Dodging draft

In the event of Cunton winning and making war with Russia I implore all of us "deplorables" to either dodge or resist draft.

Since we're dead either way, we go down fighting the corrupt cunts who sold out country to sjws and niggers, not killing fellow white men for them. Why should we fight and die for a country we're gonna become a despised and hated minority in?

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Just get a psych pass, easiest shit. Say you're a CO and your gender is a tortilla or some shit, they'll kick you out right away

fuck dodging

i'm defecting to the russian army




Just pretend to be retarded. I'm going to pretend to be crippled.

I'm past the age for a draft and I would just move to New Zealand if she tried to pull that shit.

I probably won't be drafted because i'm a bong but even then i wouldn't be because i have assburgers.

>your gender is a tortilla

I'm going to Mexico. The irony will make me chuckle and fuck it time they saw one going the other way. Fuck if I'm going to fight for that cunt Hillary, let women go and do it. Idgaf

the talking holes are the ones who want killary to win so bad, they can fight in the wars she starts



Meet me in San Felipe if WW3 starts to loom and draft talk commences.

See you on the other side brothers.

Defect to Russia and fight for them. You'll finally be able to bring the pain to clintons sjws and neocons

Do you speak Russian?

FBI and CTR raging hard ITT

What will we do for a living there?

I'll learn and Putin will take any help he can get

Dying for your country is the most honorable way to die. If you disagree you're a faggot.

Except you're dying for Jews

Just convince yourself you're Satan. That's what I did, no way they would draft me.

It's Mexico, we can figure it out.

I am too old to be drafted.

I will gladly participate in peaceful anti-war protests while you guys are being shipped off to die, though.

I have sciatica so I'm good. But if they still force me then I'm joining the Russians

I'm bi polar so I probably can't be drafted. Or can I?

So did Bill Clinton. Bet you forgot that didn't you?

>your gender is a tortilla
>Implying they wouldn't put him in combat role just to be inclusive

Draft will backfire I hope

If you give people no choice other than to take up arms you shouldn't be suprised if they won't be raised against russia but, well, someone else

>Not starting a militia movement and getting support for the cause from virtually everybody (Russia, China, South America, some european countries)

there is dying for your country, and there is dying for a needless war. if you cant distinguish between the two, you sir are the faggot.

You will be shipped off to the front with the granddads if you are sub 60 when the young get btfo

You really think the Russians would care? Able body willing to fight that knows the territory that they will fight in (in the event of invasion of us mainland)? Thats a fucking gold mine.

Lmao, we haven't died for our country since the fucking spanish american war

The wars we fought in the 20th century were not for the betterment of the US, its values, and its people.

dying for a country ruled by corrupt leaders who encourage blatant hatred towards your people and will spend more money on illegals than you is the cuckiest thing to do

I'm too old to be drafted.

Are you all really dumber than niggers? Don't you remember the BLM terrorists who used valuable military training to fight for their cause?

Seriously guys we need a plan in case this happens. Someone needs to pick an obscure mexican shit hole for a bunch of pol sters to move into when sthf

Bitch if you want to be a coward then fuck off to Canada or Mexico. We'll be better off stomping Ivan without your limp wristed self trying to sabotage us.


Already on it senpai

Just run to Canada it worked out pretty well for a bunch of you guys during Nam.

What Hillary supporters think will happen:
>We'll kill all the evil white men by sending them to war

What will actually happen:
>draft dodging
>arson and shooting sprees, against the people who voted for the war
>team fragging
>defecting to Russia

Sorry about that. We really didn't realize how bad they would fuck up your country.

Don't bother fleeing to Canada. We'll run you out of town for the cowards you are.

Why would we want shitheads that not only stood idly by while their country went to shit, but fled it in its hour of need?

No. We don't need useless trash like that. Onto the dungheap of oblivion you go with the rest of the stateless wastrels throughout history.

Pic unrelated.

do it like your grampa, go and die for the jews


It's the cuckiest thing imaginable to go to a war you don't agree with under the presidency of a criminal you didn't vote for.

You can just bet nignogs won't go.

dat id


>fled it in its hour of need?
This is a false war, started by Hillary Clinton. She can fight it her fucking self. Nobody, literally nobody will go along with it, and rightfully so.

also you guys know all the generals are going to coup if she does it right?

There's a reason they're all voting Trump

Can't wait for the military junta government, even better than Trump

All you lads and laddies 18 to 34. Get ready.

Always kill a traitor before an enemy you piece of shit

enjoy dying for Jews and the 1% i guess

We aren't going to need a draft even with war against russia you fucking idiot

You seriously are out of touch with reality if you think we need additional troops for the kind of war (if it happened) we would have with russia. Our entire military already dwarfs theirs, keeping a productive economy to support them is more important than untrained and bitter recruits

That's exactly why he's joining the Russian army


Hillary wants to kill as many people as possible, and she will draft even if it isn't necessary.

>Exhibit A on why a multicultural society will have difficulty staying intact during a crisis

>implying Trudeau wouldnt welcome "pacifist" like me in his country with open arms