Whether you realized it or not.

A great many Americans just completely lost faith in the FBI, the last great Alphabet Agency. Many of our most hallowed institutions have become hollowed out and filled with crooks and cronies, and now, many of the American people realize this now.

If Trump does not win Tuesday, know this- within the next 6 months, America will begin to burn. A country with no faith in its institutions ceases to be a country at all.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm a staffer with the Trump campaign over in DC. The campaign is literally falling apart.

The latest statement by FBI just made Trump and Pence go full panic / damage control made as this was "our" last hope.

Trump and Pence are growing more bitter towards each other behind the scenes, his advisers are all considering jumping ship, and Trump himself is starting to crack under the weight.

He will not admit to losing against Hillary. He will continue to say that the election was "rigged" against him for years to come.

He knows he'll bomb in the elections, he knows his poll numbers are bad, he knows everyone with any common sense in his own campaign is getting the fuck out before it crashes and burns.

I don't want the mainstream media to know about this, so I came here

CTR pls go

>growing more bitter towards each other behind the scenes, his advisers are all considering jumping ship, and Trump himself is starting to crack under the weight.He will not admit to losing against Hillary. He will continue to say that the election was "rigged" against him for years to come.He knows he'll bomb in the elections, he knows his poll numbers are bad, he knows everyone with any common sense in his own campaign is getting the fuck out before it crashes and burns.I don't want the mainstream media to know about this, so I c
fuck off shill.


The day of the rope will come to you, and you'll pay for all your sins.

Know this; there is no escape from the day of your vindication.

Feels bad man

I actually fear Trump losing, if he got assassinated I would cry like a bitch

>Brexit might not happen
>Trump might lose

If Trump gets assassinated, the timetable goes from "6 months" to "6 days".

they news broke a few minutes ago and the first thing you do as a staffer for Trump is jump on pol/.. fuck off shilfaggot.

>unironically saying literally

>he EVER had faith in ANY alphabet agency

Oh you sweet summer child

Isn't that what you would do?

I enjoy seeing this pasta

if trump got assassinated this country would start executing politicians in the street

they know it, too

Faggot larper kill yourself


The damage this has done cannot be reconciled.

Either Trump wins, or the US is finished.

Vote Trump.

Stale pasta

Did you ever consider that the powers-that-be WANT a violent uprising?

They could easily identify and eliminate any opposition, since they would be the ones in the street. You're crazy if you think libs are going to side with "Trump supporting neo-nazis" over the police/FBI/nat'l guard etc.

>being this retarded

A discordant civil war would be the worst possible scenario.

>he never read Red Team Planner's post

Nothing will happen. People are too attached to their peaceful daily life to throw it all away simply because their leaders are corrupt. Do I have to remind you how many countries out there have corrupt and shitty governments? And yet people aren't throwing themselves under tanks to make a change. This isn't the 1700s anymore.

Nowadays people have unlimited entertainments and are free to engross themselves in any hobby they like, there is too little place to worry about things out of our control anymore. The West is indeed burning, but only slowly, and there is nothing to stop it. White population is in decline everywhere, globalists simply have to play the long game to win, there's no rush to them. It's like a war of attrition; Trump is our blitzkrieg, he's the only one able to break through them, but if he fails it's all over.

>last great Alphabet Agency

As a software developer... the NSA is still great.

I may not agree with the Patriot Act, but the sophistication of their software is above and beyond the capabilities of any other entity known to man in the universe.

And how many folks do you think will initially take to the streets with violence? Think that they can combat law enforcement?

Think about how many will remain after a day of them being slaughtered. After a week. At some point, lots of them will decide they don't want to die and they will surrender.

Having never faced death, it is very easy for you to say from the comfort of your home that men will lay down their lives for this.

>Stocks are falling
>Bankers are panicking
Guess what rich people already know?

Libs would die as well, jews would use the civil uprising to make blacks go apeshit on whites.

A conservative estimate would be 5%, enough to be a total fucking nightmare.

>A great many Americans just completely lost faith in the FBI, the last great Alphabet Agency.
I thought they were the good guys OP. Maybe this is bigger than them. Who knows, fuck this shit ride homies I want off of it.


Good. Fuck Trump.


Yeah and tomorrow they will shoot up 500+ points.

Once Hillary wins, the Day of the Rope will be to teach all you dirty white trash crackers a lesson. The blacks and jews are going to eviscerate you scum, and we'll hollow you out from the inside with our huge multicultural dicks. Fuck you, Trump tards. Prepare for rape.

Normie termination protocols engaged.



Yeah, thanks for spying on my entire government 24/7 and most of the big private companies for reasons of economic espionage, faggot.


Who was dumb enough to have faith in the FBI in the first place?

Some of us.

We were wrong. We were so wrong.

There are two big problems in the US now:
1. corporations owning the political system
2. the GOP:
>claim that corruption is the fault of the government itself
>let right-wing media whip its followers into a misinformed, frothing rage
>be totally obstructionist
They've literally been pursuing a strategy of making government not work so people will become anti-government

It seems strange to put faith in kiddy fiddlers and drug dealers user.

>his advisers are all considering jumping ship,
two days before election. Nigga this aint the last season of LOST

Can someone tell me how it is not a problem for Hillary's emails to be on Weiners computer?

You might not agree with what they do but you cannot deny they are lightyears ahead of the rest of the earth in terms of power and technology.

>If Trump does not win Tuesday, know this- within the next 6 months, America will begin to burn. A country with no faith in its institutions ceases to be a country at all.


And nations that refuse to protect their women in children will not survive.
That is more directed at the Euro cucks then the Amerifats tho.

I see massive influxes of whites fleeing to the ANZAC nations in the coming decade if Hillary wins and the EU doesn't fall.

There is no room in the NWO for white people. Their ideal citizen is mixed race.

I wonder what they bribed the FBI with
>A stack of cash
>A ticket to be spared when (((they))) depopulate the planet
>Free access to lolita island?

Jeffery Epstein is that you?

Nothing changed today. You people calling the FBI "white knights" are idiots. You guys who were logging into that server full of techno music are about to find that out first hand. The minute you entered username/password, you became a FELON under the CFAA. Ever hear of a honeypot? Hotdog and pizza boy got you good. You're now part of the purge. The law will be knocking down your doors soon and your "deplorable" asses will be thrown in a cell with a big black prison rapist. You thought a financially struggling porn site was your safe haven, and you continued using it after it was repeatedly pointed out to you that it has been infiltrated by the opposition. You're going to be hauled off to prison mumbling about comet ping pong pizza and look just as crazy as you really are.

I too am disenfranchised with this news. She truly was too big to fail.

If I were an American voter I would be pissed.

It's a huge problem. The thing is however is that most Americans are fucking stupid when it comes to the government. They only care about sports, Hollywood and going to the club. It's not bad to have some fun but Americans have no idea whats gong on in the world. Like Russia getting ready for war.

Nobody's going to assassinate trump. Even people who hate him realize he's so self-destructive and toxic that he's best left to his own devices

Honestly, as a liberal the idea that disgruntled conservatives will try to start an insurgency isn't that scary. The general population has no stomach for it and they'd discredit their entire movement (even more).

Of course they won't.
>Internet tough guys

Way to argue for a mass extinction of humanity by aliens.

>Trump is our blitzkrieg, he's the only one able to break through them, but if he fails it's all over.

We the People are the ultimate Blitzkrieg.
The second amendment exists for a reason.

I thought someone there may have had a shread of integrity left.
You never know some of the ground troops mutiny leak the emails

>a strategy of making government not work
No. A strategy of preventing the government from pushing farther left.

I understand him hating Hillary but he really fucked up. Leftists were the only people in this country sympathetic to him and he's given us a big "fuck you" trying to get Trump elected.

Everyone spies. The problem with the NSA is that they started spying on US citizens in the US, which is not only unconstitutional but violates our norms, i.e. the "spirit" of posse comitatus


anti ctr Janusz, ultimate trap card, his eyes burn through the souls of wrongdoers

stale pasta is stale brah


i know we've all seen it but this is just way too funny

Are you saying that would be wrong?

If another species actually has the ability to wipe us out for their own benefit, I think that would be fair of them. We'd be such hypocrites to disagree.


And that's how people like Obama get elected twice. The useful idiots who fall for the slick talker.

hahahaha no youre not


Historically the party out of power still cooperates, e.g. this shit with the supreme court is new.

authors work at AEI. But they're more "old-school".

You should post the unedited video, it's very revealing about how stupid people on the far left are
>HRC: "ok, so what do you want me to do"
>BLM: "it's white people fault you fix it!"

And then user stepped outside, children and his parents closely by him. He took the hand of his little daughter and looked into the giant flashes of the falling bombs, created for only one purpose: to exterminate him, his family and all of humanity. He looked back into the face of his daughter and smiling he said "This is beautiful. This is just." before he was engulfed by a giant flesh that melted the flesh of his body before it hit his daughter.

i knew the big ones are in it, even in the FBI, but i personally hoped that at least there are enough small fries working for us which will lead to their downfall.

guess its our turn to switch the calendar back to 1776

Truly I speak you, brothers, I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.

Oh come on, you`ll just be another european country.

you cant bullshit a shitposter

>too lazy to look up that CTR rant about how they can't break us

He's not lying, folks. Did you see Trump's speech today? He was uneasy, agitated, "low energy" as he would put it.

I think we need to cut our losses and go quite. Maybe even vote for Hillary so that the Left doesn't hurt us. After the election we can regroup.

Get your CP lads! FBI won't do anything! FAP FAP FAP

>TFW to intelligent to fall for your jewish tricks


>People are too attached to their peaceful daily life to throw it all away simply because their leaders are corrupt. Do I have to remind you how many countries out there have corrupt and shitty governments? And yet people aren't throwing themselves under tanks to make a change. This isn't the 1700s anymore.

A good point, destruction of Kikebooks datacenters when?

I could cry when I think of that man. Confined to like, one room and still keeping faith.

FAITH. Gotta have it!

Fuck off CTR


Today broke my faith in everything, I'm going to borrow my dads rifle and practice shooting. I have no idea what to expect from the future now but best be prepared in case a civil war starts.

1/10 - you really need to try harder faggot.

What do you think larping like this achieves like even if we believed you, what do you think we'd get this to mainstream news or something like what are you for exactly or is it literally another bureaucratic welfare scheme for leftists by leftists. Really makes you think.

he's tired. he does about 5 rallies a day in 5 different states. he's working too hard.

> We the People are the ultimate Blitzkrieg.
You the people cant even store enough resources to live trough often hurricanes. I know what i`m talking about, because I have contact with half(?)kike prepper in burgerland, that has Russian wife. He is tired to remind everybody, how she helped him by canning jams and veggies.

There is less than 0.5% of people, who are ready to survive the temporal non-violent anarchy. Civil war is impossible without outside hired guns.

And guess who will bring cartels in the next day it begins?

He is achieving to all of (YOU) faggots reply to his stale pasta.

Damn this is deep.

Did fucking McMuffin really say that?


Mexican standoff. Each side has enough shit to bury the other.

dont exaggerate. nothing changed. your perception changed. but nothing changed between yesterday to today 12:00am nothing happened

yesterday everything changed

The former Holy Roman Empire denigrating USA for having politicians hell Bent on making diversity the epitome of Germany's needs and wants, truly ironic. Did merkels polizei forcibly remove all of her citizens eyes ? It's over the Wehrmacht was the last you'll ever see of a steadfast Germany let alone a relevant one.

this is PASTA
i repeat don't give (((you)))s to the ctr nigger anymore, keep believing in trump because he will win, it's all ogre for hillary

This must be that old ass pasta that Podesta was talking about.

to be honest.... trump looks like he staged this

I've been a lifelong trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me.

Look it up, grabbed it off Sup Forums. But I wouldn't be surprised, if he did, because Tim Kaine and Joe Biden basically said even more radically that they welcome the end of white America, because "diversity is our strength". youtube.com/watch?v=kAGhyFHnuv8

first post worst post

what is that image user?
Why do I feel cold and filled with dread suddenly?

>the elite's goal was to turn burgers into degenerates craving for drugs, creating cartels in the process
>they armed cartels to, in the future, use them as a small priate army due to immigrations
>purpose of NAFTA and TPP was/is to impoveish murrica (and Mexico even more due to slaverwagery and exploitation) to take in more immigrants
>demographic change and open borders

damn, those fuckers are patient as hell...they are probably laughing their asses off and rubbing their hands as we speak

Your posts are full of heavy code phrases designed to bring about the maximum amount of despair in a reader. That is how you reveal yourselves, you treacherous snakes.

It's too planned, too executed, too obvious. You fail because your means are unnatural as is your outcome. Your war is waged by dollars, of which you are a mercenary. A lawless greedy lover of yourself over anyone or anything else.

That is why the greatest irony is yet to come. The irony is that even if Hillary wins, all you hold dear will rot and crumble. Your smile will fade from your face when you are ejected from your home and burchered in the streets by foreign people who do not care about you or your beliefs or ideas. They will not care about your blogs or your posts. They will not use high tech methods. They will drag you out into the street so your blood can run into the sewer drain.

And only in the last few seconds, as the life fades, will you understand you error. But those few seconds are the only moments of enlightenment that will given to you.

You were Australian in one thread

No people won't. (((They))) know this as much as everybody else. People don't care about any of this. In 4 years time we will be literal slaves.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security..

Steady men. Hold fast