You called us shills. You said we were crazy. But you all decided to listen to looney toons characters like Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos believing that Hillary was guilty of the high crime of HAVING EMAILS!
You called us shills. You said we were crazy. But you all decided to listen to looney toons characters like Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos believing that Hillary was guilty of the high crime of HAVING EMAILS!
Shes not cleared of all charges you ignoramus.
Are you blissfully unaware of the other three investigations into her? lmao
committing crimes then telling your friends to say no one did anything wrong and then to call us crazy is actually unlwaful you know ?
she was never charged with anything numb nuts
This is just going to make people hate her more.
The retards that think investigations are the same as criminal charges have a vote that is equal to mine.
There is a chance they drive cars and have kids.
I want them dead.