How would've she reacted to the tons of criticism of tlj

How would've she reacted to the tons of criticism of tlj

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With humor/not really giving a shit.

Couple of lines

She barely seemed aware of what was going around her the last few years, I doubt she even knew she was starring in new Star Wars movies

based mods deleted RLG

thank fuck

Her chin in this always looks really weird to me

>Sup Forums hates the movie? What's that?

The nose always distract me

With the prepared statements Disney gave her

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She'd probably go into cardiac arrest

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>"In the end, it's about family."

She didn't even like Rian so she would have given some based banter on how shit a director he is before fucking Scarface-ing into a mountain of coke

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>and cocaine

>le ebin cocaine jokes
Gosh is Sup Forums down or something? whats with all these edgelords posting garbage in every thread?

Go back to r****t, faggot.

Go back to Reylo genera-

what does that have to do with Sup Forums?
I mean it's neither funny or smart, everyone knew she did cocaine and she talked opnely about it.
It's a shitpost, but not Sup Forums-tier

i think its funny..

put me in the screencap

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thats ok
this is not