Why has Kek forsaken us?

Why has Kek forsaken us?

Hillary is who you should have been worshiping this whole time. Check my numbers.

kek is the god of chaos, this is why you pray to GOD


Fück Off. Greetings from Kek

He hasn't

screencap this post
praise trump

Because cuck is a false god.

Ye of little faith

Kek must test our faith from time to time brother

Praise Kek and Donald Trump, if we can Brexit then Trump can be voted into the White House.

Cuck confirmed for false god.

Because we haven't landed the ultimate 9!

He wants that completes sweep.

He knows he can get it if he pushes us.

He wants the maximum damage

the holy 99999999

No, YOU put your faith in a man and not in KEK

You have forsaken kek.

>not embracing pic related

Kek works in mysterious ways. You will see. Praise him.

Check these dubs.

Kek was revived by Starcraft mocking Koreans. Kekeke.

Korea is in act 2 of the anime Korea vs 8 Goddesses. They just revealed that behind boss president are her 8 more powerful masters.

Kek is always here. And will deliver us.

It's time to bow down to the real god. Kek is dead. Long live Moloch. Check 'em.

Kek is a chaotic god, he doesn't want to help us, it is purely incidental.

He wants maximum damage of 99999999

It has been his plan all along.

He needs it to manifest in a physical form.

Well, you wouldn't need faith if you knew he was always by your side.

Praise him.

Should we hit 99999999 before or after the election is finished?

Should we power Kek to help us?

Or, should we praise him with echoing numerals of maximum damage if he helps us?

You must create a reality of faith.

I have faith. I know this will be dubs.


all hardships are merely tests by Kek

trump will win

Trump will win Praise Kek

He has not

it's over for you guys


Fuck your false evil god


If we lose we become stronger

If we win we start to make the change

Shills can't understand KEK is bound to WIN

if kek is real why hasn't he blessed me with dubs yet

He's charging his attack.

Any photoshop fags? We need an army.

Kek is not real and americucks will vote for clinton

Kek is here desu

I beg to differ

dubs of lies

We need to dispel this fiction that Kek doesnt know what he's doing
He knows exactly what he's doing

kek is a god of chaos, so this only happened so the chaos levels could increase!!! PRAISE KEK

> losing your faith in Kek

You have to believe

>dubs of truth
Praise the goddess.

Why we aren't trying with Athena as example or chronos?

Cuz you haven't checked these dubs

Cuz you haven't checked these dubs.

Cuz you haven't check these dubs..

Cuz you haven't checked these dubs...

Cuz you haven't checked these dubs....

Cuz you haven't checked these dubs.....

dubs are a social construct invented by Hillary

Cuz you haven't checked these dubs......

remember kek is the god of CHAOS
it's only a trick to fool the CTR
dont fret
just shadilay and praise kek

Cuz you haven't checked these dubs.......

Kek is old and busted

worship the leaf

I couldn't give enough blood offerings to it though

Took you long enough.


low energy

I want to believe Kek is still here. I don't really want to play Fallout 5: RL Edition.

He hasn't, his Prophet now walks among us.

But first we start with the 97777777
When you see that.

Trust me.

You will Kek keks

Kek is with us, we just have to believe

Trump wins. Check these dubs

I praise only Mithra

Kek speaks trough numbers and chosen vessels

Trump will win

Brothers and sisters in Kek, do not lose faith. For blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which Kek has promised to those who love him. And we know that in all things Kek works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


He is with us, but silently watching us forging our own fate.
If we make the right decision in the coming days, he will reward us.

Kek has not abandoned us. He is always with us if you just keep the faith.

Trump will win.


What the fuck, red jolly roger negro flag.

Seriously who the fuck are you people and how do you speak English.

God grants repeating digits, not Kek. Just check 'em

Kek, look at this thread. He has truly forsaken us. We are being left to our own devices. Let me know when to come out of my bunker, until then I'm going to be in my cuckshed until 2020.

cmon user,its a pretty nice flag
learned english with a help of video game and movies

Well, It certainly looks European, You're alright I guess. Sauce of the previous pic with the "boy".

He hasn't. The digits don't lie

yahari ore no seishun

Kek only forsakes the weak. He didn't leave us, we have lost faith because of the petty actions of Comey.

Kek demands sacrifices

KEK never forgets, Trump will win

The Chaos Lord reveals himself, even as the doubtful question his intent.


Thank you kek.