How the FBI letter could help Trump

>early voting is all but done
>republicans vote more on election day
>they're pissed about this and will have even higher turnout now than before because this is proof the swamp needs to be drained
>those who might have stayed home will vote for Trump because corruption
>Trump wins in landslide
>kek's will is done

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It's possible. This is definitely going to piss off a lot of people who were on the fence, but the question is whether or not that's enough.

If Trump wins Comey needs to resign. He's destroying the reputation of the FBI with this stupid chain jerking.

I think it is true that this will sway an insignificant amount of undecided voters, and will ultimately result in a more solid republican turn-out for Trump.

The persuasive effect of both this and the "attempted assassination" last night, along with the perceived "spin" on that event by the MSM, will play heavily in Trump's favour and create a right-wing solidarity that the left obviously don't have going into election day.

My gut feeling is it will be rigged but it will be obvious. This week will be really fucking stressful if that is the case.

Bump - Any other thoughts, Sup Forums? I'm really interested to get some more perspective on this possibility

It's interesting to think with all this scandal going on and the tension between Trump supporters and the mainstream media, that the same media is still relying on "likely voter" models from 2008 and 2012...

If that whole meme is true, about these polls being not representative of the actual situation, election day will be hilarious just to watch them all fret in the exact way the British media was doing on the day of the Brexit referendum.

She better not try some shit - of course she will, though.

>let's nominate a candidate that can only win if the fbi indicts his opponent

Why did you type that nonsense?

>democrats didn't even get a chance to choose who to nominate

Yeah it's called nominating an outsider to the incredibly sick and warped political establishment.

Why did you respond if your reading comprehension is nonexistent?

>let's put a person into the presidency who has managed to level entire nations and destroyed national security by selling state secrets just by leading the state dept
bill sold shit to china in 1996 and hillary is way past that, how far will she take it?


It's sad that you monkeys aren't rational enough to understand that the media played you like a pack of useful idiots.

Even if she does win fair and square it will only show the lack of interest in rule of law in the voters. It has been shown time and time again that the media is in the tank for Clinton and will do anything to get her elected.
>oversampling meme
>loads more negative coverage of Trump aired
>attempts to end western civilization

>b-b-but he's not hillary


You do realise that any other rep would get pretty much the same treatment from the media except he would bend down every time?

>B-But it's actually a good thing!
Trumpfags are really getting delusional. Can't wait to see what this place is like on Tuesday night.


>first comey letter reopening investigation caused Hill camp to publicly accuse FBI of corruption
>media spent the last week pushing narrative of FBI corruption. Normies inly see this broad narrative, not the details around it.
>FBI sends second letter today, 'clearing' ( as per the media) Clinton
>normies interpet this as confirmation of Hillary's corruption by proxy (because the FBI is corrupt, even NBC and CNN said so!)

Fucking 4D chess again

Important to note that the (((media))) will not bother covering the other ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation

t. Cruzlim.

>If Trump wins Comey needs to resign.

He needs to resign regardless.
1. He fucks up the first investigation.
2. Reopens it during early voting.
3. Says "just kidding" 2 days before election.

Literally everything he's done has been wrong. Fuck him.

Wishful thinking

More like it will demoralise people as they realise she really is untouchable

Start praying for Brexit 2.0 I would say

>those who might have stayed home will vote for Trump because corruption

If you were going to stay home, why would you register to vote during registration time to be able to go vote now instead of staying home? I didn't register to vote because I never vote and even if I wanted to vote for some reason based on events happening today I couldn't because I didn't register.

Six months on and you monkeys are still whining about Ted Cruz.

It's fucking pathetic.

Could this be a false-flag by Comey to embolden Trump's base?

An important point that could be spread is that only the "Private Email" Probe is done, the investigation into the Clinton Foundation is still ongoing.

Mainstream media are trying to paint the probe closing as if Hillary was exonerated.

Hope you're right!
>Nate Tinfoil says this might not even be reflected in polling
We probably won't know what happens until election

see we need people like you on the team
you me we can see shit a mile away and avoid it
these adults in power are fucking stupid!

So guys, I'm thinking this means the last few threads of people LARPing FBI involvement were full of shit huh?

They were talking about indictments being made, it looks like this whole FBI announcement that they were even reinvestigating was nothing but bullshit to distract us from the WikiLeaks emails, huh?

Yeah her polling drops (See: July) even if the news on her emails is good because it reminds people that she was under investigation.

The DOJ can cockblock the FBI forever.

It's not bullshit. Shits real. Comey knows all too well what they do to pedoscum in prison. He never had any intention of doing anything more than helping Hillary win.


How are you so confidant when she is dropping in the polls? The rigged polls at that.

>Could this be a false-flag by Comey to embolden Trump's base?

Wishful thinking. He's trying to cover his ass, same as always.

To answer that dumbass question, you don't have to register to vote for every election. If you have previously registered to vote, you're still good.

Not everyone who was going to stay home was only just registered this year. Most people have been registered for years.

everybody knows this shit was a set up, the fbi wouldn't open and close an investigation in a week if it was 650 emails. shit is desperate and apparent

I think it could be good, but a whopper of a wikileaks dump would be good right about now

Even if it was and it works, he should still resign. His credibility as a public servant is gone.

We knew they were cockblocking last week. But no indictments were made, or were ever going to be made. I hate this.

Someone needs to make one of those fake I'm with her ads about Comey.

>the last few threads of people LARPing FBI involvement were full of shit huh?
GEE YOU THINK?????????

You fucking gullible idiots, I tried to warn you, YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELVES. All that "muh fbi user" "muh rogue agents" LARP roleplay bullshit was a SMOKESCREEN TO KEEP YOU DOCILE, to make sure you didn't investigate anything or push on your own. You just sat back smug and content thinking all your problems would be solved by these mythical agents. You GOT PLAYED.

Isn't that exactly what I said? It was to distract against WikiLeaks to help her win?

Just like sandy hook, this is just the faux lib cabal capitalizing on a happening to push their message.
Reopening the investigation was meant only to stop internal leaking.
The mere thought of being caught forced the rats out of the hole, only to be followed to their hideouts as they destroyed evidence and screamed at one another in unsecured locations.
Their operatives were left out to dry, potus tried to cover his tracks, spirit cooking really blew up, and now they think they got off scott free.
All-seeing eye sees-all.
The Mayor wins again.

That damn Trump. Working with the media to play his ten year old Billy Bush tape for a week straight and forgo reporting on his rape case to tell us about how the woman would would later become his wife worked without a visa for two months.

They played us!

Not Cruz specifically, just the dipshits that thought he should be the nominee. Learn to read, nigger.

>rape case
the one that was dropped
fuck off ctr

First of all don't call me a gullible fuck, because I called him out for being a LARPer too. I was saying that to the people that believed that shit wholeheartedly. Don't generalize that shit at me faggot

The only FBI user that was believable was the one more than a month ago, as a few unusual key things he mentioned were indirectly confirmed with that FBI Vault dump and official FBI Twitter that was dormant for more than a year, all mentioned Nikola Tesla among other things.

As that FBI user said, the investigation was effectively up to the public and our only means of issuing a verdict on the Foundation is to vote against allowing Hillary into office.

The FBI can't do shit when 97% of the DOJ are sided with the Foundation. Any of these recent "FBI" LARPers were dumb shitheads who tried to make it seem as though the FBI were suddenly able to act now.

I think this guy is thinking a few more moves ahead than we give him credit for. He knew it would be pulling people's chains by reopening the case, and now closing it.

Doesn't matter what lib-bots say - it's the Repubican voters that are pissed now. What's his end-game though.