Why do Sup Forumstard manbabies fear her so much?
Why do Sup Forumstard manbabies fear her so much?
Tumblr design and is a rude cunt.
>why do non-soycucks hate this femnist pandering token character?
>litteraly only 100 people left
can you tell me the plan plx we are desperate here
lol no just do as I say fagget.
Yea that attitude is fine for an army but not in such a desperate situation.
>Sup Forumstard manbabies
Good luck with that, user.
We've actually seen movies with real "strong women" that aren't purple haired cunts
>there are currently 3 threads about this purple haired cunt nearly 4 months after TLJ came out
>claims to hate star wars and capeshit
>posts literally nothing but star wars and capeshit
Sup Forums
She killed thousands
to save billions from patriarchy
All they had to do
All they had to fucking do
Is have her say something along the lines of "We're being tracked through hyperspace so the plan is being kept secret in case of spies."
It wouldn't have saved the film by any means but it would have stopped her looking far less of a colossally inept cunt.
>shoots a hole in the ceiling because she doesnt know how to handle guns
>shoots a laser on the bridge which ricochets and kills the helmsmen
>dont worry guys I got this
>hyperspace rams into their destination
So she's a flawed character that doesn't warrant this amount of assblast by Sup Forumscucks still crying about it months later
She should have just made a small taskforce and told them to find a potential spy on-board
Competent leader making competent choices. I think she would have been making a safe assumption to not think Poe was the spy
Keep slurping mouse cock bby
To save a dozen.
>that trigger discipline
why am I not surprised
Sup Forums is r/starwarsscreeching user
a spy subplot might have been interesting.
she better not try to get in the habbo pool bros
Fear? More like hate because she’s poorly written.
I think the best summary I heard of her character’s plot is to prevent other characters from having a plot. Had people actually listened to her, more than half the cast would have had nothing to do for 75% of the movie. How the hell is that a well written character?
Who made you the judge of what is acceptable levels of criticism? It's an installment in the biggest film franchise of all time, you bet your ass it's going to be scrutinized, and her character was one of the weakest parts of it.
>Dumb Hunger Games inspired hair
>She takes up screen time that could have been used for Leia, Luke, Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose, or Kylo Ren
>She dies without having any real character arc. So there’s no real emotional journey or hit when she dies heroically
Basically all those reasons. The Last Jedi is a mess of a movie.
I don't fear her so much as I don't understand her
>won't tell anyone the plans
>turns crew against her
>roasts a well-liked member of the crew in front of all of his friends
>not telling the plan results in everyone nearly getting killed
>doing everything last minute leads FO to Crait to chase after the Resistance
>kills herself
>imperial ships following you even though they shouldnt
>99.99999% chance there is a spy on board, since that tech is supposed to be impossible
wtf, why didnt she just shout out loud her plans on deck?
She wouldn’t say her plan
That makes her brave and fearless
.99999% chance there is a spy on board, since that tech is supposed to be impossible
So Retard Johnson could have done a decent little sidestory about Rose and Finn hunting for the spy. Instead he did that garbage Casino Planet drivel.
What a terrible movie.
>kills herself
>thirty minutes later Rose gives a speech about how it's wrong to sacrifice yourself to achieve victory
The fucking hacks who wrote and approved this shit all need to be blacklisted from the industry
agreed, everything about the movie was garbage. a general not telling some sgt his top secret plan isnt a stupid thing though. the casino planet and everything about it was dumb.
>only weapon manufacturers can be this rich
bitch, the richest people are property owners and shit
So why not make it clear in the film that she suspects there's a spy on board? It's never even hinted at, she just scolds Poe for even daring to ask
>Yea that attitude is fine for an army
Pretty sure it isn't fine there either.
The idea of there being a spy on board is literally never brought up in the movie.
>think there is a spy on board
>announce pubicly "hey, we think there is a spy on board, so im not gonna tell you anything"
thats not how you catch spys dum dum. and poe could be a spy. single x-wing vs a dreadnought, took out all those guns, and they didnt launch the fighters until the bombers were approaching? kinda fishy
>why would anyone trying to wage a war fear an idiot who doesn't even have the skill to recognize who is trustworthy and who isn't and doesn't even have basic communication skills that every successful military in history has between superiors and soldiers
Because that would mean following a retarded idiot into a pointless death that could have been avoided? The only successful generals in history are ones who are capable of identifying who is loyal and who isn't, and who listen to all the plans and advisory of their generals and officers and even soldiers if an idea trickles up, and utilize them while filtering.
Even Alexander the Great is known for always asking those near him for opinions and filtering the best decisions, which is how he managed to avoid multiple civil wars in Greece before his expansion.
>single x-wing vs a dreadnought, took out all those guns, and they didnt launch the fighters until the bombers were approaching?
that's just Rians shit writing
Almost every major character in this movie is responsible for an innocent person's death and they never take the blame or feel guilt over it.
I honestly think Rian Johnson's mind is poisoned by misanthropy. At least TFA attempted to give its audiences a good time. TLJ at its core really is some cynical, bitter, insidious shit.
sorry rian does not catter for stupid audience, not everything needs to be explained in a movie
>be Rian "The Schlock" Johnson
>write and direct the film equivalent of a bathtub full of piss
>"What, you were expecting a bubble bath with water in it? EXPECTATIONS SUBVERTED!"
>"There's water IN piss anyway, retard!"
>"Come on, we all know you like taking baths, so you HAVE to like this one I drew for you."
>"Psh, you're just mad because I hired some strong females and POC's to piss in this tub with me. Fucking racist, misogynist bastard."
>"Oh yeah? Well this bath wasn't excreted for you anyway! Fuck you!"
>how dare you not watch a bad movie!
publicly announce=/=telling the person who you can guarantee isn't a spy because he literally destroyed a dreadnought less than an hour ago
>implying women writing star shit know anything about leadership
I'd be terrified if i was a soldier and had a terrible egomaniac commander like her
You afraid of strong women?
>only plan is to fly in a straight line until they run out of fuel
i know youre memeing but literally who wrote this shit
>every major character in this movie is responsible for an innocent person's death and they never take the blame or feel guilt over it.
Such as?
This is why I think Johnson is a sociopath.
She literally had nothing to do with the overarching story and her behavior made no sense, also her battle plan was a lot like a glorification of 9-11 which is kind of unnerving for a Disney movie. She also looks like a tumblr-girl going to a fancy dinner party when she is supposed to be in charge of a battle ship. Nothing about her character makes any sense.
Holdo spinoff movie when?
What did you think Rian's new trilogy was going to be about?
A system with things like that in charge is the quickest way to famine, death, and misery.
Why would I fear someone I'm never going to see again?
"A gender studies professor on a backwater planet joins the resistance against the First Order which has created a weapon of mass-mansplaning.
La lesbiana morada
shill pls, that movie does nothing BUT cater to stupid people
Sup Forums hates vagina creatures
the supposed main theme of failure is at best insulting, at worst down right evil. Not a single main character suffers for their failures. The only consequences are felt by offscreen nameless characters dying by the hundreds.
That has to be some sort of psychopathy
ive never seen the movie but cant stand them, they look like a liberal commisar
The closest any character comes to punishment for their failure is Luke feeling pathetically sorry for himself, which of course results in more deaths.
It's a deeply unpleasant, cynical, contemptuous little movie. There isn't a shred of sincere, spiritual nourishment in it.
>literal nobody in the SW universe
>"omg guys, remember Holdo? such a legend right?"
>gives shit orders that will get everybody killed
>"i'll sacrifice myself now, because i'm such a hero legend"
>"wow guys, omg I can't even"
Replace her with Ackbar and this plotline is saved, but the movie is overall shit
Fuck Laura Dern cunt. TLJ sucked.
Perhaps they have good taste.
Neither is Poe's. Nobody come to admirals
>Yo, what's the plan?
Then again neither is having an admiral dressed like she's attending the Oscars.
This whole fucking movie is stupid.
>not being assDEVASTATED for months by the mere existance of a movie character = slurping mouse cock
Sup Forumstards are pathetic creatures
>doesn't understand movie plot
>"i-it's for stupid people"
You mean despite
>her head piece is like a halo
>We're being tracked through hyperspace
Why is this such a big deal in this movie. Leia is if her face wasn't frozen in botox all oh shit.
For fucks sake the Death Star followed the Millenium Falcon to Yavin. Sure they placed a tracker. Why not logically assumed that they did it again? Nah, it must be some new technology.
Also, why not split up the fleet?
>they can't follow all of you everywhere at once, at least not according to the rule where only one ship does the tracking
>they follow one ship
>that ship gets sacrificed
>you're left with 95 % of your rebel fleet instead of 14 people in the Millenium Falcon
It's despise
Fucking stupid slavs, I swear to god
This right here is why Rian is a hack. Any random 8th grader would tell you the same thing but noooo SUBVERSION!
Nobody cared who she was until she put on the halo.
nope. it's fear
when you despise something you want to have nothing to do with that thing and ignore it
when you fear something you make a gazillion threads in a shithole image board about how bad it is for months, trying to echo chamber it into being non-threatening to you
It doesnt matter who she is. What matters is her plan
>You are a Sup Forumstard if you dislike this character
You are an absolute disgrace
Hell, she could have told Poe. You know, that guy everyone respects. He seems like a good guy to get on your side when your position is tenuous and people are terrified of being led to their deaths.
>turn off your brain for 2 1/2 hours
>hook yourself up to a respirator
>enjoy the pretty images as they flicker over your glazed unblinking eyes
>get someone to wipe the drool from your mouth and relieve you when you need a piss
>but make sure you do it in that sweet third week of release
the movie was great you guys!
Nice head canon you got there
>There isn't a shred of sincere, spiritual nourishment in it.
>"/p-pol/? n-no way"
nice try but see here for example the typical Sup Forumstard using other social media and gendered insults instead of arguments about why it hates a character
>she even has no trugger discipline
It's like they genuinely set out to make the worst military leader in the history of Star Wars
I hear "What the fuck?" in my head every time I see this now.
>bitch, the richest people are property owners and shit
Not when interstellar travel and arcologies are commonplace.
you... you think the spy would destroy the death star 3.0 to maintain cover?
stop defending that shitty movie rian
It needs to at least be implied; otherwise, it doesn't exist
soy soy SOY SOY KEK cuck cuck cuck soy SOY cuck SOY
fear her?
"look at me guys am in charge here XDD"
"better kamikaze my shit up"
best writting
Holdo is a pleb filter.
But then there would be no twist, user! Rian needed a twist! A twist that could only work on the first viewing and not on repeat viewings!
There was a physical tracker on board the Falcon. The new technology of hyperspace tracking eliminated the need of a physical one.
If you recall in Empire, Vader said "calculate every possible destination along their last known trajectory." Now you don't even have to do that shit if you didn't have a physical tracker.
>Nobody come to admirals
>>Yo, what's the plan?
In red revolutionary army they had political officers to explain troops wtf is going on daily. Because it was originally a volunteer army so soldiers had right to know wtf is going on. Rebels are kinda like that, da?
Because they know she's not the real Diane
lol, at this whole 'nice guy' meme.
Women dont want to sleep with you because you're a collective group of unattractive, horribly awkward autists. It's as simple as that.