>list Movies you like
>check director's political views on twitter
> >90% are liberal
Why are most kino made by liberals?
Hollywood is/was centrally controlled.
It's not real.
Because cuckservatives are too stupid and uneducated to make media that people like to see.
The most popular channels on YouTube are pewdipie, Logan Paul and idubbz and they’re all conservative
That doesn't explain Mel Gibson.
Took me a grand total of 30 seconds of google to prove your statement mostly incorrect
Well not all of them are stupid, obviously, that was a generalization on my part.
Because Hollywood attracts that element. Conservatives don't make it big because they can't stand working with the amount of insufferable, freebie handout cunts that are in that business.
i... uh...
>why is a group where awards are handed out due to politics panders to liberals
Why is /poltv/ more active during eu daytime?
the best comedians are all conservative. Crowder for example, bill hicks, Eddie Murphy, Dave Chapelle, Seinfeld and countless others
Are you implying these multimillion dollar movies funded by a small but powerful group of studios and producers favor one side of politics over another? How could that be?
European users are more racist thank american ones, because all americans are 56% mutts and henceforth want to kill white people.
The greatest filmmakers of all time have been conservative
(Pro tip: Quentin Tarantino and Kevin Smith are not great directors).
And they're all retards
If I mentioned my center left views I'd be labelled a racist and a biggot by "libels" but if I was a famous director they would count me among them.
Fuck the US.
Are you implying conservatives are too stupid to create their own studios and hire conservative producers and directors?
Such a stupid dichotomy. American politics have ruined the world.
Europe is whiter. There are less brown and black people on Sup Forums to rage at this time and likewise more white opinions.
This unironically. Well they may have good intentions, your modern conservative just isn't a very smart or creative person. They try to claim memes (the lowest form of humor) but even that's a lie.
you are getting conservatism mixed up with anti pc and guilt culture.
Go ahead and mention your center left views then.
They are doing their part to red pill the younger generations. They are already more conservative and anti sjw lib than other generations. That manufactured March the ban guns was a woeful attemp and shows how small indeed the lib grasp on younger gens are.
No. Its because its ran by liberals, so why would they allow open Conservatives into their midst?
Because its just American NEETS posting, because euros are at work and "normal" Americans are asleep.
They won't be for long; conservatives seem to be having more children. Leftism is natural selection. :)
Close the borders.
pretty much
flyover burger neets don't go to bed until probably 10am or later
ITT: great conservative actors
Completely? How is that center left?
Liberalism correlates with creativity.
t. newly minted alt-right person
Why is all good music made by liberals?
Why are there no good conservative comedians?
Why are most artists left-wing?
It's pro worker pay and conditions. Also puts less pressure on housing and social welfare. Mass immigration is right wing. Open borders is hail Hitler gassing the Jews right now.
Good comedians are anti establishment. All good comedians are now anti "liberal" as a result.
>All good comedians are now anti "liberal" as a result
Idubbz, Jontron etc
One must imagine Sisyphus happy.
>"studios are controlled by liberals that don't hire conservatives"
Not an argument when the conservatives can create their own studios and hire their own.
Face it liberals are generally more creative and movies are creative mediums. It's proven by the big five personality test.
I'm going to be honest. I was thinking of classic comedians making non pc jokes. If you push me for an answer on modern comedians I'd have to say iv stopped following comedy completely. Modern comedians making PC jokes just arnt funny.
I assume you are fine with me associating "liberal" with political correctness rather than classical liberalism.
Jontron is pretty funny. Though I haven't payed attention to his stuff in a while.
Jontron is a fucking youtube eceleb with next to no influence and a shitload of bad opinions, if the best you could find in terms of naming anti liberal comedians are two edgy morons whose target audience is 14 year olds then your argument is probably wrong.
Sam Hyde
because kino often requires
>breaking boundaries and norms
>generally just trying new things
>understanding that your kino may not make you any money and may even leave you broke
and conservatives don't like any of that
They’re ironically conservative you fucking retard.
>Conservatives can't make kino
Uh think again sweetie
Who hurt you?
Name one (1) good liberal filmmaker
I’ll wait...
They're not popular because they're conservative, lol. Pewdiepie mostly grew popular because of his happy wheels and kiddy shit + manipulating the algorithms, now he's maintaining his popularity by basically being r/Sup Forums. Logan Paul is the same shit, pandering to kids and manipulating the algorithms, and idubbbz basically milks youtube drama
I think we need to make this clear.
Being edgy and anti-pc does not equal conservative
That graph wouldn't be complete without mentioning "openness to experience" is directly correlated to liberal views.
Because art is based on manipulating feefees instead of hard facts. I love cinema but conservatives are grounded in reality and get things done as liberals are escapist dinga a lings who need to manipulate reality to suit their views.
Denis Villeneuve
That's fair enough. Can we also stop calling PC corporatists "liberals" too?
>DW Griffith
>John Ford
>John Huston
>Orson Welles
>Billy Wilder
>Stanley Kubrick
>Akira Kurosawa
>Clint Eastwood
>Martin Scorsese
>Mel Gibson
"Liberal" is basically just a buzzword at this point. By definition everyone in America is technically a "liberal", because a "liberal" is just someone who follows John Locke's ideals and America was built off that shit
I don't like Jontron and I don't like his dumbass fans and Gen Z'ers who think they're being epic and edgy by holding "race realist" opinions that they were taught by such brilliant minds as mr. metokur and sargon of akkad and jontron
>a fucking white male
Um no sweetie
I have seen people argue that there is nothing more liberal than slave owning.
Personal freedom is prioritised.
Okay okay, calm down. Sorry if any of us here on Sup Forums offended your pc views, friendly warning, you might not like it here if people having opinions will upset you this much user. The memes aren't worth hurting your sensibilities over, you can always get a rundown of the memes on /r/Sup Forums!
>race realism is edgy now
Nigga shut the fuck up, I've been on this shitty site for way too long to take advice from you.
How is it not? It's pretty much just edgy teens that eat that shit up
You haven't been here long.
Okay user, just trying to help. I see that you used the word nigga to deflect the fact that you're a sensitive liberal. There's nothing wrong with being one! I too love the humour of Colbert and Current Year Man!
Also on any YouTube video discussing race realism you will see a huge amount of anime avatars. Just an observation.
>edgy teens now eat up facts.
Well at least something is improving.
>his favourite director is alive and uses Twitter
Cinema peaked in the silent era.
It's not facts, though I doubt we have time to go into this. Is this the 'altrrnative hypothesis' type argument you are talking about?
There's a reason why the courts ask you to say the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Because crime statistics taken at face value indicate one problem (race = cause of crime) while crime statistics along with other demographic statistics point to a bigger problem that doesn't coincide with what racist 14 year olds like to hear (that the reason that people commit crime is because of horrible social circumstances and failed social infrastructure, and not because they're black)
In this case, a chart that says that blacks commit more crimes per capita than whites is the truth, but it's not the whole truth.
The bell curve.
Darling, when you compare blacks and whites of the exact same income and social strata, blacks commit still more crime.
The book? Debunked when it came out. Hell, debunked even before it came out
I thought blacks get free food, accommodation, education and spending money. What exactly is it they lack? Who is forcing them to commit crime? Who is it that commits the most crimes against them?
Putting aside identity politics, Conservatism is fundamentally about keeping things the way that they are and Liberalism is about changing them.
Art and creativity in general is also about changing things and creating new things.
Film especially is a very young artform and it requires constant innovation, so Conservatism is a stagnant and irrelevant ideology, in regard to film.
Another way to look at it is that Conservatism is about self reliance, while Liberalism is about looking after each other. Conservatives do not so often ask themselves what it is like to be someone else. The empathy required to be a liberal is similar to the empathy required to write nuanced & realistic, distinct characters and also to play different characters, as an actor.
Neither point is a criticism of conservatism though and of course liberals make a LOT of trash. There's a lot more to it as well of course.
Ah yeah please find me a real source for that statistic, and not the fake one that Sup Forums made that jontron used to justify his racism.
I wonder why edgelords are so attracted to chinese cartoons?
Yeah it made a lot of people really upset. It's not debunked though.
>cinema peaked in the silent era
>your source is poopoo
Sweetheart, if I did, would you even change your mind? You're like a creationist that's been shown a transition fossil.
>haha why won’t put out their real names and pictures
>it’s not like we’re well-known for organized harassing of the friends, family, and employers of people that we disagree with.
>haha why won’t put out their real names and pictures
Yeah but Chinese cartoons for little girls?
Sure, if you convince me that the sole reason for black people committing more crime than white people is that they're black, and there's no other correlating factors (poor school systems, poor healthcare systems, poor mental health systems) then I'll believe you. But you can't, because you're too used to being fed infographics full of false data from Sup Forums, so you're gonna keep hiding behind your "sweetie" meme like the little mongrel cockroach that you are..
>there's no other correlating factors (poor school systems, poor healthcare systems, poor mental health systems)
Look up the gini co-efficent and it's relationship to violent crime, pretty interesting.
Now you're doing something like 'god of the gaps'. It must be something else! Keep chasing the dragon until you arrive at something that'll take another several years to disprove, and the cycle will repeat.
>poor school systems, poor healthcare systems, poor mental health systems)
Does this not reflect poorly on them as a race? Or is it whitey’s fault as usual?
Genic studies are showing they more often have genes associated with violence and impulsiveness. Not that they alone have them, that they more often have them.
There isn't a shred of real science that points to social conditions being the cause.
just like how jews control everything and are keeping us down, eh?
>DW Griffith
Directed Intolerance, which basically shit on American Puritanism and was his true kino
>John Ford
Directed Grapes of Wrath, which was considered commie propaganda back then
>John Huston
Was against the HUAC and left America because of it, which would have made you a commie back then
>Orson Welles
Lmao, are you kidding me? He identified as a leftist and a progressive. He made an adaptation of Macbeth with only black people, + directed the pro-union musical the Cradle Will Rock
>Billy Wilder
Hated the HUAC
>Stanley Kubrick
No one knows
>Martin Scorsese
Literally votes Democrat
The only fitting examples in that list are
>Clint Eastwood
>Mel Gibson
And even with Clint he has argued he isn't a conservative and flip flops on different issues and candidates all the time.
>Sup Forums will completely ignore a post actually addressing the question, and continue with inane brainlet posts
The Jews are being stabbed and burned alive by Muslims. They don't control anything. The "jews" running Hollywood are crypto atheists.
Let's make a deal. We'll never complain about Jews again if they leave us alone, and we'll leave blacks alone (as we have in sub-Saharan Africa). But blacks have to leave us alone.
I wonder if that'll finally make them get their shit together.
Openness isn't everything. Everyone is creative to a degree, and conservatives have the planning minds necessary to create and create well.
This sort of social psych leaves out what happens if you have too much openness, as a lot of these leftists have.
You get Reza Aslan eating brains. You get the filmmakers pushing for an ideology that will eventually kill their profession off because it itself bans creativity.
Too much openness as a personality trait is bad.
When you consider what Sup Forums thinks 'politics' means it's not surprising that they have no idea what conservatism and liberalism actually are either.
>hating fags and women and niggers and watching anime and crying about everything
>cutting your dick off and being a fag and inviting muslims to rape your women and also crying about everything
Based centrist, agnostic, non voter.
Is there anything I said that you agree with?
>it's another Sup Forums thread
Sup Forums is a cancer on this site
>Liberals: "We have a higher IQ/are better educated then conservatards hahaha!"
>Also liberals: "Iq differences amongst races are a racist myth/it's not their fault they don't have access the better education"
So happy I grew up out of that meme dogma.
Um sweety, you have to pick your team.