Lol. This is the best news of the day

Lol. This is the best news of the day.

Trump "not allowed" to use his Twitter account anymore.

When children misbehave they lose access to toys.

This is now a Blacks for Trump thread, family.

Comey announcement means it's time for media to stop listening to crap Rudy Giuliani peddles from his bogus FBI sources.

>the NYT reports
The failing New York Times surely has evidence other than an insider 'source', right?

>believing what drumpf says

Kek, tell us more about how gullible you are

>Drumpf is like a retarded kid
that's why drumpfkins support him

FBI insider informations
do you remember?

we can see your id you fucking shill

this disgust me. the overt bias is fucked up. even if he was everything the media said he was it is distracting from the real issues

few statements about what will be done a shit load of emails and that guys the antichrist. every one knows its a chink. the beast from the east. why do you think every one hates chinks. technically hes a mongol

This. Let's just accept it. Trump is actually incompetent and has no idea about politics or running the country. He could've easily won this election but he decided to shoot himself in the foot almost every fucking day.

He's probably not a shill, just a shit-tier lebbit poster trying to rile you up.

Starting Wednesday he'll be using @POTUS

checked. Fuck CTR

I'm copy pasting Tweets you 12 year old retarded r/the_donald fuck.

He's already made multiple tweets today that are no different than what he's been tweeting in the past. How is this news?

>being this deluded

Literally kill yourself.

He will, in about 52 hours

I'm only imagining what Hillary would tweet if her staff let her on her Twitter account for once.
Even the tweets on her account which end in "-H" are not even written by her.

Unsubtle Hillary Shilling.

You guys are so bad at your jobs.

How is it possible that you can't figure out how to look like authentic and natural posters? Are you guys autistic?

When Trumpfags go about shooting everyone when he loses? Nah, I'll be alive. Hillary will protect us, unlike Trump who wants nuclear war.

Literally the process of these posters is
>Try to converge and influence Sup Forums
>Get instantly rumbled
>Have a shitfit

It's almost like you lack the social skills to join a new group of people.

Pacing and leading fuckface.

i honestly hope he does cause nuclear war so we can get equally decimated and i'll die happy knowing faggots like you died too.

noose yourself kike.

>unlike Trump who wants nuclear war.

what happens when you fight russia, hillary?

Good for us he won't get elected. xDDDD

>Last Stand
>leading in polls

Amerifats, remember to lynch these people after Trump wins the election. They're traitors to your country.

Trump will just get another device. He isnt constrained to just one device like Hillary, right?