake is garbage
>Robocop remake is garbage that only has freckles of good in it, but that's only because Robocop is a GOAT movie in general.
>IGN tricked me into watching it
You're a retard if you read, let alone believe IGN's opinion on anything.
>I'm one of those weirdos who prefers ED1 to 2 or Army of Darkness.
look at me, I'm such a special snowflake!!!
fuck off you dump frog
>Tim Burton
While it might seem tame now, the original Evil Dead was considered horrific for years. Even in the 90s it was considered top tier. Not to mention it was a technical marvel for it's time.
Evil Dead 1 is still terrifying and aged rather well, even though it being made on a low budget and all that. It has something a lot of horrors nowadays can't compete with, that evil feel to it that hasn't been surpassed ever since the original was released.
This, only plebs who've never seen the original bash the remake. When it came out there was plenty people bitching about how it wasn't funny.
>there was plenty people bitching about how it wasn't funny
dark humor was definitely there, I remember scenes with the demon down in the basement making me laugh.
>tfw haven't watched ash vs evil dead until lately
Wtf I've been missing out