/Roseanne/ General #1

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How do you rate the new series so far?

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Didn't they kill off Goodman and a season of disastrous ratings later they were like "JUST A DREAM LOL!"?

So far, the best of the modern re-boots.
Dan was great in it, the atmosphere is absolutely comfy with the old sofas and not some sterile Ikea bullshit, the sjw bullshit will at least be played for laughs... There were a few lines, like the one about Uber, that felt like a ham-fisted at reminding everyone "HEY ITS 2018 LMAO" but thats seriously the worst of it.
Excited to keep watching 8/10 so far.


I've never seen the old series. Even though I'm old enough, it didn't air in my country. Can I start from this reboot without watching the old series, or I won't understand anything?

it's a fucking sitcom, it's designed to be picked up at any episode.

I'm just wondering why John Goodman agreed to this, he has a solid career in film.

Pushing LGBT, Politics,Womans Choice, shit sucks an I was a fan of the earlier Roseanne.

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didn't watch it

Apparently not, that shit was always in the original series.

Roseanne was a show with a majority female cast that dealt with women's issues and the struggles of the lower class. They frequently blamed the rich, and had a proud feminist as a main character, and most of her dialogue revolved around her relationship with men.

Not to mention a pair of commonly recurring characters were openly gay.

I want to see the two Becky's dyke out!!

So what's the story here? It's been ages since I watched Roseanne the old show but if I remember correctly, the last season or two were about them getting rich and stuff and then in the last episode it was revealed that none of it actually happened, it was a dream or something, and her husband was dead and and someone was gay and something? Is this show a sequel with something being retconned again or is it a remake or what?

They spiraled out of control with all those bad ideas, like you said, so they said it was all a dream shortly before it got cancelled. Now it's 2018 and just being a normal Roseanne continuation (where all that crazy stuff was still a dream of course) is enough to go with.

Read Wikipedia or watch the 3 hour YouTube video about all the lore . I don't think you need to read the expanded universe novels though they mentioned that they are still canon. Just don't expect the evil clone Beeecky to show up

Remember that episode where Dan caught DJ eating shit/feces out of the bathroom at the bowling alley? They even had some shit smeared on his cheek.

It was really weird lol

I really liked looking forward to next week. sad there only doing 9 though. Hopefully it gets good ratings and it comes back as a regular series.


They killed off Goodman at the end of the show because it literally did not matter what they did. So no, you're wrong.

They brought him back for the reboot and said it was just a story Roseanne wrote because if you've got John Goodman, of course you're going to use him.

>/network sitcom general/

Yeah, this board is done.

Says the passfag

>get BTFO by people who know what they're talking about
>immediately start crying
Yep, typical Sup Forumstard.

Does anyone know the name of the painting?

>old Paris

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One one hand a kike made it, on the other hand it praises the great god emperor

What do I think MAGApedes???

I liked it quite a bit. Roseanne is a nice reminder that there are Trump supporters who are humans, even if they made a stupid decision and still won't admit to it. And her politics are a lot more complex than "I hate abortion and gays and pretend to be Catholic even though I'm not" like most Trump supporters, she's more of a social liberal/fiscal conservative. She's much smarter than James Woods.

I laughed out loud when Jackie came in wearing the nasty woman shirt and pussy hat. When she admitted she voted for Jill Stein it reminded me of myself a little bit. Even us liberals got fooled by the Russian propaganda. Thankfully my state went blue so it didn't make a difference and I'm basically guilt-free, but I've learned my lesson and will be voting Democrat from here on out.

The fact that I can't tell if this is ironic speaks to the profound decline of Sup Forums

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You're a newfag.

t. 2015 Trumptard

Because he enjoyed doing it the first time. What are you, stupid?

And he barely does anything in the films he's in these days anyway. I'm sure he's happy to be doing a sitcom which is a lot less work.

When I was watching the episode I noticed him breathing heavily as he was just sitting there doing nothing. Dude's getting old.

Norm Macdonald? Wanda Sykes?

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Is the bad acting just something everyone accepts

It's a sitcom you idiot.

Yes though we wouldn't of other shows of its ilk like Kevin Can Wait.

Yeah I thought as much, and well illustrated by the dullard above you

But there were no niggers and trannies to look at.



Everyone calm down and enjoy this pro-Trump sitcom like adults.

is it?

Every episode ?

He's not a dullard. He is much smarter than you.

Because he said it is imperative that sitcoms are badly acted.

It comes with the territory. If they could act they wouldn't be doing a sitcom.

Can you name a single sitcom with good acting? I thought not.


Rosanne is going to save America!

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Is that the fucking Drudge Report you retard?

The dad from Hey Dad did a good job acting like he wasn't interested in fucking his ten year old daughter the entire time they were on screen together.


>Roseanne Revival Opens Huge, Biggest Sitcom Telecast in 3½ Years

This makes sense. It's one of the few sitcoms I have deigned to watch on television in years, so of course others joined in once they heard I was doing it.

Attached: -misses bin-.webm (1920x1080, 2.49M)

Even Rosie O'Donnell thought it was funny. Others are beyond saving.

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10/10 depth perception

>"I will never watch it but I'll insist it's bad regardless"
She sounds like this fucking board.

>CPAP machine

This is too real, bros. I don't feel comfy anymore.

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It was?

It wasn't anti-Trump, so it's just as bad.

Jackie BTFO Roseanne pretty hard but Trumpies are indoctrinated and don't even realize it if the Entertainment Weekly comments are any indication.

Also, don't number generals from now on. We don't do that here.


That is the funniest handling of death I have ever seen.




Remember the old episode where the little kid kept jacking off to his relatives in the shower?

I was going to post this clip. This was one of my favorite scenes from this show. Aunt Jackie was an amazing character until they turned her into a goofball caricature towards the end.

Isn't it weird how every time people describe stuff like Roseanne they have to make a point of calling it "non-PC"? What happened to when people just said "funny"?

The two-parter episodes where Dan beat the everliving shit out of Jackies shitty boyfriend who was beating on her was honestly amazing.
Still impressed with how they handled that.

Perfect mix of drama and comedy. Darlene picking Dan up at jail was fucking funny.

Why does he slap the beer before opening it?


>What happened to when people just said "funny"?
Because PC isn't funny and that's most TV shows and movies these days.

Whitney Cummings too
A strange collection of people

My point is that people used to just say non-PC stuff is funny but instead they have to make a point of pointing out how non-PC it is.

Darlene's daughter has a fat ass.


DJ was a kindred spirit.

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I hope they show off her milkers in Shameless.

He married a black girl in this show.

>nu roseanne
>cross dressing boys
>nigger children

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>old roseanne never had lesbians

Don't you love when a remake brings all the hipsters out of the woodwork?


He's an idiot. I never really watched the old Roseanne and even I knew that it had lesbians in it. I don't get why these people pretend they've watched Roseanne just to... virtue signal? Is that the term for it?

this and kill off the trans son and black daughter in car accident and show might be watchable

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Can you imagine the comfort zone he's in on that set? Of course he's going to do it. It's home.

The son isn't trans. Fuck off.

Best writing was in earlier seasons. I really liked early season Jackie because she was a bit out there but intelligent, and a good heart.

>Can't recognize the #1 news provider in the US.
>Calls someone else a retard

I believe it keeps foam from rising out of the can.

She was pretty intelligent in the new episodes IMO.

Do you think that they don't take her
seriously much, or at all in this reboot?


Why is Becky such a qt and Darlene aged like milk?

Slow to start but it will be kino

Thanks for another honest review.

Huh? I don't think Becky is that good looking. Sarah Chalke's not bad but she's no longer Becky.

Only thing I found weird was that they kept awkwardly dodging around saying Trump and Hillary's names as if they're both Voldemort or something. And it's not as if they didn't want to date the episode because they made plenty of specific references and even name-dropped Jill Stein. I find it kind of silly that Roseanne in show wouldn't know who Jill Stein is considering the real Roseanne ran for president as a Green Party candidate. Although I wonder if that's why they mentioned Stein specifically, giving some exposure to Roseanne's favorite party. Anyway, Roseanne should run again, I'd consider voting for her.