What are some films with this aesthetic?
What are some films with this aesthetic?
and it's beautiful
Couldn't they have done it the other way around?
The Culture of Critique
Repo: The Genetic Opera
Clockwork Orange
The first half an hour of 2001 and Black Panther
(and that’s a good thing)
Does that mean if someone posted a group of gorillas it would get categorized as blacks?
The Hood Life series of "documentaries". Here's 1 and 3, though I think there are 4. Can't find 4 and 2 complete on youtube.
I can't wait for the debates over whether or not AI should be made illegal when it's discovered that it's impossible to make something that functions entirely on logic that doesn't end up racist.
Already happened.
>Google inadvertently admits black people look like gorillas
the gorillas it's not fair for them to be labeled as black people
AI will notice that 12% or so of the population commits over half of the violent crime.
Then it will be shit down.
Are people reading that?
It’s so funny
Yea. I’ve learned that white people are easy to shame and don’t want to be ostracized from the group so that makes it easy for the Jews to slip in and fuck with us
Boy do i have a treat for you:
If you haven't it's incredibly eye-opening.
>bunch of black kids at a zoo see a gorilla
>instantly start chanting daddy, daddy
Fucking googles
Wow thanks I had my sound off
wow thanks for explaining that webm friendo.
I bet you enjoyed Annihilation.
They probably started chanting daddy because they thought they were at the prison visitor center.
Fake news, just typed it in, works.
And here why this is important in Trump's America
But WHY?
Laowai is what they call white people, too.
The mom told them to do it, shes making fun of their father.
>both gwailou and Laowai mean foreigner
Ching chong
This is how you know there aren't any black people working at Google.
>implying objectivity exists
And here's what you should think
Agreed. The algorithm would recognise every single thing on the planet if they'd just let some African engineers assist them.
Nice tactical nihilism there lad.
VERY fake news
I remember that several years ago AI had trouble of differentiating pigs from naked people (white people I suppose) but no one had problem with that
It does: you’re objectively a faggot.
>when Harambe is a bigger father figure than your real dad.
Explain how racism is logical.
man these early 2000s style docs are rough
AI is our last hope.
I never said it would be a racist robot, I'm not that person you originally replied to. However most people who are called racists are more accurately race realists. Race realists look at trends between races and arrive at various conclusions eg. blacks score consistently and significantly lower than whites on IQ tests, blacks commit more crime than whites even correcting for socio-economic background, black and white children raised by other parents (adoption studies) show the same consistent and significant IQ gap, blacks score lower in school exams than other races, blacks have average lifetime earnings lower than other races etc. etc. which brings us to the conclusion that blacks are stupider than whites, by a large margin at that.
>implying AI won't be extremely controlled
These "race realists" almost never actually take stas into context or acknowledge the limitations of those statistics. They also tend to rely on a handful of studies while claiming any study that indicates otherwise must be biased.
That's not realism. It's not logic. It's fitting the data into your narrative. It's a shame, because I genuinely do believe there are differences between the median of different genetic groups, but the people you're talking about (who I assume you consider yourself part of) don't even fucking look at genetic groups. Just skin color. That's not even remotely scientific.
>black and white children raised by other parents (adoption studies) show the same consistent and significant IQ gap
Show me some data on this.
t. lives in a 99% white suburb
I live in a mixed race large city and half of my co-workers are black.
As hard as it may be for you to imagine, not everyone who has daily interactions with black people have negative ones. I'm sure the niggers that come into your McDonald's are very rude, but the ones in my office all have degrees and are professional.
I'm not that user, but he's undoubtedly referring to the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study. You can find a source from Wiki
it's gwailou imho
My country's constitution, recognize the fact that we are not really equal, but the government's objective is to be an equalizer for everyone, to remove the obstacles.
I am reminded of a sociological experiment, where a teacher was convinced about certain kids in the class being smarter than others, they received more attention and as a result by creating this bias in the teacher they did turn out to be smarter.
Now I am not gonna pretend that this example can prove you wrong, my points are just 2, to consider that our perception of people can shape them, positively and negatively, and that 2, consider prison, we have these people that have objectively been bad, what do we do with them? We reform them, maybe not America, their prison system is terrible, but the point is to reintegrate them back into society, so I think the point is being the better person, to fight against this. I know I am not really making a strong argument here, I dont really think I can change anyone's mind about it anyway, probably a waste of time.
Also this is a TV board.
And these anti-realists never acknowledge that stats are a pretty good way of looking at groups. Think of it like height:
Men are taller than women. Every time we measure heights, we find out that the "average man" is a couple inches taller than the "average woman." But if you're the average man, about 5'9.5", walking down the street, you'll find that you're shorter than a lot of guys, taller than most women, but also shorter than a good amount of women. So what's the deal?
Real racists are like a Tom Cruise manlet who reads online that men are a couple inches taller than women and feels like a giant, chuckling to himself at the idea that there are women out there in the WNBA thinking they can play basketball when they're so much shorter than he is. But anti-realists say that the statistics on height are bullshit, because you see all these tall women, and that "there's more height variance within both groups than there is separating them."
Stats describe groups. Individuals fall where they may. Racists apply group statistics to individuals, which is bad, and anti-racists pretend that groups don't exist.
There are smart black people, retarded Jews, stupid Asians, clever Indians, all kind of variance. Group characteristics don't mean that much when it's an individual before you. But don't treat millions of people like an individual.
>here's how it hurts black america
>Thinking I implied at all that statistics aren't valid
I implied the exact opposite. That the statistical research on race hasn't been scientific. Go on /sci/ and tell them about your sociological studies and see how they react. If the field of sociology wants to start doing scientific, emperical studies on genetic groups I am all for it. As it stands, none of the studies have sufficiently eliminated cultural variables to be considered good quality data.
Because they needed those degrees to get into your office, and they have affirmative action to help them get those degrees. holy shit you lot really are retarded.