A war with Russia is inevitable isn't it

A war with Russia is inevitable isn't it

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Americans must conspire against killary on our own land /k/omrade

America would be dead to me if that happened

If she wins then yes

Thank God. Hurry up.


Cold War 2.0, more likely.

If she wins she's going to preemptively attack Russia and quickly. They are already testing taking out the electric grid etc. She wants to bomb Russia to get them out of the way to go after Iran. It won't work and then you'll be fighting on several fronts at once: Iraq, Syria, Iran and Russia, oh and helping Saudis with Yemen, just quietly.

It's going to go bad fast.

Someone, please, post that 'gondor sends help' gif.

>Civil unrest follows
>hillary is executed and hung mussolini style

>tfw commiefornian
>tfw would be among the first to get vaporized

Russia is the ultimate paper tiger... or paper bear, I guess. Today they are propped up by Chinese money to make trouble for 'murica with limited interventions in their rapidly declining sphere of influence, while the chinks are free to strong-arm all their neighbors in territorial disputes.

Even in Soviet times the threat was way-way-way hyped up by the anti-communists in America. Their capability to actually prop up any of their allies was extremely limited by a shitty navy. Basically all the Soviets had a killer land army for invasion of Europe... except that the opened Kremlin archives prove they were never even planning to actually do that. They feared NATO would crush them in any prolonged war, or at the very least the US would snuff them out of everywhere else around the world and thus lead to their weakened position in the world in any case.

So yeah, stop listening to Putin like he's some strategic genius. Yes war with Russia is inevitable, however it will never be a nuclear one. Instead it's going to be what it has been so far; an increasing amount of small scale conflicts with lots of local players pursuing their own agendas on the ground in various countries regardless of the international backers.


Who is that?

sauce on semen demon, plz

a war with Russia is impossible because the population would not support it

>what are nukes?

How else would Hillary enforce a no-fly zone over Syria without the threat of war to back it up? How likely is Putin to just accept a no-fly zone?


Can't wait

Nice proxy.asshole

Lel, as if the population supported Vietnam, Iraq or Libya.

The population is prescribed a healthy amount of propaganda to get the wars they want to get going, going. Hell, even back in the 50's the Korean war never had public support - even though the anticommies had come up with the crazed propaganda about "a domino effect" overtaking the region well in advance.

>The population is prescribed a healthy amount of propaganda
which is not working anymore. that's the whole fucking reason why the establishment is starting to lose massive amounts of voters to outsiders

kek willens

and trap detected

Only reason I'd be happy that hill wins

Right. Russian nukes + Putin is, in fact, stupid/stubborn enough to use them = We're gonna see WWIII before 2018, or at least a limited NATO-Russia engagement with tactical nuclear detonations in Eastern Europe.


Why the fuck are we going to war with Russia? Russia is cool as shit, produce a ton of lulz, badass looking military equipment, and despite the steryotype, russians are pretty polite and nice to work with. I have met a TON of them here in the US, and I have no problem with them.

I don't wanna fight Russia, why are we picking a huge fight where noone wins everyone loses against them? Shit we should be bombing the fuck out of ISIS right beside them laughing our asses off.

Sure, after a period of careful demonization of Russia in mainstream media and in (((movies))).

> Why the fuck are we going to war with Russia?
Look it up in the next (((news))).

A WW3 (white war 3)
will be greatly beneficial to (((them)))

Isnt she an sjw lesbian degenerate?

Because Hillary is an insane arrogant egomaniac that has been lying for so long she lost touch with reality

Russia is gearing up for an actual war. With their new "Satan 2" missile, their promise to have a swarm of new subs completed by the end of November, and their population initiative, they are attempting to create deterrents but seriously fear an attack. The real question would be, what would be gained by a war with Russia?

War with China is also a possibility, although China positively does not want this. War with China would come about, most likely, from an attack on the DPRK (North Korea) - which is highly likely, because their economy cannot be impacted by global market manipulation of their currency in order to bring them to heel.

Instating a no-fly zone in Syria would involve war with Iran. Although the Iranians do not have a vast fleet of airplanes, what they do possess is extremely advanced ballistics technology. Home-grown Iranian nuclear warheads are a very low chance of being used as a payload on these missiles. But, an invasion of Iran will produce massive losses due to very high morale and indoctrination.

The real question is, why these wars? What would be the end-goal? What is desired? If you go back to Sumer and the bombing of Mohenjo Daro (Gomorrah) during the Aryan/Dravidian wars, and the assistance to Joshua during the post-exodus Hebrew empire, it's all about getting the natural resources out of the mid-east in the hands of extraterrestrials while toying with our civilization.

For an extraterrestrial society capable of galactic wandering, every resource you'd want for your technology is out there save one: petrochemicals. To get petrochemicals in large quantities, you need extremophilic bacterium in good supply. It's the only resource on this planet you can't find somewhere else nearby in the local galactic neighborhood.

Will we go to war with Russia? It depends on whether or not Russia is an impedance to the overall global strategy. But if we do go to war with Russia, rest assured that it will take extraterrestrials to stop their Satan-2's.

For anglos actually. Kikes are only servants to the Anglo. Durnovo note describes the situation of ww1 clearly, it was replicated in ww2 and would be replicated in ww3.

This is why Germany is choking it`s military. They do not want to partake the third time.


I hope not. We could beat them...but it would be ruinously expensive, in money and lives. We lost about 5,000 in Iraq over 15 years. In a war with Russia, we could probably count on that many every week. It is very hard to supply military forces thousands of miles away, across oceans. Russia would be very capable of attacking our supply lines. The US would probably need to institute a draft, and raise taxes through the roof. There will be TONS of unrest in the US, the benefits to be derived from a war with Russia would by no means be worth the cost. It could very well spark a civil war in the US as well.

> pop debt bubble > inflate usd and destroy world economy
> nuke usa and russia
> declare NWO > so this horrors wont happen ever again > muh never forget

That`s the profits the Anglo wants.

They even prepared to leave EU, in case EU would have be pushed in war, just so they they can act as non-threat dindus.

No. Kowtowing before Putin and letting him cuck us with Trump as our leader isn't the only way to avoid war. We just need whoever is leader to not directly engage them. You can still negotiate with Russia from a position of strength and keep our alliances intact

Hillary MIGHT not directly engage Russia if she listens to her military advisors that tell her that a no fly zone over syria is asking for trouble.

Man, I hope we don't go to war with Russia. I've studied abroad there and it was fucking awesome. Russians are good people.

Because Putin wants Russia to be the most influential country in the world. To do that, he has to displace us. Preferrably by getting Trump in office and Trump kowtows to Putin and backs off from the rest of the world letting Russia take our place as the world Superpower, barring that he just wants to discredit the US and NATO everywhere he can to make himself look stronger.

Basically we have 2 big egos competing over influence in the world, the US and Russia, we can't BOTH be #1.

So we're always going to be in confrontation with each other, until 1 country decides to fade into irrelevancy.

Have fun getting slaughtered in the snow when you get drafted, liberals. I'll be sitting in my house watching the highlight reel of SJW cunts getting killed in droves.

Clinton funds ISIS so no

Your military are already near out forces. And your military is retarded enough (or just full of CIA spies) to attack Kursk during military exercises. The ww3 almost started back then due to these retards and Putin prevented it by betraying people on board to save your shit-striken wallmart ass.

Back then we had similar sanctions on us, like we have today due to "muh innocent chechens". All sanctions where lifted and all USSR debts (collected by minorities, but payed solely by Russians "somewhy") where forgotten in a month, because your military command got involved and the question begin to be internally political.

Jesus Christ, I will do anything to oppose a war with Russia. What the hell do I have against Russians?! Our WW2 allies. If this happens watch for 70% of the fighting age population disappearing overnight to Canada & Mexico and I'll fucking help them. It will be like a teen boy draft dodger underground rail road up in this shit.

Don't worry. The aryan NEETs will defect to Russia.

I'm going to start learning how to read Cyrlilic .
Gonna get myself a nice Slavic QT waifu.

A war with the establishment is much more desirable. Although both will lead to the lower and middle class suffering. At least the 1% will bleed.

dude we've been military posturing against each other for 70 years. Yeah it was nice to have a decade or so long break but ever since Putin took power we've been headed for an inevitable second cold war.

That's just the way things are going to be between us. Putin desires power and influence and wants Russia to be #1. We also want to be #1. So we'll always be at odds.

you have to be 18 to post here

Yes, and I won't be fighting in it. I will shelter Russian soldiers if need be, but I won't fight for this shitty country.

Look at what Russia's doing in Europe faggots. They can try it in the USA.


This election has shown that our "country" isn't worth saving.

I'm double that. I remember the cold war. Do you?

Putin's a prodigy of Andropov. He's a Soviet. No Russia's not some innocent victim.

Fucking pinko millenials.

Russia strong!

> dude we've been military posturing against each other for 70 years
Except there is difference between:
- "guarding posts" with small personal casualties among privates and spies
- armed military machines, that can and will fuck up thousands of people per hour

One NATO bomb to the wrong target causes AA-missles to down it, causes legal obligation for both sides to start the war. And then - no more walmart for you.

The option is: wait till (((media))) demonizes Russia enough for you to be assmad about us at the first sight.

Fuck off and die Ukrainian thin skinned troglodyte

I hope so. I want to die in a pointless war.

Yes, and let's hope to fuck Russia wins. America needs to be burnt to the ground and all Americans killed. Fuck this country.

looks like it

If so I'll refuse to fight.

> I remember the cold war. Do you?
Ok, this is just some larping leftist faggot after watching "legends of tomorrow".

>tfw you will finally be able to experience the catharsis through absolute pain and misery that soldiers during both World Wars went through
We've been told all our lives that it was horrible, but why do we long for it so much?


This wouldn't be a war between Americans and Russians, it will be a war fought by Americans for jews against Russians.

You fought on the wrong side burger bros.

> causes legal obligation for both sides to start the war
Putin doesn't want to lose his money, vodka nigger.
He's brainwashing Russians like Kim Jong Un to have an external enemy to blame for every problem but he will never cross the line.

>Bulgarian being little brown slave of Ruskies

What a suprise.

So you are ok with anglos starting ww3, because >muh socialist regime in korea and >muh brainwashing?

t. little brown slave of eu


>implying I don't hate Russia with all my guts
>implying you aren't a slave of the EU

edgy as f yo

Only if you burgerlanders all prove to be chucklefucks not worth to be living and in your passivity and fear you'll let politicians cause shit with Russia instead of preventing/stopping it through organized, country-wide effort.

put more effort in your posts idiot

>tfw Russians will go on a mad raping spree and all the SJW's will have Russian rapebabies.

I'll join you if I'm not already dead Rusbros. Please kill all the niggers and hang Hillary on the the monument.

> soviet noviop minority with median income of 17 usd/month and with no wealth wants to kill Russians, because Russians on the referendum voted not to stay with this violent retard in one country

What a suprise.

You've spent over a trillion dollars on new planes and boats. How else will the military justify upgrades?

>wanted free health care.
>gets a draft card.

RARE flag and GREAT taste in futa artists

There will be no war because your country is a weak shithole that can't even handle the current weak sanctions.
USA can literally rape you in your little pale ass and Putin will sit quietly because all his friends and him have offshore bank accounts.

Lol Russians arent Mudshits user

That means end of nu-males.

Why would any American want to fight, especially after this election?

>They are already testing taking out the electric grid etc.

Internet sites were out in the East for a few hours two weeks ago. That wasn't even Russia.

They left EU but they are still in NATO you idiot. Take your fantasy scenarios to your japanese animes.

Contain you assmadness, cuck.
I wont argue with your childish emotions.

I refuse to go to war with any ruskies. Fuck that old bitch clinton.

>mfw living far away from any strategically relevant objective worth bombing
>mfw light disability that prevents me from ever being drafted

Trump would cause a war with Russia, or at least increase the risk dramatically.

He's willing to bend over and let Putin go to town on his ass. You all know that Trump decided that Crimea was no problem at all; just let Putin take what he wants. Putin isn't going to let that chance go to waste, because he actually knows how to play international politics.

So Russia starts expanding more aggressively through their foreign policy, ultimately forcing a confrontation of sorts.

"Good relationship with russia" my ass, any cockgobbler could suck up to Putin and claim that all is well.

hopefully not, we've lost too much clay already ;_;

Where the fuck did China disappear to? Are you sure they're not fighting for the number 2 spot behind China?

They did not left EU, imbecile.

> they are still in NATO
Sure, they need levers to push countries to attack each other, or there will be no ww3.

They also had nato-tier pact with poland and france before ww2.
Pre-ww1 with belgium.

Defense unions with UK means nothing, proven by history.

>tactical nuclear detonations

GODDAMMIT FUCK THAT PANSY-ASS SHIT. I want the REAL FUCKING THING. War is the world’s only hygiene! Why do you think the world today is overrun with shitskins, 'tards, faggots, nogs, /r9k/ MRA types and other assorted losers? IT'S BECAUSE THERE HASN'T BEEN A FULL ON BALLS-TO-THE-WALL METAL AS FUCK GREAT-POWER WAR SINCE 1945 THAT'S FUCKING WHY! I'm tired of this brushfire bullshit mucking around in turd world shitholes, LET'S GET IT ON GODDAMMIT.


China and Russia are allies but the US and China are better business partners

Shut the fuck up you shitty banderista neonazi...you sold your country for a couple of cookies to Victoria Newland and her us neocons....really...just shut the fuck up...!!!


Do you understand that a war with Russia isn't going to be a conventional war, but instant nuclear apocalypse for everybody involved?

Yeah, you have hard situation with anglo hands so deep up their europuppets asses.

You should consider the option to lose Bayern and Schwabland tho. To turn back to be Prussians, untying yourself from anglos and cutting losses.

We can have union then and special economic zone für Prussians entlang the Wolga Riever. There where traditional place for Prussian communities... it was good times.

>Americans think they can win a war against Russia

For whom? Future Russians?

Definitely if Hillary wins. I imagine its going to start in 2017

I've moved past begging, I'm fucking angry with some of you. If you aren't doing everything in your power, at least doing something, anything, to red-pill people on Clinton, you're literally failing your country. Do you all understand how serious this shit is? Why else do you think we have so many insiders, generals, organizations, and so on trying to get you to understand how important it is to not elect Her? We're in serious fucking trouble if She wins. I swear to fucking Christ, if she wins, It's over, this country is finished. That's how serious this is.

I'm ready to fucking leave, that's how much I believe it, or at least go to Alaska. Y'all have no one to blame for the misfortune but yourselves if you allow her to win.

ready to go to my cabin up in the mountains and wait out the apocalypse tbqh