What will YOU DO if Trump loses?
What will YOU DO if Trump loses?
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continue to migrate to sweeden
Kill myself. I'm already suicidal but that's probably going to be the tipping point.
Leave Sup Forums for a while.
Same thing I do every night. Contemplate suicide.
Rub my hands
You'll still be living in the greatest country on Earth, even if Clinton wins. You're taking a rare blessing for granted bruv.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
HAVE FAITH IN KEK! Your lack of faith harms his magic and jeopardizes his will!
Why don't you take some sjws with you while you're at it?
I will try to delete my Trump past from my head and behave like I always supported Hillary.
Yeah, this is the right thing to do now.
You're going to stay here and I'm going to banter you
>tfw I just got over a 2-day spiral in time to vote for Trump
>that physical pain after 40 hours of it
Pic related.
none of us should be grateful to be alive
shitpost about it for a week at least
Pizza's ready
Trumpets, be heroes, put your Luger to your temple and pull trigger on Nov 9th
>What will YOU DO if Trump loses?
Laugh at all the Conservatives and Republicans that thought voting for a Zionist that sold his children to the Jews would actually free them from the Jews.
I will jump for joy.. I hate that racist, sexist, molesting orange buffoon. Maybe he can move to some shitty small town with his supporters after he loses.
Sweden yes!
Mass shooting if trump loses
Prepare for a second dark age.
Go hunting an contemplate how much shit I can put on the doorstep of CTR shill's home in DC. I live on a farm an hour and a half south of there, wouldn't be to hard to make some to goodie bags of horse shit and hand them out like a smell Santa Claus.
>504515▶ i might drown
Civil war.
Simple as that.
>2nd amendment
Either die in ww3 or join the resistance
But most likely shipoast on Sup Forums as hillary collapses under her own scandle the GOP gets reformed into a more libertarian party and then hillary gets impeached in 2018
Become a jew and subvert the system
I will hope for a McVeigh style event.
I shall never deposit my trust on democratic systems anymore and instead focus on riding the tiger for the rest of my life
Party hard
I will stay, just to watch the following horror show
Do what we always do. Have a revolution!
whites don't belong in america anyway
what goes around, comes around
Leave Sup Forums for the next couple months.
I honestly wouldn't he able to handle all the leaf and CTR shitposting.
Trump isn't the end of anything. He's the beginning of something that is going to continue until a crisis and conflict coincide and we can go kick the left's collective asses like they've been begging for for 30 years.
The left is not going to like what's coming, and when they hit the panic button to have the government start using their weapons of war on us, all that will happen is silence as they realize that the 332nd sheniqua brigade is not going to come riding over the hill to save them.
your kids will have non-white DNA and won't look a thing like you
you can't win and you know it
I'm going to smuggle drugs and Americans across the border into Canada since were going to be a 3rd world hellhole. Within 30 years I think we can outproduce them and start effecting elections.
Prepare to get shipped off to a FEMA 'fun camp' for reeducation.
Pray that Jesus comes.
Sink Epstein's island into the sea with the entire force of the Russian navy.
I dont waste my time living in fantasies OP
>your kids will have non-white DNA an
My kids already are blonde and redheaded with blue and green/hazel eyes.
The eternal anglo is eternal, silly poltard.
have a big fuckin drink and a stress dart
Ha! Conservatards are losing more power by the year. Especially as all the addled Baby Boomer cons bite the dust.
But, by all means, continue clinging to the delusion that the "day of the rope" is juuusssttt around the corner. Yep, any day now!
I'd rather you kill yourself Serbshit
yeah and your blonde kids will lose their blonde hair most likely, as few americans have those genes anymore
eventually your descendants will mix races, nothing you can do about it bud, just accept reality
15% of white americans are in an interracial relationship, this will only grow
stay home for the whole day, feel sad for a few days and then change my university for a law one, if Trump isn't going to fix this world i will
Stream it, faggot
Find something to fill the entertainment hole
The interesting thing is, as the anti-Whites gain more power, they push White people closer and closer to the race war.
You see, you anti-Whites can't help but promote, gloat over and increase your program of White genocide. That turns more and more White people in racists who want to kick off the revolution.
So yes, Hillary winning will make things worse for Whites. But things must get worse before they'll get better.
The ultimate fate of the white man lol
I'll go to your gaff and get trashed, Oscar
Dont do it bro, even if he looses we will make the best of it
We will fight on
>If Trump wins
get drunk
>If Clinton wins
get REALLY drunk
The left's power is dependent on disperate fringe minority groups that don't actually like each other.
Their position is ineffectual, even when winning a clear majority and they are militarily very weak as the security services are staffed almost entirely by our people.
Add to that a corrupt and self-interested leadership and you'll soon realize why the left never gets what they want, even in victory your leadership is going to be stuffing it's pockets with spoils with an eye on the back door.
yeah right, most trump supporters are not racist, they just are voting for him because of bad trade deals and they love legal migrants
whites in america will mix out eventually. many already have.
satan here speaks the truth, we can still change the world
I dunno what I do everyday? Go to work, go home, do chores, cook food, talk with my wife, maybe play some video games or watch a movie or read some of my MANGAS, yes, I'm reading the one where she is the maid and class president and this guy kept hitting on her until she folded.
We continue to dig out the dirt and to mobilise wherever possible.
>the left never gets what they want
Just a string of relentless, unending, totally decisive victories for the last 75 years
If Trump wins, I'll mercilessly shit on Hillbots at places like HuffPo for months.
If Trump loses, I'll mercilessly shit on you retards for months.
Either way I win.
>most trump supporters are not racist,
Yes, I know. But your increasing program of White genocide will make more White people racist.
> they just are voting for him because of bad trade deals and they love legal migrants
Hence why your anti-White programs will continue to radicalize them.
>whites in america will mix out eventually. many already have.
See, you support and normalize the genocide of the White race.
Eventually Whites will rise up against you and we will secure the existence of our people at any cost.
>left never gets what they want
Ha! Silly boy. Of COURSE we do. Sure, it takes longer than the rest of the civilized world because of the all the bible-fucking slackjaws, but we always achieve our goals eventually...even if only in baby steps.
That's the spirit, bruv.
Probably say like "damn" and sometimes when I get drunk be like "fuck hillary she's bad and stuff" but ultimately my day-to-day will remain unchanged
Continue life as normal, puppets aren't going to change the script
no you won't. white isn't an identity anyway.
german is. you can have german nationalism, but you'll never have white nationalism as most don't care that much about it.
Kill the gays and enslave women
Because we need to welcome our Muslim overlords
Drink lots of hard liquor. Champagne if he wins.
If you're going to end your life then at least make it worthwhile. Do something spectacular with it. You can only die once, make your death worth dying for.
im going to repeat 'its literally nothing' until i believe it
Probably go to work the next day. Keep trying to become a 1%er. Eventually retire early with my Chinese-American wife and investments, living a humble, low-cost life in the woods of Montana while taking freelance jobs, playing video games into my old age and shitposting on the internet. Eventually kill myself once the struggle of living loses its appeal because I can't have children and my legacy will mean nothing.
if Trump wins I will cry with joy
if Trump loses I am going to mourn the four billion people who are about to die in WW3
not even gonna happen, russia doesn't want a war
>no you won't.
Why do you hate Whites wanting to secure the existence of the White race so much?
>white isn't an identity anyway.
Of course you say that the White race doesn't exist. That makes it easier for you to support White genocide.
>german is. you can have german nationalism,
German is a White ethnicity. You can't be non-White and be German.
>but you'll never have white nationalism
Amazing how every race is allowed to be proud of their race except the White race.
Black Nationalists? Fine.
Latino Nationalists? Fine.
White Nationalists? racistnazisthatwanttokillsixmillionjews
>as most don't care that much about it.
And as you anti-Whites continue to promote anti-White programs and beliefs, you'll turn average White people into White Nationalists and National Socialists.
there's no such thing as black nationalism either, there are individual countries in africa that could have nationalism - like somali nationalism or nigerian nationalism or whatever.
i don't hate whites doing anything. but most whites don't want to be involved with your bullshit. tell me how successful the KKK has been the past 40 years.
Well the first thing I'll do is stay off of Sup Forums for at least a week, until the dust has settled.
Because make no mistake, if Trump wins Sup Forums will be insane for a week. If Trump loses, Sup Forums will be like a nuclear fallout zone, as all of the people who hate Trump come to gloat.
Aside from that though, it's not my country, so I guess I'll just be like "Oh well gg Hillary wp" and then watch the next four years with interest.
Just here too troll
Move to China.
guys im from reddit how do i upvote
Shitpost about Hillary failing at the job for the next 4 years
This is a win/win situation for shitposers and meme magicians
but Hillary does
The closest Democratic HQ to me better pray she loses.
does not matter, congress has to declare war
Fall in, shitlords.
>there's no such thing as black nationalism either,
And yet black nationalism is supported and endorsed by the system.
>there are individual countries in africa that could have nationalism - like somali nationalism or nigerian nationalism or whatever.
Which are black (and I use the term loosely) countries.
>i don't hate whites doing anything
Except existing and having control of their own countries.
>but most whites don't want to be involved with
Just because they don't know any better doesn't mean they're right.
You'll do far better at turning them into White Nationalists than I ever could.
When they start losing their jobs to sandniggers and spics, seeing their families robbed and raped by niggers, and seeing the Jews tell them how evil they are just for being White you'll see them become pro-White.
>your bullshit.
So wanting the White race to exist is "bullshit"?
>tell me how successful the KKK has been the past 40 years.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Did not expect so many responses to my post.
If Trump loses I will stream my suicide by shotgun on November 95th.
type age in the options field newfriend