Sexual objectification, pornography...

Sexual objectification, pornography, prostitution and other degenerate kinds of female sexual behaviour made me so depressed questioning the reasons of my existence, wanting to commit suicide because i couldn't conform to the society's expectation of what women should be. But after a while, I realized they are all inferior whores to me and my main mission from now on is to kill each one of them. I was never a religious person, but I secretly pray to Allah that Sharia law conquers your pathetic western countries just for this reason- I wanna kill whore, prostitutes, feminists and every woman that made me hate my own gender. I dc, I'd wear a niqab if i must only to see those whores burned alive.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I'd wear a niqab


you fat 40 year old queer

I doubt you are a woman, but I know exactly how you feel. Western culture is so degenerate. Women being sluts and whores is the norm. People deny all of this and insist we are still prude and traditional, and we are not. The denial and lies bother me. But you should realize that despite the lies and denial, people that think like you (and me) have no place really. Nobody really agrees with us, and the world is going in the direction it is. We all had a chance to be better, we chose evil. That is the human story.

womankind decides her personal sexual choices
not fuckup bitchshit fuckboy like you
fuming with jeaouse


just becos ur a fat whale doesnt mean u can hate on the skinny girls mmmk

How about you just kill yourself, you miserable prude.

this confirm, no dick no fun

Or you can find a redpilled man and live on a farmstead with your big beautiful white family.

the jealousy
manifesting a
perspective of hate
you get people like OP

pls don't. i need gf

i'm 20 and fit, and wtf is queer
unfortunately i am a woman, that's why it's maybe even harder for me to deal with society because it's my own gender that destroys everything. people with low iq assume i'm jealous while in reality i think and i know i'm better than them. put yourself in a position of a woman who goes against modern 'values' so you'll see what i'm saying

I felt like you once, then I started getting laid.

Hit the gym, get /fa/ if you have to, start getting regular pussy and find yourself no longer caring.

That woman in lingerie is so hot, I just want to buy a house and provide for her for the rest of my life, and help support and nourish multiple beautiful children we'd have together. Gosh, that'd be swell.

i am skinny
i found him and he's actually the only thing keeping me alive

>put yourself in a position of a woman who goes against modern 'values' so you'll see what i'm saying

I can't imagine that. It must be absolutely horrible, honestly.

i am a woman, i have a bf, i go to gym, but i still care for society, i'm just too emphatic not to care


>Sexual objectification
>aka dudes objectifying women
>aka dudes kidnapping and conning women and girls to make shit films
>aka dudes kidnapping woman and girls to give shit blowjobs

>female sexual behaviour

>can't conform to men's expectations
>so I'll kill women

You couldn't stop thinking about, by, through, and for men if your life depended on it. Literal dick for brains.

Even with a Hijab you are still a whore because that is your nature.
You are a tool for creating children, the only exception being that you get treats from men for being an adequate tool.

I also want to kill whores, prostitutes, feminists, bro. No need Allah for that. Let's do it together, it will be fun, and it will be alright in the end ;^)

>I realized they are all inferior whores
agreed with you , they want your wallet if you are rich of course

never said i blame men, i blame society. but woman are the ones that say yes to all those things, so they are more guilty so i chose to kill them

>he's actually the only thing keeping me alive
LOL I really hope this is real because I've heard this from so many girls before..
He'll leave you like the rest did and you know it
What are you compered to his options?
This is not rhetorical. Think about this.
What are you compered to his options?

recognizing the flaws and failures of modern women is good
going full /r9k/ and turning into a bitter cynic full of hate for them is not good

the real redpill about women is that they largely just follow the lead of those around them.
in 1940s germany women gladly followed nazi party ideology, strived to be good mothers and faithful wives like german society expected them to and tells them that this is good.
in islamic countries women gladly wear hijab and serve their husband like muslim society expects them to and tells them that this is good.
in a degenerate society they act like disgusting whores because the ruling ideology of leftism expects them to and tells them that this is good.

very very few women conciously make their own life decisions. most merely follow the lead of others around them and try to fulfill expectations.

>put yourself in a position of a woman who goes against modern 'values' so you'll see what i'm saying

reminder that whatever a woman do she is still living the life on easy mode and would allways get sympathy and ton of orbiters

he won't ever leave me because he hates all other girls. he can be with other women, but doesn't wan to because he loves me. in short, he's not vaginal slave. also, we both believe our first partner should be the last
i hate every woman that follows trend, good or bad. i'm glad to see woman who choses the right path because she believes it's right, not because she was told to. those are the only ones i would keep alive

Yeah, I remember saying all those things only to have a chick within my control. It's just so easy for some guys especially when you find an impressionable girl..
Have fun with your teen angst, whore. A life of pain is waiting for you only for being born a certain gender - and you deserve it.

Someone had to put these ideas into the heads of women, since all women have shit for brains.
Why not go after the people who convinced women to be like this?

but he's not a jew like you, so he doesn't need to have people in control. why do you call me a whore btw. i don't sell my body. however i sell money transfering services if you're interested, it's not in your nature to reject it.

are you a girl? and you hate women? ... wtf is that lad ,why don't you convert in a crazy feminazi?

that's what i first thought, but i'm not so powerful as an individual to go against the elite. maybe if people formed a team and do it together, i would be on the team

Yeah, real good bantz honey
Enjoy a lifetime of accelerating worthlessness

because i'm against feminism. it was that agenda that brought all these sexual degeneracies in women's lives. i'm not the one who follows, but the one who leaves the herd

Haters gonna Hate.

>i hate every woman that follows trend
how can you hate something for following its natural instincts?

>i'm glad to see woman who choses the right path because she believes it's right, not because she was told to.
the vast majority of women (and a good portion of men, too) get their ideas about what's right solely from what society tells them is right.

Jesus fucking Christ.
On the off chance you aren't roleplaying(I know you are) you are obviously more powerful than the elite, you are a citizen of the great nation of Croatia.
Get over your shitty defeatism, and if you have a problem with the state of cunthood nowadays go and form a fucking group.
The only way to fight the elites is to also resist them in everyday life and in everything you do, if only to show them that you will not give up until they fucking kill you. Should be obvious.

human nature has been manipulated. and i hate sheep

Form a team*, whatever


that's exactly what i do, not giving up.

nisam, al dobro da prepoznajes neku zenu u ovome, ima jos zena kao ja i u hrv, nice

Leave the whores alone, they are useful.


And that's why social conditioning through media, internet and public education were able to turn them into what they've become.

Who gives a fuck. One hundred thousand years ago, every man was a "rapist" by the standards of today. Every girl was fucked left, right and centre since they were God-knows-how-old. That is the natural human way.

Your prudishness is just a societal conditioning, and can be considered to be mental illness in the same vain that religion is.

She's just an instagram prostitute. Like 90% plastic bimbo basically

Yes, you fucking did. Ultra violent fantasies like OP paired with le I'm not powerful enough posts like this are the last step before becoming a de facto leftist ultra cuck, and you're a chick so your state must be even worse.
Either start killing whores, start a family or kys - self pity won't help you regardless.
Get over yourself.

I think this is the most craziest post I have read on this board in a year.

Good job really.

i can do all of three. i can't start a family in a world where all the money i deserve goes to worthless whores. capitalism creates degenerate women. that's why i do money transfers to myself, mostly from bank accounts of some stupid bimbos and i feel great. i would rob all those women and give oney to people in need including myself

Ima, ali take se najčešće ne ističu pa ih je iznimno teško uočiti. Dobar savjet da pronađeš istomišljenike su mjesta gdje se potiču tvoje zamisli. Nećeš tražiti neko žensko ili muško sa istim stavovima u klubu. Odi na sportaške događaje ( streljaštvo,olimpijsko dizanje utega,klizanje,gimnastika), debate , muzeje, kazališta, knjižnice. Nebi
vjerovati na koliko ćeš sličnih osoba naići. Sa srećom.

>depressed questioning the reasons of my existence, wanting to commit suicide

user we are shit, we should kill ourselves, your sexuality is only a symptom, your existence is the cause

plot twist: op is pic related

Nobody cares. post more ass

You don't deserve anything, you earn it. And if you feel the need to make posts like the OP and then to say that you aren't powerful to even resist the people who did this to your gender, dare I say you are even less than a women. You are a thief and nothing else. Coward

What is this? A fap-pic for ants?

You had the right idea the first time
Kill yourself

i might be powerful if i train long enough to become assassin maybe but it takes time. more people needed. we all know who real thieves are.

u are fukin mentally ill

answer to my fukin post u slag

Slušaj kurvo, prvo ćeš mi popušit kitu, a onda se poklonit Titu.

What kind of life would you like?

You seem ridicolously frustrated by the way. Don't kill whores and prostitutes, it's a waste of time, kill feminists if you have to, they are the dangerous ones.

if something harms human it's not natural. a man, and a woman ofc has to improve themselves in anyway even if it means restraining some feelings or urges. we need to progress ( but not in that stupid leftist shitty way) but as a civilization. for example, in the perfect world no man would rape, but also no woman would wear anything that would provoke a man to rape. and everyone happy, it's simple

This post is absolutely retarded.

Cute feathery owl :3

normal peaceful life without half naked women , queers or other creatures walking around me. but you see, men already hate feminists so they wont reproduce , however, whores and prostitutes still manipulate men with their bodies so they are more dangerous. all a feminist can do is talk shit, and that's where it ends.

>religion of peace

"All inferior whores to me"
"Must only see those whores burn alive"


Holee fuk she's a catfish

Stay based, glorious user

as if this is limited to women.
it's just way easier to swim with than against the stream.

as a kid/teenager I always thought religion is stupid.
the stories they tell are clearly made up and even the people who should know are not sure how to interpret certain passages, which makes them even more unbelievable.
now however I see that stupid people (or rather what you'd call sheeple) need someone to tell them what to do because making conscious decisions is hard when you work day in, day out at a monotonous job (register, assembly line, construction, ...) and you just want to go home, drink beer and watch tv when you're done.

the parents got replaced by the tv
the teacher got replaced by the tv
the priest got replaced by the tv
whatever is displayed on the tv becomes reality
whoever controls the tv becomes the master

My name is not important... What is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world and the human worms feasting on it's carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred... and I always wanted to die violently. This the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill... and it's time for me to die.

>t. OP

Hey girl, you want a partner in crime?

She is a supreme lady

stop being mad that you're an ugly kissless virgin

>provoke a man to rape

So women make men rape by choosing what they want to wear?

GG OP, it was fun while knowing you

one of the games i could relate to

Low effort troll, gtfo fag

>is a supreme lady
>she is on Sup Forums

Can't compete eh?

obviously yeah. it wasn't me creating the fucked up human nature and our 'urges' we can easily overcome, but choose not to

With the current marriage laws it's suicide for a man to marry. If the laws made sense and you were a good woman your man would have no reason to look for a whore unless you chose a massive asshole as a husband.

You should be worried about this and other laws led by feminist ideology, prostitutes will exist as long as women can obtain something from men with their bodies, you can't do much about it.


Of choosing what to wear..


>Implying dressing like a slut can have no influence on the behaviour of a man

Aye yo girl, let's follow through with those human urges to end some degenerate hoes, nam sayin?

>implying this place is not full of superb specimen of both sexes

>implying all men are animals with no morals that just want to rape

but feminist ideology created prostitutes. feminism existed since the dawn of time, but people didn't have name for that, the would just call them evil bitches probably.


I actually didn't imply that at all.

>however, whores and prostitutes still manipulate men with their bodies so they are more dangerous

they've been around since forever, and will be around forever. and never have whores and prostitutes actually had a significant negative impact on society at large. it'd be better if they weren't there, sure, but apart from spreading STDs and shit they don't do a lot of damage.

>all a feminist can do is talk shit, and that's where it ends.
no it isn't. a feminist can (and will) influence and manipulate people. this is how they increase in numbers, this is how they turn so many young and impressionable girls into degenerate whores, this is how they get politicians to do their bidding, this is how they shaped society into the abomination it is today.

Aye girl, I'm tryna holla at chu.

Why you ignorin me girl?


This post made me realize why some radfems turn to islam, and why muslim women hardly ever leave the religion. Damn.

>and why muslim women hardly ever leave the religion.

that's got more to do with how her male famiyl members will actively seek her out and kill her for apostasy

Take it easy Joao.


I just want to kill women generally. I hate them.

When I say this I'm talking about regular women choosing what they want to wear day to day and not prostitutes.. so chill would u ppl?

You do realize that "men with no morals who rape" thing is not implied at all, right?

I simply claim the way a woman dresses can have an influence on men, which is, by the way, the reason sexy lingerie exists and doesn't imply that all men are moraless people who rape.

R u gay then?


I thought you were referring to tank tops and shorts.. sorry :/

>random thread about whores
>that one ultra hateful russian mgtow shows up

you're really dedicated to this shit huh