Can anyone explain how California used to be red with Bush senior in 88? I mean it was a while ago but still, how?

Can anyone explain how California used to be red with Bush senior in 88? I mean it was a while ago but still, how?

Not enough mexicans.

One word

Reagan. Californians loved Reagan. They voted for him in 1980 and 1984, and Reagan urged them to vote for his VP.

By 1992 the love for Bush was over


In the 1980s, Mexican migration northwards began impacting the southwest states. How the different states reacted to it governed how their states changed.

Texas, under George W. Bush, maintained a fair degree of neutrality towards the Hispanics, and thus was able to make Texas's Hispanic population a degree more conservative than that in the country as a whole.

California's Governor at the time, Pete Wilson, went full-Trump. As a result, Hispanics in California became much more hostile to Republicans and turned the state reliably Democratic.

Because Michael Dukakis had the personality of a piece of chewed bubble gum. See Willie Horton and the stupid tank photo op.

Mexicans weren't at critical mass.

Also Reagan was ours.

mestizos (who are part native american btw) lived in CA long before whites did

that is like south africans complaining about blacks being in their country

This, Pete Wilson was an utter tard.

this guy is smart for an amerifat

Bush was Reagan's VP.
Reagan was Gov of Cali

>jajajaja la raza ajajaja viva mexico jajaja
GTFO and build the wall, pedro.

hon hon hon yes mes ami, all of the injuns are one people

Okay, sure. Can I see the deed for the land that was apparently stolen?

i'm not saying you have to leave, but just accept that CA will always have mestizos because they have a right to live there

CA will never be a white state again, you guys are literally 40% of the population, and 25% of the births.

There was only 10,000 Californio's in California in 1845.

California didn't have shit for people in it until the Gold Rush, and by then Mexico had lost/sold that area.

There was a time when Mexicans were a minority in the state and not the majority.

This was as recent as ten years ago. Up until the 70s Mexicans weren't as prevalent.

>Can anyone explain how California used to be red with Bush senior in 88?
See pic, this is who was running against.

Reagan gave millions of Mexicans amnesty to the US

Prop 13 cut taxes in the late 70s. Everybody loved the idea until the bills came due in the 90s. No revenue to pay for roads, schools, etc. Not exaclty a brilliant plan. Guv Wilson, republican, blamed Mexicans (the money shortage is due to their using public whatever's, not lower taxes, snicker). That worked for a while until it didn't. Meanwhile Wilson managed to demonize the fastest growing segment of society by also pushing prop 187 which would cut all services to non residents and that signalled the rednecks to be openly racist. Demographics changed. Repubs left Cali bankrupt and forced hispanics to the blue side. Arnie got elected guv as an R but he's Arnie.

i'll tell you the same thing that whites told the native americans as they lost their majority status: tough shit

CA isn't gonna be majority white again, mestizos have a right to be there

>t. La Raza

it was 80% white at the time

The bigger mystery is how the fuck was West Virginia blue?

they don't though, the californios were based, modern mestizos are aztec jungle people with nothing in common

Unionised coal industry workers.

Many whites left Cali to wash, ore, Nevada and especially Ariz. More recently to Texas. They left behind whites where mostly reliably liberal to begin with. If the party stops being hostile to minorities and concentrates on the meat and potatoes of the party, it will come back. But it is currently hijacked by white nationalists. And they're losing.

>Mestizos - Part of Native American

Maldito indio.