Any Canadian here?

Any Canadian here?

It's true that you can talk bad about christians but not muslims?

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Oh god what now...

Source you filthy ape.

I haven't heard anything about it but wouldn't surprise me since they're trying to push Bill c16.

I'll still call them out for what they are though.

Not really we have religious discrimination laws so if you insult one or the other its the same, but i feel that muslims get special treatment and t hi at islam is treated as a race instead of an ideology.

Calm dow, Wang

It really is, when we tried to put some secularist laws to force government to not wear big religious symbols, the debate shifted to how it's only targeting muslims and how it's islamophobic, yet it targeted any religious symbols.

So it seems like nothings changed. This doesn't even seem like a law? We still have that hate speech shit like Australia though...

>show a white girl in a towel

I've never seen a white woman in a head wrap. They're all in solid brown territory

Also obligatory fuckin' leafs

Catholicism and Protestantism are religions that promote hatred, white supremacy, matricide, patricide, fratricide and infanticide. It causes slavery and war and oppression.

Islam, however, is the religion of peace.

Come and get me Trudope

>Go to Canada
>Claim to be Islamic
>Run around calling women whores

why do you think otherwise, we never had any rights here, highest bidder can make the laws and right now thats saudi arabia., they'll make us a muslim country if they wanted to.

Why do feminists and libcucks love Islam so much? They wouldn't want all these shitskin immigrants and refugees if they ended up as gang rape targets.

"Islamophobia is defined as “dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.”"


an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Kek give me strength

>Why do feminists and libcucks love Islam so much?

Because they hate western civilisation. That's the entire animus of the left, their entire purpose for being: to destroy western civilisation.

Want to hear about Islamophobia? Ask a visibly Muslim woman, suggests Elghawaby; or easier yet, read the comments section on any online article relating to Canada’s Muslims. You’ll easily find comments like this doozy: “If you don’t like it here and this country is not up to your standards, you can always move somewhere else. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.”

what is so islamophobic about this?
"i was granted asylum in canada its too cold here and no sharia"

"you can always go back"


They're crazy.

>as a political force

You can't even criticize them when they take over your country, this is fucking insane.

im moving to iceland

>to destroy western civilisation


>I've never seen a white woman in a head wrap. They're all in solid brown territory
you've clearly never been to an eastern european country or been near any christian who are religious, you're not obligated to wear it but they are encouraged

>Why do feminists and libcucks love Islam so much?
It's more anti-west than pro-islam

This is true of all of North America.

Lefties will verbally brutalize Christians as viciously as possible, then in the same breath tiptoe around Islam in hushed tones.

>Be Canadian
>Know that Muslims are coming in and try (and succeeding) to change our culture to theirs thanks to cuckold goverment
>I could literally be sent to jail and have my life ruined for saying I think Canada should stay Canada

When trump wins, I am leaving this place for dead.

When Trudeau's anus is destroyed by refugee cock when Sharia takes over, I will over and tell them they had a chance.
All of them were too politically correct to save themselves.

All these laws are invalid in Quebec.
When we joined the Confederation, we made sure not to be restricted by what those anglo idiots decided to do

It's a parliamental motion, dudes, not a law. It doesn't "ban Islamophobia", it's just all the MPs getting together and agreeing "Yo, we all totally think Islamophobia sucks, like, for real, man."

This is a complete non-event. A symbolic PR move. Nothing more.

Are you blind ? Don't you see a cross on the left?

I think you're fucking retarded like all Pepsis, kys.

Because they are all Satanic and no matter how irrational Satan's forces are, they hate Christ and His followers more than they hate anyone else.

A minor item such as a small necklace, a ring, or whatever is fine.

On the right side of the picture is in fact a large cross necklace.

If you want to be a public servant you should not be allowed to cover your body in obvious religious iconography.

The ban was on big ("ostentatious") religious symbols, not a blanket ban on all religious symbols. He said so clearly in his post, and if you shift your eyes a couple inches to the right, you'll see the much bigger (more "ostentatious") cross on the right with the rest of the banned symbols. Not to mention the text. Signes non ostentatoires :: signes ostentatoires. Isn't French a mandatory school subject for leaves?

Why are french canadians so based?


It's simply affirming that the Liberal government are cucks and traitors

You should be allowed cover yourself head-to-toe in Christian iconography as that is the founding culture and principles of the West.

Are you guys the real France? What Canada + France should be?

Blasphemy is a crime so no, you can't talk bad about Christianity.

Because we're surrounded by the enemy.
This migrant shit isn't any different.
We've been ready for hundreds of years

The moment you become comfortable with your neighbours is the moment you become weak.
Always be cautious.

Public servants on the job are there to represent the government, not their religion.

brainwashing. feminist and libcucks are dumbasses that got psyoped. Could happen to you to if you're not careful.

I can say whatever i want cops here just laugh at stuff like that

Some guy was in court for saying hitler was just trying to clean up Europe by killing the Jews, and the courts said this isn't hate speech!
Try this in Europe and see what happens

This is good.

It protects Canadians from chimping mudshits that wanna blow shit up when they get offended.

I'm glad our parliament is looking out for us.

Give us our own flag!

All based leaves are lowkey Québécois.

Let's not go back to the old days being the Pope's bitch
The Quiet Revolution was a thing for a reason

they're wearing it as a hat, not as a hair cover that they have to keep on at all times when in public under the thread of getting stoned

I was anti-Quebec but turning pro-Quebec separatism with all this shit.

This is unbeliavable

I mean I don't favor Quebecois politics either, but at least they have a sense of identity and dignity and don't hate themselves

Islamophobia is fear of Islam..... so it is ILLEGAL TO HAVE FEAR?

Is this the first time in history where they made one emotion illegal? WHAT?

> Always wanted to move to canada once I get enough shekels
> This passes
> It starts to become a musilm-worshipping shithole like my current country is.
Well, I guess I'll go to Luxembourg. Russia would be my second choice, but I'm sane enough to refrain myself, to not end up alcoholic.

Canada: the only country in the world where discriminating against your (Francophone) countrymen is not only allowed but even encouraged, while even remotely suggesting that Muslim invaders might not adjust to the local culture(s) is racist and now even against the law.

You cannot make this shit up. Canada is pathetic. The Netherlands is pretty bad as well, but we'll never be as CURRENT YEAR as fucking Canada.

It's mandatory during prayer though according to the bible. My grandma complains that when she was a girl you weren't allowed in church unless you had a skirt on (the bible banned men's clothes for women) and a scarf or hat. Unfortunately these days the church is just a glorified charity and ignores the word of God.

There is nothing to be afraid of, goy.

Deutschland wird Deutschland bleiben :^)

It's a motion, not a law.

Quebec is responsible for the mess we're in.

You quebekikes have had it your way for far too long. The anglo will rise again

You have a problem racists? Muslims do everything better even your haram holidays.

Neither of you read the thread, obviously, so I doubt you'll read this, but again, THIS ISN'T A LAW.

I'm not saying I support it but it means nothing. It doesn't even rise to the level of unenforceable, because it isn't a law.

I find hijabs cute on white Muslims (like Persians) but I'm Hung-Aryan and it was always normal for my family members to wear a scarf. For some reason the brown sand niggers look really really ugly in a scarf idk why w

And you can{t criticize women anymore

I feel like today is the day of all black pills.
I don't know if these feels will leave me paralyzed with depression or psychotic with rage but I've had enough and some how or another I'm going to fucking snap I'm tired of this shit.

>Quebec is responsible for the mess we're in.
What mess is this?
You cucks voted for Harper and then Trudeau

Should have voted Layton when you had the chance

I just shit all over humanity

>ISIS did X
>go on huge antinatalist rant
>I don't even support atinatalism, I am just trying to be obnoxious and make other leafs feel like shit

I know what you mean, every time Sup Forums has a iran thread the girls in those threads are light skinned and attractive and then you see the typical western immigrant and they all look like a mr bean cosplay

>convert to islam

Now I can do whatever I want

That's cool, bro.
Wanna share a plate of bacon to celebrate?

If we had to have Muslims I wouldn't mind Iranian women coming, the guys act like Romanian gypsies but the women just want to be wives and hate faggots.

See this, gentlemen? This is what happens when you let your dick decide your stance on immigration.

Iranians are Shia.
The shit ones are Sunni.

They're both terrible, but the Shiites have a chance.
Iran used to be a good place until America wrecked it

Lust is a sin I would never have premarital relations of any kind

Canada is going full retard.

Not all of us.
There is resistance.

Look at that tenured UoT professor who is refusing to follow this identity politics shit

fuck ahmed

keep 8 year olds safe, remove islam

Can we all just sit down and acknowledge how retarded the word Islamophobia is?


>> Always wanted to move to canada

Our only saving grace is that we're separated by a fucking ocean, otherwise we'd be putting Germany and Sweden to shame with our unrelenting faggotry.

Speak for yourself, anglo

Pretty much the only public place I can speak critically of islam is at the Russian Orthodox church I go to.

The muzzies all gather in the major cities, just avoid those and move to paradise areas like Tofino or interior BC, or entire white areas like Newfoundland.

Get a job with BC Hydro and they will put you up north for a few years far away from kebabs but you'll have to deal with Natives

>Iranians are Shia.
>The shit ones are Sunni.
Of course they are friend, Shia dindu nuffin.

>Iran used to be a good place until America wrecked it
I agree. Iran used to be a good place when the secular, Swiss-educated, pro-Western Shah and an upper class of notorious Francophiles ruled it. It went to shit after America destroyed that elite and allowed it to be replaced by a theocratic regime.

Sunni and Shia are both Muslims, they both believe in the same Qu'ran and both believe the same Muhammad is an example to be emulated. Stop thinking with your fucking dick.

Just because you put a ring on it doesn't mean you're not thinking with your dick, you fucking simp.

Yeah I have followed stuff on mr. Peterson. Lets just hope he dont end up like Solzhenitsyn. But then again, maybe he can be the person to write about Gulags of Canada. :^)

I am.

I don't even hate Quebecfags T B H
Felt closer to them than I did with some hippie faggots down in Vancouver.

Just saying, Toothpaste, that Iran was on its way to a proper Western style country

All good nations need to have a strong religious base.
It's a foundation that teach people to respect something greater than themselves.
Then they need to leave it behind and grow.

Iran was doing that but then fell backwards

quebec doesn't actually have an identity beyond being a buncha dirty commies & sabotaging the rest of the country.

Vancouver is faggot town.
Everyone knows that.

Montreal is the only city worthwhile in Canada
It's got legit culture and flavour

Nothing wrong with a theocracy we need a theocracy in the west.
I'm not, or at least I try to avoid it. It's essential to avoid any sexual immorality

>leave it behind
Abandoning the teachings of Christ is what destroyed the west.

Montreal isn't called sin city for nothing

>as a political force

Amazing. Truly amazing.

Islam stands against everything that western secular liberalism (no, not that liberalism you pinhead) has stood for, for centuries. It rejects the values of the enlightenment in near totality. It rejects the equality of the sexes. It's the most regressive force on the global stage with the possible exception of whatever the fuck is going on with the globalist/leftist/SJW Nonlinear Axis Of Insanity, and it's specifically coddled because of Muh Brown Peoples.

Just speechless. We live in an amazing age.

I don't know the quality of Iranians you'd get immigrating to your country now, but after the revolution all the ones who settled in the US integrated pretty well, and are usually pretty based.

The women are smoking hot sex freaks, but also insane. It's a fair trade off I think.

Secularisation is a mistake desu

They also recommend "folks" Trump and Hitler's favorite.

That doesn't make any sense, Christianity and Islam are two sides of the same shekel

>sex freaks
Would rather these people NOT come here, we have enough degeneracy as it is. We don't need disgusting perverts, faggots or sex obsessed bozos coming here. Sexual immorality destroys nations

What? Ever since the libs got into power, we don't hear anything about the legislation that parliament passes. Most Canadians still don't know the libs cut our TFSA contributions.

Nah, you're wrong and right.
You need to look at the good parts and ignore the fluff around it.

Who gives a shit about some Jew who may or may not have even existed?

You need to look at what the bible was teaching and then filter out the bullshit.
It's like Santa Claus, right? What's the important part about Santa Claus? Being good all year round.
What's not important? His reindeer and red suit or the lesson of what he means?

Religion is the same. Just like who children go through a Santa Claus stage, so do nations

Until it isn't.

Yeah, nigga.
It's not just the availability of debauchery, it's the authentic feel.
It's got what hipsters want to be

Nothing in the bible is as you call it bullshit, the bible is a textbook everything in it is 100% fact.
It's sick!

Serious answer, Because they think they're helping the disenfranchised. I used to run with SJWs before it got to be too much and that was their whole reason for wanting to help them. After the Paris attacks I managed to get some of them to see reality of what can happen when this shit goes too far.

>Canada: the only country in the world where discriminating against your (Francophone) countrymen is not only allowed but even encouraged, while even remotely suggesting that Muslim invaders might not adjust to the local culture(s) is racist and now even against the law.
>You cannot m
reread your fucking post belgian faggot holy fuck
your a dorable
open a book

>Then Judah said to Onan, “Sleep with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother.” 9 But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also.

We Soviet Russia now comrade.

Leviticus bans sexual relations with siblings, I believe these people should be put to death too as should homos because this breaks the laws God set out for us.
