>Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
>Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
Tell me about the bunny!
Why does he wear the mask?!
Quite literally the worst movie of all fucking time.
Quite literally the best movie of all fucking time.
Fucking this. I dumped the girl who first showed me this movie, and later I dumped a different girl when she said it was her favorite film. I cannot ever run the risk of having to watch even 5 minutes of this movie ever again as long as I live.
No you didn't.
Quite literally the most average movie of all fucking time.
Fucking this. I married the girl who first showed me this movie, and later I had an affair with a different girl when she said it was her favorite film. I just want to watch this movie over and over again as long as I live.
another case of the fans ruining the film
it's not that bad. it is completely up its own ass, however
>it is completely up its own ass, however
Absolute late-adolescence kino. Too bad it's unbearable to watch as an adult.
i wanna rape gretchen
I still think it's pretty good but yeah, I don't love it as much as I once did.
This not
I totally did.
Fucking this. I had no feelings towards the girl who first showed me this movie, and later I felt nothing about a different girl when she said it was her favorite film. I don't care one way or the other about watching this movie again as long as I live.
t. psued
I still like it. It was very of its time. Much like Fight Club it is accused of the very tropes it created.
I have no idea what word you were trying to even use there.
Only brainlets, contrarians, and normies think this film isn't pure kino.
Wow. You dumped a girl because of her taste in film. Shit boyfriend you are. I suffer though my girlfriend's Supernatural, even though fuck that show.
Post that again, but try to use at least three more meme words so everyone knows without a doubt how smart you are.
I suffer through things my wife likes now, because I love her and see the value she adds to my life. Why wouldn't I dump some useless vapid thot when I was 28 and she was 24 and clearly has shit taste in film?
Jena Malone does have kino feet tho
So you admit her taste in film wasn't the only reason you dumped her?
t. brainlet normie contrarian
Yes, freely. I also freely admit that her showing me her "favorite film" was the final straw. What about this is so hard for you to comprehend?