Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
they try to formulate an argument but just end up yelling and playing the racist card.
Literally fem aids skrillex and Carl the Cuck. Do memes really shape reality
Women were a mistake.
what the hell is she even trying to prove by bringing that up? Trump never presented a 0% tax plan.
Once again, science must step in to save humanity again. The only hope is sex robots.
Trump. The new fedora.
>who's gonna pay for the roads
>the roads!
Is this what American women are like?
If Hillary wins, I'm moving to Mexico because it'll be the only country in NA that's left after Russians nuke D.C.
I dub her "REEEE Skrillex"
Hillary said she won't add a single penny to the national debt. So how is she expecting to pay for the interstate roads?
If Hillary is elected, I'd rather be nuked than have America be ruled by this demonic hag.
You know the Roman Empire?
Great people. They had billions of roads and aquaducts and public amenities, paid for by 0,3% taxes, equaling about 2 days of work for Roman citizens.
Oh, they had their military build everything. They were paid for with the taxes anyway, and you wanna keep them around.
Just an idea for America.
I don't understand what's going on. All I hear is cunty shrieking.
Are women really this bad? I think it's just millenial women. Gen X has more than a few fucking cunts, but I've never seen any of them stroke out while cunt-shrieking.
I could only watch a few seconds. I don't want to end up hating women, but they were a mistake.
i don't get it, she says he's retarded for conning people and the federal government to get billions of dollars. they way she puts's that is not a morale thing to do, but it doesn't make him retarded if that is true.
if that's the baseline for retarded, ;et's see where she stands
>yfw shes right and hillary will win
what then "pole"?
Claire the Cunt is a living example.
Plus, the US being nuked is also better than seeing the US continue its imperial pursuits of proliferating SJW rulership throughout the world (aside from certain middle eastern countries)
I'd laugh in their faces
"How is donald trump a racist?"
>He wants to build a wall to keep out Mexicans
"For our borders/security.."
What did she say at this point, bros? I couldn't quite make out her postulate.
They are so gross
Gahahahaha! I lasted ten seconds
How do you even debate with... that
Discourse is dead. I blame liberalism
>Have you looked at the budget?
>Like, 75% of our spending goes to the military
The guy is a fucking mongoloid as well. Every person in this video needs gassing.
So close...
I could have memed Claire the Cunt.
yes I've seen women act like this before and once had some sperg out on me like that
Why is that bitch out of the kitchen?
Women always try to hurt your character and emotions when you're winning a debate
>OH MY GOD you're brainwashed!
Now imagine being married to one of these things.
And she decided she wants the new house that you bought for the two of you, but she also wants to fuck Tyrone and get you out of the picture.
So she decides she's going to divorce you.
Imagine months of shrieking while she tries to wear you down so you give in and sign everything over to her
>"Oh my GAWWWD user I only slept with Tyrone FIVE TIMES why can't you forgive A FEW MISTAKES oh my GAWWWD just give me the HOOOOUSE you small dicked LOSER you're the one ending the relationship not MEEEEE typical MAN reeeeeeeEEEEE"
You'll experience it for yourself someday lad
I wish I had people that butthurt in my country, their tears would be delicious
it seems so
>"Did you know that the same people who fund ISIS fund Hillary Clinton, Saudi Arabia?"
I blame Frankfurt school
yeah you can't really talk to them on the same level as men I've learned the hard way. if they start acting crazy though like in that video you just cut them off, look them in the eye and tell them they're stupid cunts who don't know what they're talking about. they typically retreat at that point in fear
How much wealth did the Roman get via expanding?
the only thing I can think that was going through their mind was
>if he believes stuff like that, he must be a conspiracy theorist
>all conspiracy theorists are stupid
>Women hanging around and giving a man this much attention
They'd be sucking his dick behind the porta-cabin in a second if they got a chance
Gasoline taxes pay a hefty portion
Only the stupid ones. THey like to pretend they are educated in every subject because they've gone to a school for graphic design.
The more stupid they are, the loudest they are about their "correct" opinions.
Best ones can actually form an argument.
Consider if these were flipped and 2 college fratbros were screaming at a Hillary supporter (or gay man)
Can't wait until their names are public
Jurgen haabermas has a lot to say about how political discourse should be conducted between those of differing ideologies that we would do well to implement.......sjw's and trumpfags incoherently screaming at each other using simplified, easily regurgitated soundbites doesn't really achieve much
>Let me hear your facts and evidence
i would love to be hatefucked by her with a strapon
As expected of Sweden. Keep up the good work
graphic design, Feminist studies, ethnic studies or have daddy issues. Usually its cause daddy bailed. Or they get their news from Tumblr
I'll just imagine sweden-user as a swedish girl, and suddenly am very okay with that mental picture. More than okay, in fact.
What are Swedish women like?
People get extremely emotional about politics, perhaps because they do not have any other system in which to spend their emotion to begin with. It makes one lose faith in unrestricted universal suffrage, as this is not limited to women.
>"but why do you say that, why is he racist?"
I bet these stupid cunts lock their doors at night. Fucking racists, not letting nigger and spics come inside whenever they want to do as they please RACIST WHITE WHORES
>People get extremely emotional about politics
This. It's not just women. Americans generally cannot speak about politics peacefully without it quickly degenerating into personal attacks.
It's the same behavior you see exhibited in schizos when being confronted about their delusions, almost to a T. Quite frightening. It happens on both sides.
Yes Sweden, yes.
>How is Donald Trump racist?
Male response:
Female response:
>reee ree ree reeeEE REE REE REE REEE!
banshee and legbeard
Is it because of the narcissism? Is it because people are transferring their emotion into these highly symbolized situation? Are people trying to work out their psychological problems through politics?
>paid for by 0,3% taxes
their population and landmass was far greater than the United States and the cost of building and making this was far lower
Only the girls not in the upper class stratosphere, so the majority of them
absolutely revolting
I just got unbanned after calling out that ctr jew fag, just in time to say - wtf sweden
Not actually right, hillary clinton gets funded by the same people that fund isis and hillary will let the destruction of western culture happen all for a million dollars, And when people complain that Trump is being "racist" don't they realize that countries like mexico also have borders preventing central americans from getting into mexico. Hillary Supporters can't construct well thought out arguments and support for their double standards, not to mention, All the SJW hillary supporters are supporting terrorists to come into the us and implement sharia law thereby contradicting the SJWs stance on things.
Fucking Lesbians
I've thought about this a lot, and especially this past year. In my (limited) experience, I've gathered outsiders (of the US) are usually more open-minded/civil when discussing politics. So I've tried to guess the cause.
Besides memes like subversion/etc., it seems to be deeply rooted in the culture and electorate process here. One example is in our traditionally two-party dominant system (though not from the start) in which people identify AS Republican/Democrat from an early age, based on family and community for the most part. There is a significant percentage of people voting blindly for any given party because their parents do.
I would guess it's different in a country with many more choices, as the implication there is that politics is tricky and takes careful thought to choose from all the flavors. Here it's just "Pick what your friends/family all like, OR pick the pure evil opposite party over there."
So people identify personally with a political party absent of its policies. This makes people, well, brainwashed into always following the same side regardless of the circumstances, and making them quite defensive. Because it's not longer about disagreeing on policy if you question their allegiance - now you're fighting against them, their family, their friends, their community, and in unfortunate cases their entire state. It's too deep to undo for too many.
last i checked the sales tax of fuel pays for the roads
Didn't even make me hard
Burgers what's up? Why are they so disrespectful to someone they barely know?
holy shit I can't get past 3 seconds in.
Seriously so true
>these people can vote
her whole campaign has been blaying the gender and race cards
it is also half the women in Canada too
Who debates at a party though, in an attempt to purposely not instigate? If anything I'd shoot Owen.
One simple question would fry their circuits:
> Which candidate do the corrupt establishment influencers (wall street, big business, foreign influences) support and why?
They literally would not be able to form a response.
Easy - they say it's Donald Trump since he's a business man too.
Have you never spoken to one of them? That's how brainwashed they are.
How do you get to this mental state. I really don't understand how women like this get to this point
Women's suffrage was a mistake.
I had a debate with my mother about how crooked Hillary is. First off she was on the phone with her adulterous female friend (this friend is sleeping with a married man, is a single mother, black, and has 2 other men she too is sleeping with) to validate and be her "fact check". Not joking
What basically happened was I said my sources and facts about Hillary's corruption. Then I am screamed at continuously about how Trump was charged with rape of a minor (charges were dropped and it was declaired a lie), Trump is corrupt too so who cares, and then when I asked for her evidence she started calling me a loser, uneducated since I don't plan on taking the college route, calls me mentally ill and irrational, says I have no friends, tells me to "shut the fuck up" and curses at me, says I'm talking "shit" and then threatens me while saying more personal insults and that she doesn't want to talk any more.
Note: she was screaming at the top of her lungs the entire time and I was sitting less than a foot away from her.
This is how women argue, this is how liberal retards controlled by women and media argue. They do not know what they are talking about. They live by believing they are either 100% correct or that neutrality = intelligence. They don't care beyond what facebook and instagram tells them. They scream and shut down any friends of theirs that are Trump supporters. They will call Trump supporters "crazy" when they have high energy, while thinking they are not while raving like lunatics.
If Trump does not win they will only get stronger and this is another +1x10^12 in validation for them.
We need to fucking stop this. This is not what humans are meant to do. It's even worse that these financially secure and slaved people will never ever meet a successful, respectable Trump supporter in their lives because the liberals themselves are so toxic nobody wants to be around them.
You have a shit mother. Get out. Some mothers are much, much better than that.
Your shit mother will warp your mind for worse.
>white women
I'm trying user.
She already ruined my life once, I won't let it happen again.
People like her do unspeakable horrors behind closed doors and candidates like Obama and Hillary strengthen their resolve. Our fucking kids need so much help and cleaning up the act of the nation is the only fucking way dammit.
Who wrote that
Probably her white husband.
My mother started rooting for Trump without any input from me, she decided that since the media are so against him then maybe he is the right choice.
They showed some documentary about hillary and trump in tv, it was trying to showcase hillary as the best choice etc, she decied hillary is obviously a psychopath.
God that triggered me more than it should.
Someone should sell them as sex slaves to ISIS.
So when are the meme versions of them coming out?
ya but its different here because the Democrats are literally pure evil
This legitimately makes me very, very sad. I know that we have a little place to come vent about right wing politics here on Sup Forums and we get upset about opposing viewpoints, but this is just beyond that.
These girls have deep emotional reactions to things they don't want to hear, they can't even control themselves in a disagreement. What happened to make them like this? How did it get so bad? I've seen this among other girls my (and their) age where they start shrieking about these "isms."
It's like their mind is shackled by these concepts that we just invented, it's all they think about or look for in social interactions. Is this sexist, is this racist, is this transphobic. They can't even come up with any other thoughts. They hear Donald Trump's name and it's like a dog hearing the word sit, they just react.
What made them like this? These would just be regular girls in any other era, now they're screaming about things they don't understand as if their lives depended on it. What is it that evokes such a strong emotional reaction in these people? I'm starting to think they care more about "racism, sexism, blah blah blah" more than their own livelihood. Where is this coming from?
desu jewish girls are the cutest out there
>their population was greater
The most generous population estimates for the Roman Empire would give them 100 million, less than 1/3 of the American population.
>landmass was far greater
It's roughly the same.
>cost of building was far lower
That's the most important part. Roman roads weren't built for cars.
The Republicans are too. They united together to try to take down Trump with the pussy tape and are still crying about not voting for him this season. (See: Kasich shilling for McCain.)
Both parties are working together behind the scenes to strip Americans of their rights (PATRIOT Act, etc.) and fighting endless wars for their own profit. On the larger scale, they are consolidating power and erasing borders worldwide to prepare for a one-world government.
Stop buying into partisan nonsense and realize what is happening.
30%sales tax on jet fuel will pay for steel beams.