Whats our backup plan if Trump loses?
Whats our backup plan if Trump loses?
Mass suicide
Weapon and ammo stockpiles and lots of iodine salt. Because we all know if he doesnt we get nuked and invaded by russia
Start learning Russian.
Keep doing whatever you're doing right now.
It'll be interesting though, as the Republicans will never be able to win again, and so the peaceful route to turning the US around (if it can be turned around at all) will likely be gone.
When you are drafted for WW3 and your transgender comrades run at the sight of a battalion of T-72's on the Polish plains, remember these words:
ya podchinyayus'
я пoдчиняюcь
>I surrender
The real investigations are still ongoing.I just want her to face the music.If it has to happen in the even she wins this election, sure it wont be as sweet but.....
>impeach hilldog immediately
>easiest impeachment ever
>dems trolled for 2 years
>alt-right wins the house in 2018
>lgbtexit happens milo elected governor of lgbtexas
>s.e cupp/kayleigh mcenany 2020
>Mass Genocide
you know what to do
pick your targets and follow through.
BLACKED marathon
what's the point in fighting any longer
I'm already prepared but I'll buy another rifle and wait for shit to kick off.
>implying it isn't our destiny to meme Trump into office
see you on the other side, boys
Building a bunker and watching shit unfold in Syria.
Never vote again.
eat superior mexican food available in every corner
sage hide report
fu you and your demoralisation tactics. pathetic bugchaser
stockpile food, water, medicine, white women, and amo/guns. move away from niggers i.e. cities. get right with your god weather he's a jew or a frog. shoot down all drones.
Uprising with full violence
>sees flag
Of course texas wants this
I ship out for basic training in Texas on the 15nth regardless of who wins
Im gonna buy some bricks, And wall off my province.
It is the best that we can do in that scenario brother.
complain about it on the internet and assure yourself that other countries are even more cucked
I like this one the best.
Even if he loses.... this is just the beginning. Didn't he want to start a media outlet should he lose?
Still, Weimar Republic Germany was way worse compared to the current situation and they turned that around in 1-2 years. I guess people hardened the fuck up back then because losing the biggest war in History just 10 years prior is several scales worse than just losing an election.
>Whats our backup plan if Trump loses?
I don't need one because he's not going to lose. You think a winner like Trump would lose to a woman who is being investigated by the FBI?
Tim Kaine said it: kill white people for good, mass immigration, spics&muslims take over. The end of white people = democrats eternal rule over the US.
did you just wake up? it's over for trump
Not "я пoдчиняюcь", but "я cдaюcь". Otherwise, you are going to be raped right away.
It's simple. We go full nigger. Fake a disability, refuse to work, go on welfare.
there is none, lad. Although, in your case, you'd better start learning Spanish beause that cunt will enrich the shit out of you (oh, and brace yourself because ahmed and muhammed will be delighted to meet you).
This is a CTR tactic to set up Sup Forums as a violent revolutionary right wing extremist board used to organize a war in the US with the help of "evil Russia" do not let this spread
Mandatory castration for all white males
>deserved if trump loses
>Sup Forums
Honestly, that's my plan. Fuck this country if she gets in - I'll contribute to burning it to the fucking ground.
Use meme magic to indoctrinate Hillary herself. It will take all the power Kek has to bestow, however.
I expect most of you will crawl back under your rocks in the trailer park for a couple years until it's time to throw another election to the democrats.
Whatever we build will be stolen & given to (((their))) tribe. Everything we do will be destroyed. There's no future. Only chaos.
I don't get it
She can't be impeached on crimes committed prior to her assumption of office. Also an impeachment is not a criminal trial and Kaine will pardon in the event of one after any potential impeachment.
Fingers crossed for Trump but think of it this way; yeah it would totally suck if Trump loses, but say three, four, five years down the road you decide to embrace the miracle of life and bring a baby into the world. We all know Hillary Clinton prides herself as the champion of children everywhere. Maybe Hillary will get bipartisan agreement in the gridlocked house for comprehensive Child-first initiatives that she has outlined on her website. It will be a easier on young families' pocketbooks with pre-k education. Long overdue. If nothing else America will be better for children, and thus brighten the light for our country's future. We'll all be down in the dumps but after venting online for a day or two we'll realize there will be bright spots in a Clinton presidency.
Learn to code and thrive in the improving economy.
I'm settling down and marrying a nice Hispanic woman.
>there will be bright spots in a Clinton presidency
lmao nah, the end of white people = the end of the human race. Do you really think the backbone of society could be safely removed?
The only bright spot is that she will kill even more arabs & bring down the USA, letting China take over.
behbe doesnt get what he wants so throws a tantrum instead of being an example to lazy niggers
truly a real american
Everyone continues to stay cucked and will never rise against the corruption.
The power of my Rinnegan...
The fact you havent figured out what you should've done already, is not something that gives me hope.
When she wins (not if, its rigged, it always was) you do what you should've done some time ago; you kill her, start a new election and move forward.
>Be burger.
>Prolly have gun.
>Dont use gun.
This is why we can't have nice things.
>born white
>brown eyes
Good fucking luck checking out and getting NEETbux if you are a white male.
Have you ever been to a welfare office? I have, 75% fat black women who immediately give you the look, like, "OOOOOO, LOOKIE THIS HERE MASSA, hey chantrel! this white boy wants welfare, whatcha u tink bout dat? OOOO LORDY."
So if you are a white male, you either need to start smoking cock or marry a minority and make sure you let them know you are married to a minority to get any kind of government assistance.
I'm pretty sure the rest of the world has their shit in order.
Africa is going to implode and India will starve but overall humanity will go on. Besides Hillary =/= the end of the European races.
>there will be bright spots in a Clinton presidency
yeah, over our major cities and missile silos. Don't look directly at the flash.
Is it true that conservatives have never worked for anything in their lives? That when you get down to it they are just a product of liberal social welfare that has been setup by FDR and LBJ?
What else OP?
Who else is looking forward to Hillary winning so we can have a Sup Forums meet up irl boots on ground in Syria?
Syria? don't you mean D.C. ?
map out an invasion plan of the US west coast for russians
>backup plan
Wait, Trump was a plan?
seems to backup my point here.
maybe you guys are the niggers now
I wanna go take pictures with you guys in St Petersburg, stopping in a cafe and eating good Russian cuisine off duty, Y'know?
I'm just waiting to see if someone is going to start an armed resistance or not.
Trump has 200 Generals, and more than half the military's support, plus all the gun toting right wingers.
We become the nigger and welfare dry. Watch the country go bankrupt and make our own country.
Alt-right underground resistance.
These elections drew a massive amount of new people (me included) to alt-right and to places like Sup Forums. This shouldn't go to waste. We must organize and keep our activity. I really enjoyed these elections on Sup Forums. I think we are capable of great things. Deplorables forever.
But He will win.
Never give up.
Never surrender.
No, this is what someone (anyone) should've done some time ago.
wait. so. we pull a reverse niggerism? and jew the jew????
I dont know man it's fucking rigged. it would take a literal miracle
Exactly. Fight fire with fire until the whole thing burns to the ground. Take over the Midwest (red state area) and Alaska, and start an Aryan state.
demoralisation thread ignore and sage
That's shitpost levels of retarded
Prepare for WW3.
Posts like this make me wonder why Trump is trying to discourage his voters by telling them that he's going to lose anyway and there's nothing they can do to stop it.
This. Perhaps the best way for us to meet up is in preparation as a organized militia in defense of our nation.
Of course low key being anti globalist resistance.
Whine about it on Sup Forums for a couple of days.
they won't because all trump voters are confined to their Rascal mobility scooters, like in this picture
He tells them to get out and vote but he tells them the truth and that will incite them too revolt if the forces of good should fail and the American people will have to go full "for the republic'
You're australian, you're mobility is limited to your ground harness.
Miracles do happen, don't lose your hope.
the only reason trum appeales to anyone is because they have nothing going on in their lives. he gives them purpose, because they can't seem to give themselves purpose. hillary wants to just keep letting regular people be regular people, while trump wants to make the losers, people he HIMSELF would lable a loser, feel like they can be winners by just believing in him.
Join the Alt Right, and do what the far left did to 1950s America and the entire western world. And I'm not talking about the pussy Alt Right. I am talking about the one that recognizes that there are genetic differences among races,racial differences in intelligence, support for behavioral genetics, support for ethnonationalism, and help spread awareness of these ideas.
Or you could be a pussy and kill yourself
confirmed for talking to a shitter in a mobility scooter
i'm american and i'll be back tonight, dickwit
Shill detected
Agreed, all in favor?
nah, i just travel around the world and see stuff with my own eyes instead of relying on the media. the "liberal" media is more accurate than the conservative. just sayin
President Putin
The Great Meme War will enter it's second phase.
We'll push for Texit.
How much are they paying Ausfags to shitpost on Sup Forums?
confirmed scooter loser
wont happen