I finally understand you Sup Forums. I understand why the majority supports Trump. You guys want a revolution. You want drastic changes in the economy, migration politics, external and internal affairs and you want a transparent and clean government. You understand that established politicians can't be trusted, that's why you've voted for an outsider. Although you are, the usual follower of Trump isn't as much of a racist and bigot your media is trying to make you believe. You want change and you want it now. You want more work and more pay, you want less immigrants and less terrorists blowing up into your face. Trump promises all that and more. He just doesn't say how to accomplish it but whatever. He's a politician after all, isn't he? If he only keeps his promise on a few key elements you'd be more than happy. Chances are you're also deeply afraid of what the future will bring. Less jobs, China and India getting more and more power. The truth is, the times of you being a superpower and all its perks are over but you don't like to face that. USA #1? Glory of past days. Naturally you want a strong leader to guide you through these dark times, a seasoned veteran, someone with balls.
I finally understand you Sup Forums. I understand why the majority supports Trump. You guys want a revolution...
He Isn't a politician, that's the whole point. Fuck off with your contradicting blog, filthy fucking kike.
pretty much. was it that hard to understand until now?
>Sup Forums really are the good guys
Took you long enough.
That looks so much like my cat. He's play biting just like mine.
>USA is not a superpower
We all know that most of what Trump promises will never come to fruition because of the corrupt retards in the house and senate, but no change is still better, than what Killary offers.
Though I still like his message. Tarifs, Immigration-reform, a limit to terms and a ban of foreign donations, as well as more law-enforcement in the cities sound pretty good to me.
My point is, this guys a businessman and he played you so damn easy like a fiddle it's embarrassing. This guy screws over people for a living. Are you really convinced that this guy who had 10 times more lawsuits than Hillary gave speeches won't sell you out the moment he sits down in the oval office? The same guy who promotes a plan deporting all illegals which would cost a trillion dollars, tax cuts for the rich, more and better infrastructure, company tax cuts and merkantilism. How would he finance all that? Trump says he'll find a way. Every single time anyone asks him any of those points he evades it with "Trust me on this, we will make it..." or "There is a way this great country could do it". Same thing with how he wants to battle corruption. "Well we'll propose this and that to the Congress", which leads me to another point. He often acts as if the wouldn't be a Congress at all to fufill his lunatic ideas.
He can do most of what he says though.
He does have a plan.
How are you this uninformed?
Just wait and watch.
Expropriation. Soros has too much money.
The left wants communism anyway. They shouldnt even be upset. Its exactly what they want.
>Sup Forums really are the good guys
Except nearly every single proposal he's made so far is unfeasable (except tax cuts for the rich, those are really popular with republican blue collars) going even so far that experts warn from actually implementing anything. Like so many ideas of this guy they seem alright at a glance but he apparently has no idea of macroeconomics. I sure hope his advisors have because he will be needing them a lot.
>He can do most of what he says though
So there is no Congress? Yeah he can pass a few emergency orders which would horribly backfire like bringing back manufactoring jobs despite them not producing cost effective since the 80s and lets not forget a whole generation or two not even educated for this labour. Break up a few trade agreements because why should any US company want to export something?
In the end you just want to fuck the system.
But the system will fuck you.
Go vote you cucks, then kill yourself either when Hillary gets elected or when your debt increased tenfold after 4 years Trump.
What's the purpose of the post?
What's the purpose of a post?
>Immigration freeze is infeasible
It's easier than processing immigrants.
>Deporting any illegal that ends up arrested is infeasible.
Stopping the catch-and-release policy and just kicking them over the wall would reduce the police workload.
>Wall is infeasible.
Bullshit, we have plenty of material sitting around and plenty of people looking for work that can supply on-the-job training to currently worthless Millenials who don't have a single trade skill.
>Not going to war with Russia to protect ISIS is infeasible.
We should be backing Assad along with Russia right now, just for stability's sake.
What proposals are you talking about?
To get an answer to a legitimate question
Just shut the fuck up already. It took you all the way until there only being 2 days left before the election to figure this out?
Technically he is now, he even said it himself.
Naw, /pol just "wants".
I just want the world my boomer parents grew up in.
>Loads of good paying jobs that you could buy a house and raise a family with the wages
>Female actually being feminine and not trying to compete with the men of the world.
>Next to no violent crime and very little crime all together.
>"I could go out and leave my doors and windows unlocked"
Instead we were given a shell of that while the boomers sold out the younger generations so they could get rich.
Iv woken up to how selfish and delusional boomers really are with the American election.
They are the biggest supporters of keeping the status quo going because they are barely feeling the effects of their failed policies and are at retirement age and never have to worry about work again.
Sadly the boomers are going to die still being hardcore Marxists that would rather their children be ethnically cleansed then get rid of left wing goverments.
Boomers care about themselves, their properties and their pension plans.
That is all they care about.
It's all a game, you retarded
You're fucking stupid, bitch.
Except, you know, all those times where he lays out in details the specific rule changes he will make and how to accomplish his stated goals. You know, those papers and statements he has throughout his website, and has given at multiple rallies and debates? If you're gonna be condascending, at least know your stuff. It's not about regaining past glory. It's about not going back to the dark ages. Progress is not guaranteed. Things have been pretty great, relatively, and I'd like to keep them that way. You don't understand how thin the line is, how easily everything could come crashing down. It just takes one slice to unravel the gordion knot.
What's the purpose of any post on Sup Forums?
I just wanted to say that I understand where you're coming from but the next step (voting for Trump) goes against so many principles your typical Sup Forumsack has
>is a corporate fatcat
>is a politician
>is a hedonist
>is contacts to globalist jews
>even married daughter to an influental jew
>Sup Forums wants a happening.
Took you this long to figure that out newfag shill? They really don't pay you to lurk, do they?
he is raising the bar for politicians. he is changing the game from the top down
he is a politician, not a businessman dumbass you moron. filthy moron