Is it acceptable for a White man to racemix with Asians? They're qt, traditional, redpilled, and have intelligence/society on par with Whites.
Is it acceptable for a White man to racemix with Asians? They're qt, traditional, redpilled...
Try again
Racefuck? Yes. Racemix? No.
Isolated occasions are ok I guess, but it wouldn't be good to make it the norm since it would be ideal to preserve boths uniqueness.
>They're qt, traditional, redpilled, and have intelligence/society on par with Whites.
What a meme.
racemixing is degenerate, especially with asians
Only with Japs, Hitler made them honorary Aryans
If you find them attractive, then fuck them. But don't breed with them. Why is this so hard for the neets on here to understand? Recreation ain't procreation - don't confuse the two
Not falling for this old ass meme. They are super snobbish,They smell real BAD down there.99 % of them don't shave their pubes. One topic that is usually not brought up either is they are NASTY creamers, expect your cock and bed sheets to be drenched in pussy discharges.
vimfags pls leave
are you really asking an autistic politcal board if it is ok to marry and have kids with an asian woman? How fucking autistic are you, honestly if you are asking this shit online you will never even find any girl
>oh no! Her juice got all over my bed!
Jesus you fucking queer
Dont give a shit, im still gonna do it
great post 10/10 would read again
The answer is no
Enjoy flossing those nasty sturdy black pubes off your rotten teeth brit fag.
Asian men don't appreciate this shit. Every time you have sex with an asian women, jamal has sex with a white women. Just don't.
If you love them then get married and have children because race doesn't matter.
>people complain that flips and viets are the problem
It's those fucking zipperhead koreans every time
>I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own.
Krautcucks are truly laughable.
>acknowledging Chinese civilization makes you a cuck
What a fag, and coming from a Paki at that
And when will you people learn that the beauty of Asian girls isn't only their physical constitution. They value a classic family, will defend their own family over everything, are good educators for their children and actually teach values.
That is something that is increasingly missing with white women.
Reminder: Your hapa kids will hate you
You lot disgust me.
As an avid conoisseur and self-described enthusiast of the oriental female form and soul,I shall not stand and lend my ears to this ludicrousy without taking it as a personal affront.
Although I have yet to partake in the actual reproductive coital act with a female I have the sufficient and vast body of research under my belt (and growing) to ascertain to the fact of the asian woman's superiority over her western female counterpart.
Some of you differ, and ignorantly succumb to the fallacious reasoning of ascribing the western wench as the queen of femmes due to their oversized mammaries, puffed posteriors and mockable and unnecessary curvaceous forms. Don't get me started on their foal-like, unsensual limbs.
The oriental woman is stout, well-made in its petite stature. Crafted by conservative gods out of the earth's best cream-colored clays, spun serenely to the optimum culmination and accentuated with the most gentle feminine features of all of man's races.
The asian woman's beauty is in the simplicity (think of the superior flag of Japan). Do not be fooled by the materialist anatomic avarice of the western succubus. No more no less. Perfection. Asian.
I leave you with this appeal to your reptilian brains:
Would you rather have your spawn draw up the life-giving creams from the humble cherry blossom apices of an ethereal duo of Mount Fujis?
Or from the curd-filled death bogs, vesicles of poison and ruin of a long-dead Europa?
Will you take the red pill?
Depends, do you care about the white race at all or are you just a thirsty /r9k/ beta?
Kikes push feminism for the sole purpose of driving white men away from white women, so that they will mix with asians while white women mix with niggers - a two-pronged attack on the white race.
Fuck off goyim.
i tip my fedora to you
Into the gas chamber you go.
Asian woman are pretty much exactly like white women except they're even bigger gold-diggers.
My GF is asian (Half Gook, 1/4 flip, 1/4 spanish) and she is hot as hell, big ass and small waist, fully Americanized, redpilled AF, hard working and smart (chem engnineer), only speaks english, big non-chinky eyes, and in general dope AF. I will be racemixing with her. Suck my fat white cock neets.
well their government is being investigated for shamanism and the occult
ours is being investigated for satanism
guess they feel a shared connection.
that's right fuck you vi nerds, asian qts prefer emacs
Someone screencap this. It belongs in a Sup Forums-tier cringe thread.
I like mine better, more realistic
I don't know. You should ask Ben "nukes for the gooks" Garrison.
No, you weaboo faggot.
>unironically bragging about landing a mongrel mutt
I dare not deal with the spergs, but user, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I've had 3 Japanese girlfriends, and have lived in Japan. Japanese girls are great.
But I would not have children with them. I am now with a white girl for family and children. I want to contribute to my culture and its future.
It's not difficult to understand. Long dead Europa? Are you fucking on crack? And take a hint, you're a creep. Only 7th tier cap girls will blow you if you buy them ramen. Do them a favor. and stay in the basement and jerk off to Dragon Ball Z.
Reminds me of the "red pill comics" funny shit
>a fucking leaf
Thinking the same thing.
"Although I have yet to partake in the actual reproductive coital act with a female" is golden.
it's pasta, froggo
What about white men with black women?
Is that redpilled?
Yep suck my cock I'm livin the dream
It's an expression in Japan about the lowest tier of pussy paelafag.
Is it ok for a half mexican half italian man to have children with an asian woman or will those kids still have the same problems as WM/AW offspring? I ask because my friend is having a kid with an asian woman. I don't consider Italians to be white either :^)
I like this post
I didn't even read your post, but you were reacting to copypasta as if it was a legit retard
>wow its so bad it sounds like its sarcasm or something xD
Only if said black woman is mixed and point towards white.
As long as you hide your wallet in a safe.
>on par with whites
fuck off and kys yellow fever faggot
You're just an angry asian woman with small tits aren't you?
fuck you
Yes, perfectly acceptable.
White/asian and Black/white hybrids will become the two immiscible races of the future, eloi and morlocks.
Yes but only once the white birthrate returns to being at or above replacement rate.
>Big nose
>No muscle
>Slanty little eyes
>Intelligent but lazy
Yeah seems like a great mix m8
My kids will grow up redpilled, beautiful (white/asian is best combo) AND will beable to take advantage of stupid liberal affirmative action. They'll check the minority box and get all the jobs, admissions, and scholarships, even though Asians get paid more, have better grades, and are in general equal to whites in opportunity. My offspring will be born to take advantage of liberal cucks.
>Although I have yet to partake in the actual reproductive coital act with a female
>Is it acceptable for a White man to racemix
No. End of discussion.