What is the most hyped animated movie of 2017? Coco, Cars 3, Emoji Movie

What is the most hyped animated movie of 2017? Coco, Cars 3, Emoji Movie....

Rev up the hype machine and market those movies.

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Captain Underpants.

I don't think anyone was hyped for Emoji Movie ...

2017 was pure utter cowshit for Animated Movies.

2016 at least had Zootopia

What about Lego Batman?

Anything besides Lego Batman?

Balerina/Leap looked like it might have been not a soulless corporate bowel movement. never got around to watching it tho

Captain Underpants was great

As far as hype: Sup Forums was most hyped for Lego Batman since most here were fans of The Lego Movie. Normies were most hyped for Despicable Me 3 because Minion hype still exists.

captain underpants is the only animated movie i've cared about all year

well no, i was hyped for ninjago, but it turned out bad

Still waiting for Coco.

It wasn't as soulless as I thought it'd be. It was pretty decent.

Simon's perseverance to draw ANY animated material that has a young girl in it astounds me. He doesn't just limit himself to only the shows/movies he likes or that is popular, he'll draw fanart for fucking Supernoobs just for the girl.

Man, this year wasn't exactly the greatest year for animated movies, was it?

Like, the only things actually worth seeing were Lego Batman and Captain Underpants. You can argue Lego Ninjago, but other than that, everything else was just kinda... blarg.

Leap has one of those issues where a French studio desperately wants to mimic the writing of a Disney/Pixar film. The characters, designs and art style ends up being great, but the acting, dialogue and humor is super clunky and forced. This is not just referring to dubs. Even in their original language, most of the jokes fall flat and the acting is very cliche.

Mune had the same problem. I fucking love the characters, but they're put into really generic plot points that kind of take away from it.

Not a lolicon, but I respect him for that.

And he even draws male characters that I like sometimes.

Was Coco any good?

oh woah I totally forgot about Coco existing

I didn't see it, so I dunno. Has it come out early? Have people said that it's good?

That preachy garbage made by sjws ? Sup Forums only loves it because it's a furry board in disguise.

it came out in mexico, not out in the US yet until thanksgiving

Oh that's easy

>totally not minions commercial

god, this franchise is such garbage, yet it started so innocently.


Does anyone care about Coco? If it wasn't for Sup Forums I wouldn't know it exists. The Emoji movie was definitely the most talked about but once again Despicable Me 3 proved that minions are more popular than all the superheroes from Marvel or DC.

>Does anyone care about Coco? If it wasn't for Sup Forums I wouldn't know it exists
Its a fucking Pixar movie. Even if you failed at being contrarian that doesn't change the fact that it still gets buzz everywhere but then again this is the same board that said nobody cared about Finding Dorey which went on to become the top grossing film of the year

Hold our sake.

>Emoji Movie

The fuck are you on about, NO ONE was hyped for that movie, despite Sony's desperate attempts to make everyone want to see it.

It was never able to build up hype due to a variety of reasons.

>movie is a blatantly corporate-made, soulless commercial for mobile apps, and even blind people were able to see this
>people becoming aware of Sony's behind-the-scenes bullshit, especially concerning the Ghostbusters reboot and how they threatened Bill Murray with a lawsuit if he doesn't participate and promote the movie
>people being pissed at Sony for shutting down Popeye movie in favor of Emoji Movie

user, you got baited so hard I feel compelled to inform you of this instead of just laughing with everyone else.

Hi OP.


We were hyped to see how shit it would be and we weren't disappointed.