And why that's a good thing

And why that's a good thing.

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Based Mel. Oven dodgers be sweating.

he put the 'hack' in Hacksaw Ridge.

Based Mel putting fear into the Jews.

>Check who wrote the article
>Jewish name

Every time it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy

>here’s why you should be worried
Because Mel is literally going to bring about the Rapture.


Get that Proteshit heresy out of here! This thread is for discussion of the One True Faith: Roman Catholicism.

>you should be worried
thank you for the sage advice, Shira Feder, you truly are my greatest ally!

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Do Americans really spend all their time worrying about stupid shit like this?

Yes ((Americans)) do.

>Kike Dyke

Just the ones who care about the media.

Post movies you should be worried about.

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>Passion of the Christ 2
did I miss something on sunday school or something?

The Bible doesn't end with Jesus dying.

Then call it Acts or The Gospel.

not a jewish name not that that should make any difference.

bitch is israeli, nigger

Shira is a jewish given name, retard.

You should go back to Sunday school.

>Here's why you should be worried.

Thanks for telling me how to feel and that to think.

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>the dedicated 45 minute scene explaining how the Jews are controlling Hollywood

I know that the Lord has gifts but I think Mel Gibsons decision to let Raimi guest direct this scene a bit odd.

how many more based redpills do we need to drop on you before your a full blown pede

the name isn't literally Passion of the Christ 2 you brainlet

What a funny coincidence.

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Amen, brother

Passion of the Christ 2

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just so. it ends with his friend John breaking rocks in the Dodecanese and having one of the most glorious sustained hallucinations ever

Any info when its supposed to come out

well we don't want more Colbert/Comey situations now do we

Based Catholic poster. Amen

Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
Passion of the Chri2t
Passions of the Christ
Hellbreaker: A Passion of the Christ Movie
Passion of the Christ II
Second Passion of the Christ
Passion of the Spirit
Return of the Christ

Bonus round
Passion of the Christ: Origins
Passion of the Christ: Revelations
Eternal Passion of the Spotless Christ
Passion-Boy: an Adam Sandler Movie


Without the torture scenes nothing in Passion was memorable.

>famously refused to hire any Jewish consultants to (((oversee))) the film.

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>passion of christ 2
Based on what? Not that I am not going to watch anything by based mel.

Probably the apostles settling in the Roman empire until they destroy it from within, thus getting revenge on the killers of Christ.

kys schlomo goldenstein

>Jewish consultants
To be fair, they did make up the story.


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fuck off kike

Christ's journey to Hell during those three days he's been dead. And the ressurection.
Mel said that in his intetview with Kimmel or someone of these faggots.

the jews didn't have an empire back then though, and especially not rome

That's pretty smart, if it's in Hell he can have as much torture as he wants.

>One True Faith: Roman Catholicism
I can't kek harder, pope-worshipper.

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He can also show tons of non-whites and jews being tortured since they make up the majority of hell

>"H-hate Christianity goyim!"

>"L-love Christianity goyim!"

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get a load of this protie

heretics dont have rights

I fucking hate kikes.

you forgot Tokyo Drift