I was texting a girl and suddenly she asked me "Trump or Clinton?". Went full Sup Forums autismo on her, and she just asked for curiosity, she doesn't watch the news. Fuck you guys. I was going well.
I was texting a girl and suddenly she asked me "Trump or Clinton?". Went full Sup Forums autismo on her...
I know what you mean, user, I totally sperg out on bluepilled fags. I cannot help it, most of them don't even know what wikileaks is. We just need to find a nice redpilled wife and we'll be okay. Right? D;
>Gas the kikes race war now 14/88 blaze it
wtf op
Whenever my customers ask who I'm voting for (most of them) I explode into pro Trump sperging and all the shit Hillary did. The crazy part is 90% of the time they kind of cheer me on and agree. I live in Florida by the way, Florida seems pretty fucking pro trump. Even had a mexican girl go off about how much she loves Trump.
In the moment I just felt to say that, it's like when you feel to break some gay ass leftist's face. Exactly the same feeling.
The girl has to love you for YOU. Don't put up a false front, it will only lead to problems later.
>Gas the kikes race war now 14/88 blaze it
wtf I love normies now
>gas the kikes race war now 14/88 blaze it
cleared from what?
>being this retard
Why would a Brazilian even care about any of the things you're texting about?
by her 6 million dollar bribe to comey? Which is old news by now
I think you might have autism
Fuck off, Ahmed. I spanked a leftist with a baseball bat from my marxist university. What did you do, faggot? Watched your wife getting fucked in the ass by Tyrone and his homies?
Calma aí, filho da puta, deixa o alemão se passar.
É curioso como os gringos sempre tiram brasileiros para inferiores ou generalizam-nos como macacos, é realmente engraçado porque nos subestimam.
Esses filhos da puta são sebosos. Adoram tirar uma, mas o país deles estão na mesma merda. Espancaria um cuzão desse. Fala 55.
The wall just got 10 ft higher
No you literally have autism, that or this is bait.
what app is that?
>brazilians thinking they are white
thanks for the giggle
De volta à árvore, macaco.
>morrocans thinking they are white
So you smash or what?
Sure, fall back on memes blackie, western europe is whiter than south fucking america will ever be
preta, preta, pretinha
>hurr durr cool memes
>proceeds to use one
florida = third world state, please declare independence as a spanish colony or some shit, we no longer want you
t. virginia
Spaghetti Status = Spilled
Well done op
A sweden should remain in silence, until someone purge your literally fucked country, but yeah, thank god the wall is growing taller.
Everyone who is born in brazil, or become the best warriors, or the crazyest monkeys. Os viado alopra, mas tem uma senpaiília de muçulmanos por metro quadrado.
Go away now ape, stop defending white race online as you make us look silly
South America not being white isn't a meme friend
netherlands is only 80% dutch nowadays m8
your own ethnicity is going to die out because you faggots are too liberal
You belong in /r9k/
>South America not being white isn't a meme friend
But non-brazilian south americans wanting to be white is
Sure white you are, Ahmed bin Muhammad.
>expecting someone to swallow a 1km diameter red pill
Thats pretty fucking autistic bro
91% actually, wich is better than the US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Belgium.
We ARE too liberal just like the entire west, but dont you faggots talk about numbers mr whites will be a minority in my country in 35 years
fucking normie OP. he belongs to uol chat. /r9k/ is high level for him.
i'm not white first of all, so idc what happens to whites
and you are 91% white, but only 80% dutch
who cares if you stay white if you lose dutchness
btw geert wilders is a mongrel with indonesian heritage ROFL
...Why you on vibrate, Joao?
Where have you stuck the phone in?
Top tier bantz
Up your mom's hairy monkey ass, bitch vomited some pennies through her mouth, won't pay debts though.
>i'm not white first of all
Lol stopped there, who gives a fuck what you think.
Should v known by your flag. I can only blame myself for responding to you blackie
> green and yellow bonobo runs from the cage
> rushes to Sup Forums and tries to emulate an good OP
Sai do meu chan, incluso. Você não é engraçado, autista.
> implying it is true
this OP must be a fat pinky cheeks mamas boy.
hearty kek m8. you do have autism though
welcome home
>fatty bonobo boy detected
will you cry, baby boy?
Nice spaghetti
Leva ele, moderação. Enjoe ban.
Clinton foundation hasn't been cleared yet, you forget half of the story.
lol fuck that, lie. i'll gladly take problems later in exchange for pussy now
Charge your phone.
already cryed to mama mod? where do you think you are? in kindergarden? KEK
fucking normie!
you need to let her get to know you and your character well before you're that comfortable being autistic to her. she wont understand and will take it the wrong way
wow you are an autistic sperg, way to go.
>Florida getting their shit together
>not a good thing
how many was it again virginia? 60,000?
Not really a meme though, a Turk would also be possible.
You have serious autism
91% lol, have you been in your own country?
you're pretty based today brasil
Like a contagious form of a virulent Tourette's syndrome that you can exclusively catch on Sup Forums...
But is it sexually attractive to females?
Actually, it was only $650,000 and it was for the congress bid of the wife of the FBI's third-in-command. Just want to make sure your record is correct :^)
don't worry OP, I told my jewish friends that Satan worshipping jews were in a paedophile ring with the clintons
Fuck off negroid
no way I'd be friends with more than one of them
OP. Never go full autism.
>Nothing, your language is pretty weird
top kek
You just went full retard. You never go full retard.
Yeah I can't imagine why anyone would be against voting for trump after that autism