"When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it."

>"When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it."

Was he right?

Joss is truly cancer.

You get a gold medal for those mental gymnastics?

>On top of this rock, I will build my church.
>Trust me, God's winding up for another.

>destroy earth with a rocket powered meteor
if at anytime your character needs to commit genocide
the answer is no he isnt right, even if he has a grain of truth to his statement, then it went wrong somewhere along the road to dropping a rocket meteor

So a god complex is out of character for Ultron?

This movie was trash. I'm just happy Comic!Ultron isn't alive to see this day.

No, but I'm sure being able to stomach Joss Whedon's garbage writing qualifies you for the Psychological Tour de France.

A God complex with metaphors derived from anything other than narcissism is out of character for him. Comic Ultron didn't need to spout shit some trash about Genesis to get his point across.

Life always shakes things up when you're comfortable. That's how being alive works, otherwise you'd just sit still and never do anything. God made us always just a little unsatisfied no matter how great things are, so that we'll keep striving

*tips adamantium*

Comic Ultron was based on Pym's personality, not Stark's.

Well, if he's talking about dinosaurs, and if we assume that the meteor was God's will, they were still just dumb animals at that point, so the Earth wasn't even starting to settle, so he's wrong at least on account of that.

why would he bother making earth that long ago just to get it ready for us, then lie about having whipped it up in a week
makes a lot more sense that he snapped it into existence and the past just came with it, old meteor craters included but dinosaurs probably still around because why not. we still find bones with actual tissue inside instead of just rock

AoU is underrated IMO. I liked it better than the first one and Ultron was a good villain.

I can't wait for Avengers IW to come out and contrarians start an ongoing argument that AoU was actually great and only plebs didn't like it

>humans are dumb so I'll build a ton of shitty easily breakable robots, that'll show them my superiority!
Who ever thought this made the slightest bit of sense?

He's just being poetic about himself being a supreme being that will reshape the world, showing off his huge god complex. Don't be a retard.

>But religion is great and so is God
God knows every bad thing that will ever happen, even things out of Humanities control and still let's it happen, then we are punished for it because it's apparently out own choice even though it's not because God knows and set into motion those events
The god of the bible is a monster

Is there no alternative choice where it's all shit? Because it is.

Hoooooo shit that's good call me Nicholas Cage because I'm gonna steal that.

Humanity deserves its miseries.


Snyder is truly cancer.


Either you get to make your own choices about what you want to fuck up and have to deal with the consequences including afterlife related or God controls your every move and choice and he wants you to do nothing but good selfless stuff forever and tend to the world.

God doesn't need to set anything in motion, your choice does all the work for him.

How can free will be real user? How can it be real if God has absolutely perfect foresight? does he not? He knows exactly what's going to happen, to the smallest detail.
These events therefore must be pre-determined and God created is knowing that we would do this, it's not as if we have the option if it's predetermined an infinite amount of time before it happens.
If God exists he made us to go against him and then punishes us for eternity for doing what we were created to do
That is a monster that wouldn't deserve worship if he were real

Technically, yes.

Comets and ice ages aside there are wild fires, floods, and earth quakes. Humanity is an old species but civilization only started 6 thousand plus years ago. The theory for that is that humans were always getting kicked around from disaster after disaster until there was a calm period where humans finally got enough of stable environment that cities, trade, writing, etc. could be made and start civilization.

So, basically yeah, Earth goes through periods of devistating we events between periods of calm and we are over due for the devistating part.