Even if we couldn't nail her with treason, we can still indict her under the RICO Act regarding Pay to play and The Clinton Foundation. We haven't lost yet guys! Spread the full details of the RICO Act around!!
There IS Another Chance
RICO is short for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization. It was drafted in order to prosecute the Mafia in the 70's and 80's. This act can bring down Hillary AND the corrupt government
Rudy Giuliani used it himself to prosecute John Gotti of the Gambino family. This is what CTR and Hillbots are afraid of hearing!
The corruption and racketeering evidence against Hillary is irrefutable. We need to indict her under the RICO Act and finally bring her and this whole government down!
Do NOT let CTR bring this thread down!!! This is the only other way we can put Hillary behind bars!
All /tg/ get in here! There is hope for #Hillary4Prison!!!
Oh no! Hillary raised too much money for charity! lock her up!
Its more complicated than that CTR. It's what happened AFTER that money was taken
It will put your pathetic ass in prison as criminal organization
CTR can be prosecuted as an illegal slush fund
oh no! none of it went to Haiti! oh no!
thank you for correcting the record. .06 shekels has been credited to your account. to check your balance please visit imwithher.orgy
And Pedo Comey will ignore all that too. Christ you people are stupid. Dump the pics!
It'll never work.
The DOJ is with Her.
THis goes beyond John "if there's no grass, I'm hittin that ass" Podesta
Not if we win Tuesday she won't
Yeah charity! Thats right charity like her daughters wedding and paying for her ugly ass living for a decade.
Fuck filthy shill