Admit it, Trump is going to lose. This is absolutely the best he can do

Admit it, Trump is going to lose. This is absolutely the best he can do.

He is not going to win Nevada.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice try finn

Thanks, CTR -- ready for your last paycheck?

Obvious shill but i'll bite. He still has a chance in VA, CO, MI, WI and PA even if he didn't win NV.

>New hampshire polls

He's not going to win Nevada.

He's going to win Pennsylvania and Michigan instead. Maybe Colorado on top of that.

Hillshit BTFO

Yes, a chance. But thats not enough.

He either wins or loses, it's that simple.

why did you ignore ?

He's not going to win Florida, North Carolina and New Hampshire either. Hell, he might even lose Ohio.

He is finished.

Take the poll!

I though he was losing on early voting in NV

yeah but that has Trump winning Nevada which he didn't

democrats always win early voting. i'm not sure how much she's beating him by, but every state i've looked at was worse than obama v romney.

wow, youre saying a republican lost early voting when they always do? and by an even smaller margin than previous election?


Why would Michigan go blue? Trumps entire argument is bringing back jobs and Michigan is literally the icon state of that message

It's possible he will. Hillary needs to stand up and promise to trump Obama's free shit. "The Obama phone was nothing. Vote Hillary and get a Government paid for surface pro. Together we will make white America fucking pay! Moving FORWARD with more free shit my lazy supporters!"

typical hillfag

doesnt understand numbers

Because it's a Democratic stronghold you fucking leaf

>lose Ohio

even pollsters aren't trying to convince people of an Ohio possibility anymore. Thats so far Trump is obvious.

He will get PA, MI and WI though.

well not to mention that the early votes are just speculation.

Just because a dem returned a ballot doesnt mean they voted Hillary

are you insulting me

I can see him winning Florida and Nevada

I doubt he will win North Carolina and New Hampshire

Trump has it pretty rough, desu

Trump is doing just a little better than Romney in early voting, and it was Obama +5.6 (IIRC) overall in NV.

Gee. I can't imagine why.

Yes, he'll lose.

Yes, I'll spend weeks laughing at Sup Forums.

So what's the deal with Nevada and Colorado.
Is it latinos?

we can try

Yeah there's even a pretty big Latino population now in Colorado.



>Michigan blue

wew lad

good news then, especially since trump has a massive lead among independents.

If this is the result, then Trump wins the electoral college. There are already 6-7 pledged Berniecrats who will act as faithless electors in this spot.


Reminder that

Clinton is matching or exceeding Romney's early voting numbers
70% of Nevadans vote early.
Without Nevada, Trump has very few scenarios where he can win.
Florida is tied.
Clinton is leading in NC.

>mfw delusional fags still think Trump can win

Omg noooo we hate you coming here concern trolling for Hillary... Literally burning money as sacrifice to kek...

We hate how Hillary is literally paying people to help us increase our post count. Please stop!

Why isn't he trying harder to win VA or CO instead of MI or WI?

Look at the polls, he is clearly losing.

Trump is doing better than Romney in both FL and NC, stop spreading disinfo.

lol no, almost all those states you mentioned are strong democrat states

it's possible that he might get PA if he's lucky, but highly unlikely

His campaign literally fired their pollsters becuase they couldn't keep spending that much money.

Which explains why he's doing absolutely fucking retarded things in these last few days like wasting time in Minnesota, a state he'll never, ever win.

Because he has no chance and he does not give a shit.

The only thing Trump gives a shit about is his shitty TV network. His whole presidential campaign was just a marketing stunt.

Trumpfags are so fucking dumb they backed the idiot who clearly had no intention to win in the first place.

it will be a good thing once all the whites are mixed out

it is already happening, only 16% of american whites have blue eyes

Your input is noted.

As if that were ever not the case...
As if there haven't been wikileaks regarding the use of polls...
As if any based person on pol trusts polls...

Please stop burning money as sacrifice to kek! We hate it

Trump will be lucky to reach 200 EVs. He's doing much worse than the Mormon Robot.

Yeah the guy did 2-3 rallies a day and traveled the country for a year and a half just to lose on purpose and announce television programming, and thought nobody would suspect it, right?

It's okay to not like Trump, but don't be a fucking retard about it.

Shill. Trump is going to win Florida by 2% and there's no way he'll lose North Carolina.

Then please explain to me why he has LITERALLY no ground game?

His campaign can hardly be called like that since literally all they did was hold rallies. No campaign offices, no GOTV efforts, no nothing.

Because he doesn't fucking need it.

There is a campaign office down the street from where I'm typing this.

Nobody has won or lost anything in NV, or anywhere else, no votes have been counted. Basing predictions on the party affiliation of early voters is wild speculation at best.

>Yeah the guy did 2-3 rallies a day and traveled the country for a year and a half

He was compensating for being humiliated by the Upper East Side smart set for most of his life. It was his final chance at revenge for a lifetime of perceived slights.

Now he's going to be remembered mostly for losing to Hillary Clinton.

If Trump doesn't win Michigan then it confirms wikileaks is right, we don't have elections.

he might

they already said Hillary has Pennsylvania and she's campaigning in Michigan right now with Lebron James.. Michigan nothing but niggers and sand niggers, she's gonna wit that too

It won't matter, lol. Florida is the bare minimum he needs to even have a chance. Other than that he has to win almost every swing state to win the election. Clinton is leading in CO, NH, and MI, and has a decent chance in NV and NC. Even if he wins Florida, NV, and NC he still needs MI and NH

>Hillary leading in NH

The goddamn california-locus moving into CO and the spics