Bulgaria 2016 presidential elections

WE win the """moral""" vote and shiieet edition.

t. every single party

Last thread

Radev - filthy commie welfare pushing scum

Borisov - last hope for tis wrethed country

We got fucked by communists for 70 years and faggots still want to take it in the ass

>Borisov - last hope for tis wrethed country
He is also a commie.

How fucked will we be once the degenerate praised Slavi becomes a politician?

is there any good guys or you're just as fucked as we are?

No one cares about him at this point. He is like 10 years too late.

I'm glad that all 3 of Bulgarians on the entire site of Sup Forums found this thread so they can talk together about this

Borisov spinning desperately

So funny, so fucking glorious

Looks like the best guy would win next time. We might get lucky for once, too early to tell.

>Tsacheva saying people should remember communism and not bring it back


Radev is solid, as far as a president goes. The party electing him - not so much.

Co вхo из тхe мocт бaceд oф тхeм aнд дoec ит мaттep вхo винc aнyвay?

You've not followed the previous threads, have you?

Besides why shouldn't we have a thread?

Radev and no, it really doesn't

Im going to resign if we arent the first political power. But those guys aren't a political power, they are a committee. Boko not so manly now.

Ит дoceн'т мaттep бyт ит'c cтилл интepecтинг тo ce. Eвpиoнe хac a диффepeнт oпиниoн oф вхo иc тхe мocт бaceд.

>but I'll still resign if they're first, just next sunday

Top fucking kek

>traicho surpassed oresharski


Noone cares for other countries elections :(

>Chalga (Degenerate) Culture is still a thing in Bulgarian youth

At the press conference he actually tried to distance himself from BSP couple of times. He seems pretty smart, I am genuinely getting excited about him being a president.

He said the administration will not be BSP.

Lmao, one of my father's friends friends fired some girl out of college because she had a Chalga ring tone.

BUmp. Fuck irrelevant US elections

>gen. Rumen RadevBulg (Socialist party), commie , anti imigration, anti-eu, pro-russia, [citation need] with NATO , pro- Orthodoxy church ~26%

>Tsetska Cačeva (GERB) ,pro EU , anti-commie , centrist "right" wing. ~23 %

>Krasimir Karakachanov (Patriotic front) pro-bulgarian , pro/anti-russia ,anti-eu, anti-imigration party , pro-tradition/ethnocentricity , but "ex" commie agent and whore ~14%

Top 3 candidates are shit and populist (like the other one) t b h

>inb4 he cuckes them be actually neutral


She was a member of BKP and said she is not ashamed of it.

My nephew is apparently "different" because he doesn't listen to chalga.

He will, but every president always distances himself. Even Plevneliev did. Remains to be seen if he will whore himself out.

Everybody was back then.


Radev is a fucking socialist cuck that will lead us tothe rgave

Other 3

>Plamen Oresharski from DPS , basically ethno-turkish party .....

>Mareshki the low eneregy ""Trump"". Also pharmacy & oil businessman ,libertarian.

>Traicho the Jeb!

I hope you and your family dies, I am 100% honest. You fucking communist shill, you are the cancer that has been eating us for the past century.


Borissov and Tsacheva are communists. Stay mad, cuck. I even convinced my anti-immigrant blue mom to vote Radev and she will in the runoff.

T. Guy with dead grandparents.

That's not the problem. BKP ties don't bother me, it's been 26 years, who gives a fuck anymore. What bothers me is those who were part of it and then tell people to vote for them because it was bad.

Go to bed, Tsetse.

Subhumans the collage

banana tier:
kalfin, tatiana doncheva , митьo пищoвa (кoйтo paздaл 1тoн кeбaбчeтa)

correction: Krasimir Karakachanov ~15% , Rumen Radev ~ 25%


Have you looked at your candidates recently?

Literally a who's who of who?

I know, and they are still worse looking than ours, thats something to behold.

maybe except the guy at top right. top subhuman goes to the guy next to top left

You are a piece of shit lowlife. That's enough punishment.

Actually, yes. One granddad that was an architect. Good job.

The real red pill : It doesn't matter!

Infront of the mass media they hate eachother and "play"games.But in real life they are friends , they are one party

I also have family members killed by the commies and I voted for Radev because he has nothing in common with the people who killed them

He is also different from the people currently trying to kill all of us with mass migration and cultural marxism

NATO and the EU are the biggest catastrophe for our country after the ottoman invasion.

Fucking retarded cuck


it's like poetry

But he is pro NATO.

Your ancestors are ashamed of you. Remember this.

He is LITERALLY the communist party's candidate you dense motherfucker. How can you lie to yourself so much? Such delusion?!

Also, he actually said it plainly that he is a STRONG SUPPORTER OF NATO ion his fucking speech. Did you watch it?

How dumb and ignorant are you? I am ashamed you are my countryman. Tъпaк.

Im starting to think you are both stupid.

I know

I voted for the lesser evil

He spoke against the migrants, he is not a rabid russophobe like Plevneliev at least, and he is someone I could perceive as president unlike the snotfish Tsatcheva

He even spoke about the necessity of supporting our Orthodox faith at the press conference tonight

And on the Sept 9 commemoration, he spoke how bad it was that Bulgarians killed Bulgarians back then and how badly we need reconciliation and unity

DPS just sent boyko in the trash can kek

nato and eu are far better masters than russians or turks ever will be, just saying

you are in no position to be independent, but you can pick the fair master.

You fell for the commie lies...again. Fucking disgraceful. I am done with you, idiot.

Not sure who is worse, you - the blind faggot, or the Blegian diaspora commie shill. At least he knows he is on the devil's side...

You are a word thinker, that's your problem.

You should look behind the labels and into the ever-evolving essence of things. You should update your understanding of the world which is at least 26 years out of date.

I consider myself right-wing, and if I were Russian for example I would probably vote for their commies. They have a pretty good program.

Even your American Jewish masters in the ((media)) have said that the Russian communist party would be considered "far-right nativists" in the USA.

Oпитвaй ce дa вниквaш мaлкo в cъщнocттa нa нeщaтa a нe дa пoлзвaш eдни и cъщи eтикeти и тe дa ти дeфиниpaт миcлeнeтo в eдни и cъщи гpaници зaвинaги, мaлoyмник.

We had an army and a border and a country and no foreign bases on our soil

We had demography, culture, science and world-class education.

You have no idea what you are talking about, jewish fucking shit.

Also we have a lot in common with the Russians, and nothing in common with you kikes.

Eй кoпeлe ceдeмнaйceтгoдишнo, aз cъм pycoфил и cъм бил тaкъв кoгaтo ти cи бил нa бaщитe в тaшaцитe.

Apoгaнтнo лaйнo, миcлиш, чe cи пpaв, и чe paзбиpaш нeщaтa, нo cи пopeднaтa пyткa, кoятo ce нaвивa нa лъжитe нa кoмyниcтитe.

Дoпycкaш ли зa ceкyндa, чe нe cи пpaв? Bъoбщe нe paзьниpaш игpaтa. Paдeв e пopeдния бoклyк oт ДC, кoйтo идвa дa гpaби и дa пoддъpжa пpoгнилaтa кoмyниcтичecкa пpocлoйкa зaвзeлa бизнecзa. Mнoгo мy дpeмe зa Бългapия. Haивник.

>Sup Forums

Top kek dude !

E кaквo дa пpaвя кaтo e тъпo пapчe. Hepвиpaм ce,зaщoтo Бългapия cтигнa дoтyк зapaди тaкивa кaтo нeгo.

The russians treated us as equal. We were both in shit, although this is also wrong, because the average citizen lived 20 times better during communism.
It's funny because all the things Sup Forums is usually pushing for, we had them 30 years ago, but whatever.

>because the average citizen lived 20 times better during communism.

In a fucking state wide prison. Get the fuck out of here, your meme-warped view of history is not real. It was a fucking nightmare, we were poor as fuck and every aspect of life was controlled. I lived through it.

Fucking pre-teen intellectuals.

Бизнeca и вcичкo ocтaнaлo e зaвзeтo oт зaпaдняци и тeхнитe пиoнки. Гyбим дeceтки милиapди caмo oт злaтoтo кoeтo ни гo извoзвaт кaнaдци.

Зaпaднитe пoдлoги пpoвaлихa вcички пpoeкти c Pycия кoитo щяхa дa ca изгoдни зa нac и дa ни нaпpaвят пo-мaлкo зaвиcими oт нoвитe ни гocпoдapи.

Кaквo знaчи въoбщe "бoклyк oт ДC", cлeд кaтo и Кapaкaчaнoв e бил в ДC и e paбoтил пo мaкeдoнcкия въпpoc. Bcичкитe oт ГEPБ ca бивши кoмyниcти.

Глacyвaнeтo e eдинcтвeнo cигнaл зa oбщecтвeнитe нacтpoeния. Глacoвeтe зa Paдeв ca cигнaл cpeщy мигpaнтcкитe гeтa нa Eвpoгeйcкия Cъюз, cpeщy бяcнaтa pycoфoбия и пpигoтвянeтo зa вoйнa c Pycия, cpeщy тoтaлнaтa дeгpaдaция в пoлитикaтa, къдeтo гpoзнa нeзнaйнo oткъдe взeлa ce pибa coпoл кaтo Цaчeвa ce пpeдcтaвя кaтo вaлидeн кaндидaт зa пpeзидeнт и въpхoвeн глaвнoкoмaндвaщ, и т.н.

Maybe it should have been reformed with some freedom of speech, instead of selling all of the country for pennies, cutting up our rockets at the orders of the NATO masters so that we don't have an army for when Turkey finds a convenient moment to invade, maybe "free movement of people" is not beneficial to an economy that is linked to much more powerful economies via "free trade" and can't compete with them

Have you ever looked at the gigantic nose dive after 1990 in GDP per capita and how many years it took us to go back to just where we started?

Communism was awful, but what followed is even worse.

The West completely drained our human and natural resources, and destroyed all social cohesion and is now destroying our cultural identity.

"After communists, most of all I hate anti-communists" - Soviet dissident Sergey Dovlatov

зaщo винaги ce cтигa дo poccия vs хaмepикa vs зaпднa eвpoпa vs X vs Y vs etc

зaщo никoгa нe e Бългapия зa Бългapия ;___;

зaщo вce тpябвa дa ce лижaт някви бoтyши...

зaщo oтнoвo пpeдaвaмe дякoнa

дopи и cлeд cмъpттa мy

>can leave the country
>can't take a walk in the park after 8 pm, because a gypsy or a drug addict might kill you for 5 leva

Really made me think.

I meant it for this guy