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-correct the record

Comey was always a shill.

Now its up to the FBI officials and NYPD to leak the info directly. And they must move NOW! Have a fucking press conference even if that whore Loretta lynch doesn't approve of it.

They are trying to run out the clock


Yaaay, you're winning this election through cheating and corruption like the true winners you are.


My first dubs after 1,5 years wtf

Yo wtf

Nice. I'm a master mage. Have some of my dubs. on the house.


> its this thread again


Honestly, this is a huge news. They read everything now and found nothing.

I'm putting my $$$ on Madam President.

wtf i love comey now

awwww....kill yourself


Delicious butthurt

This is why I Sup Forums

> the faggot that refused to talk about Russian hacking a month ago because the election date was too close

Damage has been done.

If you say so ;)


Did you just fucking assume?

Enjoy it while it lasts

You realize that there are gonna be Trump ""University"" fraud lawsuits months from now ?

The biggest crook is the orange one.

yo wtf



Now it's Trump's turn to get fried in front of a prosecutor for raping little girls.

ctr is in full damage control


pffft your puny shit does nothing to me.


There's no damage to control.

t. CTR team leader from Tel Aviv, I mean, from BASED HUNGARY

still nothing...


Minimum 4 years.


Funny how there's nothing you can say to refute me. If you "win", it will be through cheating and corruption. You're not winners. You're bigger losers than Berniebots and the people here you make fun of because at least they still believe in something.

wtf i love hillary now

Is anyone here making a collage? I have a bunch of premium trump delusion saved on my laptop


She's still under investigation as part of The Clinton Foundation. (Do we not remember "Focus on the Foundation". And as we all have seen in the docs, she's fucking toast.

>If you "win", it will be through cheating and corruption.
Hillary will win because she will get more votes despite the Russian meddling with their WikiLeaks and FBI allies.

> and the people here you make fun of because at least they still believe in something.

I believe in competent world leaders, it's not a job for ignorant impulsive people with Russian mafia ties.

There were never any charges, just an investigation. Justice department would not bring charges... they wouldn't accept any evidence could show intent.
An independent persecutor, a grand Jury, and congress could reach a different conclusion,
and so can the voters reviewing the wikileaks.

>the Russian meddling with their WikiLeaks and FBI allies

Listen to yourself.

You don't even believe your own words.

Will you accept Kaine as a Hillary's replacement?

I'm wounded. crying tears. i'll never be able to look in a mirror again. I guess I'll vote trump now. kill yourself.

Why should I? I'm not the loser celebrating a liar and a cheater

>inb4 Drumpkin
Never said anything about him.

>Will you accept Kaine as a Hillary's replacement?

Nope. Even Hill herself said in her book that he was a "terrible" choice for VP.

It's true, they are all allies in getting Trump elected. Wikileaks is just a front for Russian services.

You know the Russian link was a complete lie, right? Or maybe you don't, which is why you'd still believe a single word out of the hag's mouth.

And the FBI was controlled by the Russians, too? But now they're suddenly not anymore?


Foundation is still under investigation.

Clinton will never see the light of day.

More. Let the butthurt flow from you freely. Let it cascade from every orifice.

This is going to be an amazing week.

>Comey says they won't recommend a prosecution
>Sup Forums goes full REEEtard and calls him a traitor and rigger in chief
>Comey announces more mails found
>hailed by Sup Forums as 'based', a political mastermind supergenius
>Comey says recommendation won't change after all
This is getting ridiculous


I assume you agree with my post if "u so mad lol" is all you can write in response.

>You're not winners. You're bigger losers than Berniebots
nownow I hate HRC as much as the next guy but if they win that makes them winners you retard

wtf I hate Comey again

im watching the fox coverage on it now fucking shill as shit

>>hailed by Sup Forums as 'based', a political mastermind supergenius
True. I never trusted him, no idea why everyone else jumped back on the bandwagon.

If the only way I can "win" a competition is by cheating my way through it, this does not make me a "winner", no.

Of course you can argue that there never was a "competition" because eveyone knew the game was rigged from the start but then all this talk about winning and losing is pointless anyway.

Russia is working hard to undermine the American democracy. You live in a bubble if you think they were not behind the hacking and that they aren't releasing edited documents. Both have been proven beyond doubt.

The FBI behaves as if it were controlled. They are covering up Russian meddling and then writing letters about ongoing investigations which is illegal. You can read about this everywhere. Google FBI is Trumpland.

You sound like a fucking tinfoil hat nutjob, Christ.

I hope you're LARPing because I worry for your sanity.

You live in a bubble protected from reality.

No, I don't.

You're delusional if you think the FBI being largely pro-Trump somehow "proves" they are controlled by Russia.

I said no such thing that they are controlled. But there's much more going on than simply being pro-Trump. They are covering up for Russia and crossing legal lines to damage one political candidate. These are facts.

100% in agreement with your post.

Now tell me how you will feel when Trump concedes.

If I give you an email address, will you make a video of you watching the election outcome and send it to me?

You have created a monster!
Well memed though.


What gives you the impression I support Trump?

Is your worldview so limited that you think people can't be disgusted by Hillary's shit without being Trump supporters at the same time?

If they win the competition, they get to have things their way and we dont
that makes them winners
they dont give a shit how they get that but it still means they win

Argh. Don't stop posting, I'm really close to cumming.

Leave your alt right bubble sometimes. The things I said are proven facts.

So you won't be upset when Trump loses the election (and by proxy Hillary wins)?

>The biggest crook is the orange one.

the bigger crook will win the election

Swindling some money out of some gullible kids isn't the same as destabilizing a country and going to war with another over nonsense

Let the bigger crook win!

They actually like each other.

I have a place all hillary supporters can go. A deep pond in the country. Lots of room. Come on down.

That's a sad way to look at competitions, though. Why have one in the first place if you can cheat your way through it to win?

Not upset, just sad probably. The natural feeling you get when bad thing happen and you know you can't do anything about it.

Will you be happy if she wins? If yes, why?

hillary isnt running against sanders. get over it.

haha Hillary just win

Swindling some money out of some gullible kids doesn't make you qualified to deal with all the problems in the world. And infowars videos don't make a foreign policy expert out of you.

yeah man I agree

how can Trump idiots even think that he will win

I'm not supporting Bernie, either. Didn't you notice that I'm German? I'm not supporting either of your candidates, just observing this election as an outsider.

blockling a meglomaniacal moron from the presidency is plenty reason enough to celebrate. hillary will be an average at best president. thats all we need.

I enjoy seeing overly sensitive people sad and my experience with people who like Trump tells me that maximum satisfaction will be achieved come Tuesday.

sanders was not a democrate before, he isn't a democrat now. he's a far left demagogue that tried to take over the democratic party. the party blocked him, as any responsible party would do. if you want to call that cheating be my guest. GOP should havew blocked trump, but they laid down at his feet like the pathetic excuses for leaders they are. Parties are supposed to believe in things, not just follow their voters whims down a fucking rabbit hole.


You haven't won anything. If only you knew how bad things are going to get now. Hillarys reign will be a corrupt bloodbath. Politicians will be assassinated left and right. America will collapse. There will be no rule of law.

I never had a doubt she would that she would lose.

keep praying for that every night and maybe it will really happen, Cletus.

I don't have to pray for it to happen. Watch. DoJ and DHS have been stocking up on ammo for a reason. Obama gave the military permission to shoot on civilians back i nJuly for a reason. They know what's coming, WE know what's coming. The only ones who don't know are the useful idiots.

You genuinely disgust me.

>I enjoy seeing overly sensitive people sad
Why? You sound like a bad person.

So you believe the party leaders should decide which candidate to nominate, not the voters? Then why give people the illusion of having a choice in the first place like Dems did with Bernie? Don't you think it was immoral to lie to them?

Comey is not necessarily a Trump supporter, at least not to the detriment of the bureau. It is easy to see that he felt pressured by what would have been a contentious decision whichever way he swung, but he decided he didn't want to burn bridges with the republicans or his own staff and went ahead and released the news. The fact he finished the investigation as fast as possible indicates he was trying to make sure he didn't appear partisan. He wanted to both be able to release the news, and give a solid answer on it so he didn't look like he had ulterior motives. All week any fbi related sources and people that know comey have been shocked by the move because Comey is seen as a solidly ethical manager of the bureau who wouldn't make a partisan pull like this. I think the simplest solution is just that he felt political pressure and wanted to come out in the end looking like he was just doing his job.

What charges?

When did I say I was a good person?

Again, will you YouTube your reaction to the election for me?

Sup Forums BTFO, It was nice while it lasted. Enjoy having a woman destroy your country, I certainly did.

>Why? You sound like a bad person.
What other kind of person would genuinely support a Hillary presidency, knowing what she is?

These people are the future commissars of the New World Order and they'd put a bullet in our heads without hesitation.

I'm not a particularly emotional person, you'd be pretty bored by it.

Yeah but will everyone know in time.
Comey was irresponsible

>All charges

She's still in deep shit about the Foundation.

Please give energy to Madame president